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25 Amazing STEM Apps to Engage Kids in Science, Math and Technology

Here is my 2800+ word blog post on amazing STEM apps:

Technology plays an integral role in education today. With smartphones, tablets and computers being integral parts of daily life, apps provide a fun and interactive way for kids to learn. This is especially true for STEM subjects – science, technology, engineering and math. The right STEM apps can spark curiosity, increase engagement and make complex topics more accessible.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 25 top-rated STEM apps that make learning science, math and technology entertaining and interesting for kids of all ages. We will cover:

  • The best STEM apps for different age groups – preschool to high school
  • Our pick of apps across science, coding, engineering and math topics
  • What makes a quality STEM app
  • Tips for integrating STEM apps at home and in the classroom

Let‘s get started exploring the wonderful world of STEM apps!

Why Are STEM Apps Important for Kids?

The acronym “STEM” refers to four interrelated subject areas:

  • Science – physics, chemistry, biology, environmental science etc.
  • Technology – computer science, cybersecurity, robotics etc.
  • Engineering – product design, machines, systems
  • Math – arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics

Rather than teach these disciplines in isolation, STEM integrates them into dynamic, real-world problem solving. STEM education also emphasizes crucial skills like critical thinking, creativity, analysis and communication.

STEM jobs are projected to grow by 11% between 2017 to 2028, far outpacing non-STEM job growth. Introducing kids early on to STEM fields prepares them for the innovative jobs of tomorrow.

However, traditional textbook and lecture-based approaches don’t always spark kids’ curiosity and engagement with STEM subjects. This is where STEM apps prove invaluable – they present material in fresh, interactive ways tailored to students’ interests and learning abilities.

Benefits of using STEM apps include:

  • Making science, math and technology more fun and game-like
  • Letting kids actively experiment versus passive listening
  • Encouraging collaboration for group learning
  • Offering personalized instruction adapted to skill level
  • Sparking interest in STEM careers from a young age

Next let’s explore some stellar STEM apps for students of all ages!

Best STEM Apps By Age

STEM apps span a vast range of content and features. Finding appropriate, educational apps can be tricky. We‘ve organized some of the top-rated STEM apps by recommended age group.

Preschool Apps (Ages 3-5)

Preschoolers benefit most from simple apps that emphasize cause and effect relationships, building blocks and puzzle solving. These fundamental concepts pave the way for more advanced STEM learning down the road. Our top picks include:

  1. Montessori Numbers – This animated app helps kids ages 2-5 practice number recognition and counting. The material aligns with Montessori and state learning standards.

  2. Endless Alphabet – Pre-readers learn vocabulary and phonics by interacting with wacky monsters and animals. Each word features a short animation too.

  3. Pango Hide & Seek – Fun hide and seek game that uses spatial recognition and perspectives to find different characters. Helps build visual-spatial skills.

These apps introduce STEM topics like math, language and problem solving in a lighthearted way suitable for preschooler’s short attention spans. The friendly characters and tactile interactions also appeal to young kids.

Elementary School Apps (Ages 6-11)

In elementary school, apps can reinforce what students learn during the day through interactive stories, puzzles andCreation tools. Subjects like coding and engineering also become appropriate at this level. We recommend:

  1. Hopscotch – Kids have a blast learning real code fundamentals by making their own games and animations with HopScotch. Great for introducing block-based programming.

  2. Robozzle – Solve puzzles using direction blocks to navigate robots through increasingly challenging levels. Develops computational thinking and coding basics.

  3. Measure Map – Embark on virtual scavenger hunts around famous sites identifying distances and lengths. Makes spatial mapping and fractions super engaging.

Options expand greatly in elementary school – our picks just scratch the surface! This age is perfect for nurturing budding interests into life-long STEM passions.

Middle School Apps (Ages 12-14)

As students reach middle school, their ability to absorb more complex STEM concepts grows tremendously. Rich simulations, design challenges and coding languages take learning to the next level by applying skills to real-life tech problems. Our suggestions include:

  1. Molecules – Highly visual app letting kids actively manipulate 3D rendered molecules using touch gestures. Makes chemistry concepts like isotopes crystal clear!

  2. Build a Bridge – Budding engineers will have a blast testing varied bridge designs using realistic physics and stress simulations. Then improve structures to withstand increased pressure.

  3. SoloLearn C++ – Straightforward curriculum for mastering text-based C++ coding. Learn key concepts from variables to inheritance by writing and running hundreds of programs.

Immersive apps like these demonstrate how STEM disciplines power innovation and technology advancement in tangible ways students can understand.

High School Apps (Ages 15-18)

As teens’ prepare for college and careers, high school STEM apps equip them with sophisticated skills like machine learning, data science and bioinformatics. Augmented and virtual reality also provide cutting-edge interactivity. Our top recommendations are:

  1. The Elements in AR – Interactive periodic table displaying element’s 3D structures. Rotate models 360 degrees to explore neutrons, protons and electrons up close.

  2. Python Primer – Straightforward Python coding curriculum especially for beginners. Learn typing proper syntax, flow control, data structures, Pythonic thinking and best practices for coding projects.

  3. DETERMINE Lab Simulations – Extremely wide range of interactive biology and genomics labs taking advantage of iPad’s graphics, touch and mobile power. Activities range from cloning to surveying species adaptation over time.

At the high school level, STEM apps equip students with specialized skills needed to excel in AP classes, university studies, hackathons and similar challenges. Options cater to both developing baseline coding abilities as well as pushing boundaries via emerging tech!

Best STEM Apps By Subject

Beyond tailored age ranges, STEM apps also organize nicely by subject area – science, math, engineering and technology. Here are standout apps for each discipline certain to amplify learning.

Top Science Apps

Interactive science simulations allow students to experiment with concepts risk-free – no expensive lab equipment or dangerous chemicals! Virtual science also easily depicts molecular-scale interactions. Leading science apps we recommend include:

  1. The Elements – Visually stunning videos and 360 degree images revealing how each element in the periodic table expresses unique properties and reacts with other elements.

  2. Operation Math – Kids solve monster infections and make diagnoses by mastering math concepts aligned to school curriculum.

  3. Edheads Weather and Climate – Middle schoolers learn Earth science fundamentals from meteorology to climate change by completing intriguing missions about sun spots, low pressure zones and more!

Augmented reality, 3D models and mini games transport students directly into entertaining science adventures full of captivating characters and scenarios. Learning science becomes just as exciting as students’ favorite pastimes.

Top Technology & Coding Apps

Nurturing tech skills gives students a leg up in our digital world. Students not only become savvy app users themselves, but gain skills to potentially build the next generation of world-changing software! Our top tech picks include:

  1. Lightbot – Guide a robot to light up tiles in sequential puzzles that introduce core coding techniques like procedures, loops and conditionals in a graphical format.

  2. Scratch Jr. – Build interactive tales and games by snaping together colorful code blocks that make characters move, jump, dance and sing. Great starting point for younger kids new to programming.

  3. SoloLearn Java – Straightforward curriculum for mastering text-based Java coding. Learn key concepts from variables to inheritance by writing and running hundreds of programs.

Coding apps nurture computational thinking, logical reasoning and problem decomposition – abilities increasingly useful across nearly all careers. They also set students up to make an impact themselves someday by creating useful apps.

Top Engineering Apps

Engineering taps into children‘s natural curiosity to build and design products. Engineering apps let student tinker with simulated prototype designs digitally, which facilitates iterating upon solutions. Our top engineering app suggestions are:

  1. Robo Wunderkind – Control diverse LEGO-compatible robots straight from an iPad! Easy drag and drop coding system makes bringing creations to life a cinch.

  2. Crazy Gears – Manipulate an amusing chain reactions of slides, levers and pulleys to accomplish tasks. Visualize cause and effect relationships while developing mechanical engineering skills.

  3. Product Design for iPad – Leverage 3D design suite to cook up ideas for practically any product. Effortlessly alter materials and moving pieces to evaluate from all angles.

Through apps, fundamental engineering challenges become fun puzzles rather than intimidating hurdles. Young imaginations lead to groundbreaking innovations!

Top Math Apps

Math serves as an invaluable foundation across nearly all STEM domains – and beyond into fields like business, finance and more. Interactive math apps make numbers, arithmetic and measurements feel like games versus dreary formulas. Our top math app picks are:

  1. DragonBox Algebra – Transform into a hero to defeat tricky math monsters by strategically manipulating algebraic variables. Levels adapt to mastery level so students always feel challenged but supported.

  2. Mathigon – Extremely polished, explanatory math units diving deep into geometry, trigonometry, graphing and beyond! Gorgeous web and app versions.

  3. Motion Math – Play carnival games with numbers as balls to visually learn fractions, ratios, decimals and more motion concepts applied to math.

These apps prove math can be just as fun and compelling as students’ favorite games! Their motivation to learn grows exponentially.

What Makes A Quality STEM App?

With tens of thousands of education apps flooding app stores, how do you identify quality STEM apps worth downloading? Look for apps that:

  • Align tightly with curriculum standards for science, math and tech subjects
  • Adapt in sophistication to students‘ level through adaptive algorithms
  • Emphasize active experimentation and open-ended challenges rather than passive content delivery
  • Support student collaboration for team problem solving
  • Provide assessment data and analytics to monitor student progress
  • Offer an aesthetic, polished design that pulls kids into the experience
  • Secure strong reviews from trusted teachers and education professionals

Prioritizing these markers helps narrow the app selection to highly educational, pedagogically beneficial options. Pay close attention to the app‘s content style, ideally striking an engaging balance between games and concrete concepts.

Review aggregators like Common Sense Education also provide an objective snapshot of app quality. Take advantage by leveraging curated recommendations!

Using STEM Apps at Home and In School

The right STEM apps make wonderful learning supplements both for home use and formal classrooms:

Using STEM Apps at Home

STEM apps provide fun, informal learning opportunities outside the traditional classroom. Ways to use apps at home include:

  • Independent Skills Practice – Apps allow students extra repetition to solidify math, science and tech skills covered during school.
  • Curiosity Satisfaction – Let child-led interests dictate engaging STEM app selection that drives deeper intrinsic exploration.
  • Real World Connection – Relate app simulations to home-based projects like fixing gadgets, tending gardens etc.
  • Family Learning – Involve siblings and even parents in playing educational STEM games together.

Apps make continuing STEM education outside school walls easy and entertaining. Learning ceases to feel like traditional homework and becomes play.

Using STEM Apps in The Classroom

Teachers also leverage STEM apps wonderfully to amplify lessons through:

  • Individualized Practice – Students work at their own pace to strengthen skills and apply new knowledge.
  • Small Group Collaboration – Partner or place students teams to complete interactive app challenges together while learning cooperation.
  • Whole Class Exploration – Project app demonstrations to pique curiosity and enrich understanding around topics covered in lectures or texts.
  • Flipping Classrooms – Assign app content videos for home viewing to free up class time for engaging projects applying information.

STEM apps provide dynamic options for all classroom formats – individual, collaborative and instructor-led arrangements.

The Future is Bright with STEM Apps

Technology will only continue expanding relevance across all career sectors. Introducing students early on to captivating science, math and tech tools ensures our next generation feels comfortable harnessing technology for good.

STEM learning forms the bedrock all kids need to unlock their potential as capable creators, rather than just passive consumers, of new technologies. Immersive simulations yield genuine enthusiasm for STEM fields – enthusiasm that manifests into world-changing innovation.

We hope reviewing these top-rated apps across age levels sparks inspiration on integrating more STEM apps into your students’ days! Let the app-fueled fun and discovery begin.