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10 Best Android Apps for Writers in 2023

Writing on the go has never been easier thanks to the wide variety of writing apps available for Android devices. Whether you‘re a blogger, journalist, fiction writer or student, a good Android app can help boost your productivity and creativity.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore the top 10 Android apps for writers in 2023. For each app, we‘ll overview the key features, who it‘s good for, and provide screenshots and links so you can try them out yourself.

Benefits of Android Writing Apps

Here are some of the main benefits of using an Android writing app as a writer:

  • Work anywhere – With your smartphone, you can write whenever inspiration strikes, no matter where you are
  • Distraction-free interface – Many writing apps offer minimal interfaces that help you focus just on your words
  • Powerful editing tools – Apps provide useful editing functions like word/character count to refine your work
  • Cloud sync – Your writing is automatically saved and synced across devices via the cloud
  • Export options – You can export your manuscripts in a variety of formats for publishing
  • Organization – Features like file management help keep all your writing neatly organized
  • Community – Some apps have social elements to connect you with other writers

So if you find it difficult to write only on your computer, give Android writing apps a try! The ability to write anytime combined with handy writing features could be just what you need to be more creative and productive with your writing.

Challenges of Writing on Android

However, writing long-form content on a mobile device does come with some challenges:

  • Small screen – It can be tricky editing a lengthy piece on a tiny smartphone screen
  • Limited typing speed/accuracy – For most, typing on mobile is slower and less accurate than on a full keyboard
  • Difficult navigation – Jumping between different parts of a long document can be fiddly on mobile
  • Fewer tools than desktop – Writing apps tend to offer lighter versions of desktop word processors

Thankfully, app developers continue to find solutions for these issues. For example, many writing apps now allow you to connect an external Bluetooth keyboard which helps enormously when writing on mobile.

While mobile does have limitations, the convenience factor means writing apps continue to improve and meet the needs of writers on the move!

Key Features of a Good Writing App

When choosing an Android app for your writing, here are some useful features to look for:

  • Distraction-free interface – Helps you focus just on your words
  • Word/character count – Track your progress as you write
  • File management and organization – Keep all your writing neatly organized
  • Cloud sync – Automatic saving and syncing across devices
  • Google Docs integration – For easy transfers between app and desktop
  • Markdown formatting – For writing in a publishing-ready format
  • Hemingway Mode – Highlights sentences and phrases that could be simplified
  • Backup and versioning – Restore previous versions of your work if needed
  • Export options – Share in file formats like PDF and .doc
  • Focus mode – Grays out portions of text to isolate current section
  • Night mode – Darker theme to prevent eye strain in low light

The most fully-featured writing apps will include a range of these productivity-enhancing tools. But there are more streamlined apps too if you just want a straightforward writing experience.

10 Best Writing Apps for Android

So without further ado, let‘s explore the top 10 Android apps for writers available in 2023!

1. JotterPad – Writer, Novelist

Jotterpad is one of the highest-rated Android apps for writers thanks to its clean and simple interface.

Key Features

  • Minimalist design to help you focus
  • Real-time writing statistics
  • Night Mode and Focus Mode
  • Export multiple formats like .txt, .pdf, .md and more
  • Integrated cloud storage
  • Snapshot tool to share excerpts from your work

Good For

JotterPad is great for novelists, screenwriters, bloggers and students who want a fuss-free writing space on mobile.

2. iA Writer – Focused Writing

iA Writer takes distraction-free writing to the next level with its Focus Mode which highlights the current line you‘re editing.

Key Features

  • Focus Mode for undistracted writing
  • Syntax control highlights poor writing in red
  • Send to Medium or WordPress with one tap
  • Supports Markdown
  • Dark theme option
  • Cross-device syncing

Good For

iA Writer is best for bloggers, copywriters and coders who want total focus on their words.

3. Novelist – Write Novels

As you‘d expect, Novelist is purpose-built for researching, outlining and writing novels on Android.

Key Features

  • Highly-tailored to novels with character and scene builders
  • Set writing goals and track word count
  • Auto-save and version history as backup
  • Drag and drop scenes to reorder easily
  • Preview mode to review your work

Good For

Novel and short story writers will find Novelist has all the tools needed for bringing a book to life.

4. WriteRun – Notebooks, Scrivener

WriteRun‘s greatest strength is keeping all your writings neatly organized.

Key Features

  • Folder system for organizing works
  • Label documents with tags
  • View multiple docs side-by-side
  • WriteCast for dictating text aloud
  • Daily goals with stats
  • Cross-platform sync

Good For

The file management capabilities make WriteRun ideal for writers with lots of different projects on the go.

5. Writing Challenge – 3000+ Prompts

If you find yourself asking "what should I write about?", then let Writing Challenge give you a daily prompt for sparking writing inspiration.

Key Features

  • Huge genre-based repository of 3000+ story prompts
  • Get quotes, first lines, last lines, titles etc
  • Set a timer and word count goal per prompt
  • Track your daily and weekly output
  • Backup to Google Drive

Good For

Writing Challenge is a perfect little creativity infusion for novelists, short story authors, and more.

6. Story Planner And Writer

Use Story Planner to map out every element of your next story before diving into the actual writing.

Key Features

  • Build story foundations like characters and locations
  • Map complete storyline scene-by-scene
  • View your story arc at a glance on timeline
  • Estimate word count targets
  • Integration with Google Drive

Good For

For thorough outliners, Story Planner has all the tools to blueprint your next storytelling masterpiece!

7. Writeily Pro – Notes, Docs, Cloud

Writeily markets itself as the closest thing to Microsoft Word on Android.

Key Features

  • Very extensive formatting options
  • Track changes and comments for editing
  • File management system
  • Password protection
  • Dark theme available

Good For

If you need desktop-level writing and editing on mobile, Writeily is a top choice.

8. Moon+ Reader Pro

While not strictly a writing app, Moon+ Reader is ideal for writers who want to do research and reading on their Android device.

Key Features

  • Handles huge array of file formats
  • Annotate and highlight PDFs
  • Text-to-speech for listening on the move
  • Loads books from cloud services
  • Book cataloging system
  • Night mode for evening reading

Good For

Serious writers doing lots of reading and research should definitely install Moon+ Reader.

9. SelfEdit Writer – Analyze Text

Want to take your writing to the next level? Put SelfEdit Writer to work analyzing your text for spelling, grammar, style and more.

Key Features

  • Detailed reports on writing issues
  • Comparison against classic literature
  • Readability scoring
  • Tone analyzer
  • Vocabulary helper
  • Quick editing actions

Good For

SelfEdit is ideal for any writer who puts a premium on writing with skill and grace.

10. Dramatica Pro – Story Development

Lastly, Dramatica Pro takes an unusual but intriguing approach to interactive storybuilding.

Key Features

  • Networked plot mapping
  • Analyze core challenges facing characters
  • Map complete storyline branches
  • Estimate word count early on
  • Beat boards for sequencing

Good For

Screenwriters and very systematic plotters may find great value in Dramatica Pro‘s guided development process.

Choosing the Best Android Writing App

All the writing apps covered above are excellent choices but everyone will have unique needs and preferences. Here are key factors to consider when deciding on the best Android app for your writing:

Your writing style

  • Outliners need tools for plotting and organizing
  • Pantsers may opt for simpler apps to write more freely
  • Genre will steer some towards niche tools, eg novel-writing apps

Main features needed

  • Do you require full word processing for editing?
  • Is distraction-free minimalism more your style?
  • Could AI writing assistance be useful?

Compatibility with tools

  • Integration with Google Drive or Dropbox can be handy
  • Ability to open docs in desktop word processors


  • Most writing apps have free versions to try with in-app purchases unlocking premium features
  • Subscription options are available too

Think carefully about your personal writing needs before deciding. And the great news is, with Android apps you can always easily switch if something isn‘t working for you!

Tips for Writing on Android

Here are some final tips for getting the most from writing on your Android device:

  • Use a tablet for more comfortable writing and editing
  • Try a Bluetooth keyboard for faster typing
  • Carry a portable battery pack for longer writing sessions
  • Use Sync to ensure your files are backed up
  • Write in Markdown for seamless transferring between devices/apps
  • Invest in premium versions for more advanced features
  • Review the app‘s tutorials so you know all its capabilities
  • Disable notifications to avoid distracting pop-ups


Writing on Android has never been easier or more feature-packed thanks to the latest generation of writing apps. With built-in tools for planning, organizing drafting and editing, these apps truly provide portable productivity for writers.

We hope reviwing the top 10 Android writing apps has helped match you with the perfect writing companion. Download a few that catch your eye to see which one truly boosts your creativity and output!