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10 Best Ad Copy Generators to Boost Your Marketing Campaigns

Catchy, compelling ad copy is crucial for running successful online advertising campaigns. However, coming up with creative headlines and descriptions that capture attention and drive clicks can be challenging and time-consuming. This is where ad copy generators come in handy.

Powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing, these tools can automatically generate optimized ad copy for platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and more in just minutes.

In this comprehensive 4100+ word guide, we’ll compare the top 10 ad copy generators on the market and provide tips for using them effectively to boost your PPC and social campaigns.

What is Ad Copy and Why Does it Matter?

Ad copy refers to the textual content in a paid ad, consisting primarily of the headline and description. This copy plays a pivotal role in determining the ad‘s clickthrough and conversion rates.

The headline hooks readers, while the description convinces them to click by highlighting the offer‘s key benefits and value proposition. Compelling ad copy essentially “sells” to the target audience why they should care.

With platforms like Google Ads and Facebook limiting texts to just 25-30 words on average per ad, every single word counts in making an impact.

Well-optimized ad copy results in more qualified traffic, lower cost-per-click, and higher ROI from advertising spend.

Ad Copy Performance Benchmarks

According to Wordstream research, top-performing Google Ads across industries tend to achieve:

  • Headline CTR of 5-15% (Advertising industry is highest at 11-15%)
  • Description CTR of 2-4% (B2C services industry is highest at 3-5%)
  • Landing page conversion rates of 2-12%, depending greatly on offer, niche etc.

Meanwhile, top-performing Facebook ad CTR averages 0.9-2%, significantly lower than search ads due to the more interruptive nature.

Benefits of Using Ad Copy Generators

While human copywriters create high-performing ads, ad copy generators offer the following advantages:

1. Faster ideation – Most tools can churn out tons of catchy headlines and description options in just seconds. This allows testing dozens of different copy variations.

2. Leverages AI writing – The algorithms study millions of high-performing ads to identify patterns in effective copy. Some also utilize natural language processing to generate new text matching your inputs and tone parameters.

3. Saves time – You skip the effort of drafting new copy ideas from scratch every time. Relying fully on tools, advertisers have been able to scale running 1000s of ad variations.

4. Provides templates – Many tools feature preset templates for different campaign goals, products, and industries to accelerate copy fitting the scenario. Pre-defined frames make it easy for anyone to produce decent titles and descriptions.

5. Easy split testing – Testing different auto-generated copies is simpler than continually asking a copywriter for new options. The top tools integrate directly with platforms like Google Ads and Meta Ads Manager to quickly run A/B experiments.

6. Scalable – You aren‘t limited by the bandwidth of an in-house copywriter, especially for large accounts with hundreds of ads. High performing brands have leveraged copy generators to run upwards of 20,000+ active ad variations.

Next, let‘s compare the top ad copy generators…

Evaluating Ad Copy Generators

Not All Tools Are Created Equal

When it comes to automatically generating advertising copy, companies utilize very different underlying technologies ranging from basic templating all the way to advanced generative AI.

Before diving into the top tools, it helps to level-set on a few key machine learning concepts powering modern solutions:

The most basic copy generators rely on pre-defined Mad Libs-style templates and formulas with blanks to fill in. For example:

"{Your product} eliminates {customer problem} unlike any other solution. Learn how it drives {main benefit}."

While fast, this approach lacks originality.

Pre-Trained Models
More advanced tools rely on machine learning models trained on hundreds of existing high-performing ad copies. These models identify patterns in effective copy and attempt to recreate new samples following proven templates and wording formulas.

Generative AI
The cutting-edge relies on large language models like GPT-3 which can generate completely new long form content as if written by a human, while aligning to parameters like your product specs, tone guidelines etc. This delivers great flexibility and variability.

Now let‘s see how the top players compare based on the algorithms fueling them…

1. is considered an all-in-one AI assistant for writing high-converting ad copy quickly. ad copy generator example

Key Features

  • Google Ads copy – Headline and description generator for search and display network ads
  • Facebook copy – Creates effective Facebook/Instagram headlines and ad text
  • Copy tuning – Refines and improves any existing ad copy
  • Graphic copy – Generates captions and alt text for images/videos
  • Tone adjustment – Tailor copy tone as strict, friendly, formal, casual, etc.
  • 25+ languages – Supports global languages like Spanish, French, German, etc.

Underlying Technology: relies on GPT-3 API to power it‘s generative copywriting capability. This allows creating unique, relevant ad copy customized to the product and audience provided. is free up to 2000 words per month. Paid plans unlock more features and higher word count.

Overall, makes crafting high-quality ad copies in multiple languages easy through its AI assistant.

2. Writesonic

Writesonic leverages advanced AI to produce well-written marketing copy tailored to your offering, industry, and target customers.

Writesonic ad generator screenshot

Key Features

  • Google/Bing ads – Catchy and descriptive ads for search platform
  • Facebook/Instagram – Creates scroll-stopping social media promotions
  • Landing pages – Generates optimized page content to convert visitors
  • Tone adjustment – Tweak tone as urgent, friendly, formal, or casual
  • 25+ languages – Supports global languages like Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, etc.
  • Unlimited words – No capped word limits, unlike other tools

Underlying Technology: Writesonic relies on a proprietary deep learning model trained on 10+ years of high-performing marketing and ad content. This expertise translates into creating extremely relevant ad copy.

Writesonic starts at $15 per month. They also offer custom plans for agencies and enterprise teams.

Overall, Writesonic stands out for its unlimited copy generation and support for ads across major search/social platforms.

3. Rytr

Trusted by over 450,000 businesses, Rytr leverages AI to craft persuasive ad copy tailored to your offering.

Rytr ad generator screenshot

Key Features

  • Google/Bing/Facebook – Headlines and description generator
  • Landing pages – Optimized copy for lead gen pages
  • 20+ tones – Unique tones like funny, urgent, or passive
  • 35+ languages – Broad language support including Hindi, Korean
  • 5,000 chars free – Generous free tier available

Underlying Technology: Rytr taps into the power of GPT-3 to deliver flexible generative copywriting based on the parameters provided. You can specify guideposts like target demographic, product benefits, ideal tone etc. and Rytr handles the rest.

Rytr starts at $15 per month for 25,000 characters. Custom plans are available for agencies and enterprise teams.

Rytr makes it effortless to create relevant, engaging ads across top media channels.

4. Copymatic

Designed specifically for writing high-converting Google/Bing ads, Copymatic leverages AI to generate relevant headlines and descriptions at scale.

Copymatic Google Ads generator screenshot

Key Features

  • Google/Bing PPC ads – Targeted copy for search network
  • Headline analyzer – Predicts headline performance
  • Copy improver – Refines existing headlines/descriptions
  • Campaign manager – Enables scaling ads across accounts
  • Ad previews – Previews ads on mock SERP before publishing
  • Unlimited words – No capped monthly word limits

Underlying Technology: Copymatic relies on an expert-system AI integrating learnings from over 10+ years of producing high-quality search ads. This results in copy targeted and compliant with platforms like Google.

Copymatic starts at $15 per month. Custom plans available for agencies and enterprise.

If you‘re focused solely on search ads, Copymatic delivers with AI-powered copy targeted specifically for platforms like Google Ads.

5. Jasper

Trusted by 50,000+ marketers globally, Jasper leverages proven copywriting frameworks to deliver high-performing headlines and ad descriptions.

Jasper AI copywriting software screenshot

Key Features

  • Google/Facebook ads – Tailored copy for top channels
  • Landing pages – Optimized page copy to capture leads
  • 80+ content types – Cover letters, emails, social posts, etc.
  • 25+ languages – Broad language support
  • Team access – Collaborate with other marketing team members
  • Campaign analytics – Track ad copy performance

Underlying Technology: Jasper tap into GPT-3 API for generation human-quality text, while combining templates and frameworks that have demonstrated commercial success. This hybrid approach focuses the loose AI creativity.

Jasper offers a forever free plan. Paid packages start at $36 per month. Custom plans available.

For versatile business copy needs beyond just ads, Jasper delivers AI-fueled copywriting enhanced by proven templates.

Key Tips for Using Ad Copy Generators

Follow these tips and best practices to maximize the performance of auto-generated ad copies:

Provide Very Detailed Prompts

The quality of output depends heavily on providing clear instructions to the AI assistant on critical elements like:

  • Key customer problem/pain points
  • Product name and key unique benefits
  • Target audience specs like age, gender, location etc
  • Ideal tone parameters like friendly, urgent, casual
  • Must-have power words or phrases

Generate At Least 7-10 Variations

Don‘t just take the very first headline and description output. Ask for a handful of options upfront to compare.

Programmatically it‘s cheap to spin out additional variations, allowing you to only pick the very best performer instead of getting stuck having to make mediocre copy work.

Specify Different Tones

Most tools allow tailoring output tone on parameters like:

  • Urgent
  • Friendly
  • Formal
  • Witty
  • Direct
  • Question-Based

For example, running the same offer specs through the generator but toggling between an urgent tone vs. friendly tone can yield very different prescribing results.

Examine all the options to identify what best resonates with your audience.

Review Platform Guidelines

Double check any auto-generated copy against the latest platform guidelines before publishing ads. Especially take note of character limits which tools can sometimes exceed unless size parameters are set properly.

Additionally, occasionally tools can recommend headings or words no longer allowed by platforms. Verify policy compliance before hitting publish.

Set Up A/B Testing

Rather than guess which option might perform best, set up live ad experiments across at least a few of the high-potential variants.

Monitor their performance for 2-3 weeks minimum before declaring winners that will move into active rotation. The small upfront time investment pays back exponentially.

Perfect Lines With Human Polishing

Even AI-generated copy isn‘t perfect. While tools handle the heavy lifting around ideation and initial drafting, still expect to spend a few minutes reviewing computer outputs.

Look for minor rough patches that need polish to have the finals ads shine. Whether slightly awkward phrases, redundant words, or boring superlatives, clean up the machine‘s rougher edges.

Then you capitalize on technology scale meets the subjective human touch required for the highest conversions.

Limitations to Understand

While ad copy generators showcase impressive AI advancements, some key creative limitations still separate the very best human copywriting vs. solely relying on tools:

Lacks Complex Emotional Appeal

today‘s algorithms struggle infusing deeper emotions like nostalgia, humor, FOMO etc. that connect on a more intrinsic human level. The technology predominantly takes a logical features/benefits-focused approach.

Thus human-written copies better tap into psychological drivers behind decision making. But this gap is actively being worked on through emotional intelligence research.

Sometimes Makes Logical Leaps or Unclear Transitions

Without full contextual understanding of products, tool outputs can have disjointed flow. For example transitions between sentences may lack bridges tying points together.

Humans maintain full conceptual understanding to smoothly guide readers from start to finish.

Misses Bigger Picture Optimization

Tools focus on executional copy quality. But higher level strategy like identifying the right target segment, offer crafting, campaign objectives etc. still necessitate human oversight.

Algorithms can‘t holistically recommend optimizations for the full business or campaign results. Human intuition picks up on key trends and insights to evolve entire strategies.

Platform Guidelines Rapidly Change

New policies might imposed by channels like Google that require ads to adapt accordingly. Continual monitoring and evolution is needed.

Thus savvy marketers will use ad generators as AI assistants rather than complete replacements for thoughtful human copy oversight and strategy.

The future blend likely involves marketers providing the high-level creative direction and optimization while tools generate the raw drafts fitting those ever-evolving strategies.

Level Up Your Advertising Today

Cutting-edge ad copy generators leverage the exponential power of artificial intelligence to deliver strong performing headlines and descriptions with minimal effort.

Yet human creativity, emotions, strategy and oversight still play a pivotal role in excelling across channels like Google Ads, Facebook and more.

The Proof Is In the Results

Hundreds of brands have validated the performance lift achieved by ad copy generators:

  • Online retailer Gearbunch increased Google Ads CTR by 12% leveraging
  • SaaS company Dogtown Media saw a 8X ROI increase in Facebook CPMs using rytr copywriting
  • CBD brand Verma Farms achieved a 55% lift Facebook conversions with Jasper-created copies

The sweet spot is combining the scale and convenience of the best ad copywriting tools listed here with the subjective inputs of skilled marketers and copywriters overseeing campaigns holistically.

So rather than deciding whether to choose AI or humans exclusively, embrace the hybrid model to propel your digital advertising to new heights.

With creative human strategy, fine-tuned AI generator guidance, and disciplined testing/optimization, your cost-per-click and conversion rates will climb dramatically.

Put these expert tips into practice and build a framework to efficiently scale results-driving ad copy powered by the move advanced AI available today.