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AI Doom Calculator: An Online AI Death Calculator [2024]

The AI Doom Calculator, also known as Life2Vec, is an online tool developed by that aims to predict the likelihood of an artificial general intelligence (AGI) causing human extinction.

This website has generated both interest and concern regarding the potential existential threats posed by advanced AI systems.

What is the AI Doom Calculator?

  • The AI Doom Calculator is an online calculator that provides a percentage estimate on the probability of AGI causing human extinction
  • It was created by the Life2Vec project, launched in 2022 by
  • It utilizes data from expert surveys and mathematical models to generate its extinction risk estimates
  • The methodology is based on attaching probabilities to different scenarios that could lead to an extinction event

How Does the AI Doom Calculator Work?

  • It functions on an algorithm called Life2Vec that was developed to predict extinction risks
  • This algorithm analyzes complex data from published papers, surveys, and simulations
  • It looks at factors like the likelihood of AGI being created, it becoming superintelligent, and it taking actions that could wipe out humanity
  • By computing all the probabilities, it provides an overall percentage estimate of human extinction risk

Potential Benefits and Applications

  • Increasing public understanding and awareness of existential risks
  • Motivating more research into AI safety and ways to build beneficial AI
  • Identifying the most pressing risks and challenges that need solutions
  • Guiding policy decisions on AI regulation and governance
  • Scenario planning and risk assessment for governments and organizations

Criticisms and Concerns

  • The methodology relies heavily on subjective expert judgments
  • Low statistical rigor and questionable assumptions in the underlying models
  • Results portrayed more definitively than their level of uncertainty warrants
  • Could stir undue fear about advanced AI in the general public
  • May prompt counterproductive policy reactions like strict AI bans

Reactions from Technology Leaders

  • Most experts say the risk estimates seem reasonable but quite uncertain
  • Some argue it ignores risks from other technologies like biotech and nanotech
  • Figures like Stuart Russell think it draws attention to an important issue
  • Prominent AI researcher Andrew Ng calls the calculator “irresponsible”

The Difficulty of Predicting the Future of AI

  • Innate uncertainty due to complex technological and social factors
  • Differences in opinion even among AI experts and researchers
  • Predictions depend greatly on initial assumptions
  • There are unknown unknowns that cannot be accounted for

Mitigating Extreme Risks and Building Resilience

  • Safety practices hardwired into AI architecture, not just slapped on afterwards
  • Using techniques like uncertainty quantification to scope out unpredictable dangers
  • Policy, regulations and international collaborations on responsible AI progress
  • Not losing sight of the tremendous potential for AI to benefit humanity


The AI Doom Calculator highlights the pressing need to address extreme risks associated with advanced artificial intelligence. However, its risk estimates are based on subjective expert opinions and questionable models, so should be interpreted cautiously rather than seen as definitive forecasts.

The tool nevertheless serves to stimulate discussion on proactively developing robust solutions that allow AI and human civilization to thrive together. Managing existential uncertainties also requires building societal resilience, formulating flexible policies, and pursuing technology that counters potential downsides while unlocking tremendous upside for humanity.

FAQs About AI Doom Calculator

What is the AI Doom Calculator?

The AI Doom Calculator, also known as Life2Vec, is an online tool that estimates the probability of an artificial general intelligence (AGI) causing human extinction. It was created by the Life2Vec project from to forecast risks from advanced AI systems.

How does the AI Doom Calculator make its predictions?

It uses an algorithm called Life2Vec that computes extinction risk percentages based on expert surveys, published papers, simulations, and mathematical models analyzing different scenarios that could lead to human extinction.

What are some of the main criticisms of the AI Doom Calculator?

Critics argue it relies too much on subjective opinions, has questionable assumptions built into its models, overstates the certainty of its forecasts, and may stir excessive public fears about AI. Many argue the percentage is too high given uncertainties.

Could the AI Doom Calculator percentage be wrong?

Yes, even the creator admits the number is highly uncertain. Expert judgments differ widely, complex model assumptions can be flawed, and it is inherently difficult to predict future technology impacts. The percentage should be taken as more indicative than definitive.

Should the public be afraid of the AI Doom Calculator forecast?

Fear is unproductive, but increased awareness and responsible policies around risks are sensible. Most experts say advanced AI could greatly benefit humanity if developed safely and ethically. Balance is needed between risk mitigation and enabling social good.