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Asana vs In-Depth Comparison for 2023

Selecting the right work execution platform is key for organizing projects, handling tasks, and enabling team alliance. Asana and are two of the most extensively used solutions, but contain some primary differences.

This expansive guide analyzes every feature of Asana and to assist you in resolving which solution optimal fits your business requirements as we progress into 2023.

Asana Overview

Asana is a multifaceted work management platform fitting for all business dimensions, with a stress on collaboration and communication. Main capabilities include:

  • Task management with statuses, assignments, due dates
  • Project dashboards and portfolio visions
  • File attachments and conversations on each task
  • Calendar outlook for envisioning deadlines
  • Reporting to trace advancement and status
  • 100+ app integrations with tools like Dropbox, Salesforce, Slack etc.

Key Adoption Stats:

  • 190+ million registered users
  • Over 100,000 paying organizations
  • 81% of Asana customers willing to enthusiastically recommend to others
View Asana customer satisfaction over time
Year G2 Rating
2018 4.43/5
2019 4.48/5
2020 4.42/5
2021 4.39/5
2022 4.40/5

Source: G2 Crowd Asana Reviews Overview is a visual workflow system with sturdy capabilities tailored more for bigger companies. Main capabilities include:

  • Personalizable project visions and dashboards
  • Computerized workflows between columns
  • Timetables, diagrams, calendar views
  • 200+ templates for any application
  • Code-free computerization for alerts, renovations etc.
  • Virtually unrestricted integration choices

Key Adoption Stats:

  • 75+ million registered users
  • Over 152,000 organizations use paid tiers
  • 90% of customers willing to enthusiastically recommend to others
View customer satisfaction over time
Year G2 Rating
2018 4.53/5
2019 4.49/5
2020 4.47/5
2021 4.42/5
2022 4.40/5

Source: G2 Crowd Reviews

Ease of Use

Both Asana and accent strongly on providing intuitive interfaces. Asana possesses a simpler blueprint that‘s quicker to navigate for new users. proposes more customization selections which appends initial multifaceted nature, but also elasticity.

Asana Ease of Use

Asana Dashboard

Asana sorts projects into straightforward list visions. The tidy interface makes it straightforward for new users to get inaugurated by appending tasks, organizing backlogs, delegating work and establishing deadlines. More advanced capabilities like custom fields, dashboards and reporting allow extra flexibility without much appended complexity. Ease of Use Dashboard usages visual boards and columns to regulate workflows. This undertakes more initial configuration than Asana‘s list visions, but empowers teams to construct customized project visions matching their planning fashion. Computerization between stages and an abundance of templates accelerate the progression so that while has a steeper scholarship curve, it can shine for bigger teams formerly configured.

Ease of Use – Verdict

For swift onboarding and approachability, Asana triumphs. But enables enhanced custom-built workflows for teams eager to invest time upfront configuring.

Work and Project Management

Both platforms make available sturdy workflows for supervising tasks and projects from onset to completion. Asana makes possible enhanced organization for detail-oriented work. surpasses at procedures with visual boards and computerization to smooth more composite operations.

Asana Work Management

Asana Task Lists

Asana usages list visions across upcoming, later and completed tasks. This list-based technique lends itself thrivingly to organizing elaborate requirements, networked dependencies, conversations and notes across massive bodies of work. While not as visually fixed as, Asana makes possible supreme management capabilities for knowledge work.

  • Flexible task management without rigid workflow rules
  • Grouping related tasks, conversations, files
  • Seeing connections between bodies of work
  • Ability to break down large initiatives into networked checklists
  • No-code automation using Rules Work Management Board View

In, instead of simple lists, tasks and subtasks live within columns on a board/dashboard. By interlinking these stages with computerization regulations, teams can rapidly advance items from Backlog > In Progress > Testing > Complete consequently when established conditions are encountered. This rationalized pipeline refines velocity for stringent procedures with determined requirements between phases.

  • Streamlined progression between standardized workflow phases
  • Automated advancement when checklist items finished
  • Superior for standardized development procedures
  • Enhanced visualization/tracking of pipeline stages
  • Code-free automation between columns

Work Management – Verdict

For arrangements like sales conduits and product launches, has the edge. But for flexible workflows like creative projects, change appeals and ongoing assistance, Asana is likely more straightforward to harness.

Reporting and Analytics

Asana makes available managers and executives with elaborate reporting on progression, workload and goals across individual tasks and tactical initiatives. focuses further on real-time dashboarding rather than historical reporting.

Asana Reporting

Asana Reporting

Asana‘s reporting makes possible visibility on task statuses, milestone progression, owner workloads and goal advancement at both the macro and micro levels. Leadership can trace advancement on strategic goals while managers monitor team effectiveness and identify bottlenecks or resourcing issues to maintain great performance.

Reporting Focus Areas

  • Workload – Hours logged and tasks per user
  • Progress – Status and advancement per project
  • Goals – Progress on organization objectives
  • Engagement – Active users over time

Advanced reporting with Asana Business and Enterprise plans enable exporting custom reports to share across stakeholder teams. Analytics Dashboard

In, the emphasis is real-time dashboards with live modernizing numbers, diagrams and timeline visions. Progress bars, counts and indicators demonstrate up-to-the-minute status without running reports. Leadership can glance at dashboards and straightaway spot anything veering off course. Historical analytics are available in paid plans but more limited than Asana‘s robust reporting.

Reporting Focus Areas

  • Real-time progression per board
  • Instant visibility into workload
  • Charts of item counts

Advanced analytics in paid tiers allow some historical reporting on user adoption and activity trends.

Reporting & Analytics – Verdict

For habitual reporting and tracking advancement over time, Asana is superior. But makes available exceptional real-time visibility into teamwork as it plays out.

Scalability Comparison

Asana and both scale to support large enterprise deployments with thousands of active daily users. has more customers in the 10,000+ employee range at major public companies managing global workforces. But Asana still maintains high adoption in the 1000-5000 employee segment.

For teams under 500 users, there is little scaling advantage to either platform. Both handle tens of thousands of tasks smoothly with responsive performance. At larger tiers, Asana has proven it can power massive enterprises like Amazon, but adoption rates currently favor once organizations surpass 20,000 employees.

Employees Asana Customers Customers
500 15.3% 9.1%
1000 12.7% 6.8%
5000 8.9% 5.2%
10,000+ 3.1% 7.9%

Percentage of total customer base. Source: G2 Crowd User Review Filtering


Both platforms make available enterprise-grade security with authentication, access controls and compliance with regulations like SOC 2, ISO 27001 and GDPR.

Asana Security

Asana utilizes sturdy encryption, access controls and visibility settings to let admins regulate permissions. Single sign-on (SSO) ensures users access Asana through secure corporate credentials. Data centers maintain top certifications, uptime SLAs and redundancy. For regulated industries, Asana encounters demanding compliance necessities.

Asana Certifications

  • SOC 2 Type 2
  • SOC 3
  • ISO 27001
  • ISO 27017
  • ISO 27018
  • GDPR compliant

Segmented access permissions, extensive auditing logs, Do Not Share controls and Kapow data deletion uphold security. Security

Similarly, proposes SSO authentication along with two-factor verification for enhanced account security. User and group permissions enable detailed access controls. Administration functionality logs administrator actions for transparency. Solid infrastructure reliability and controls adhere to adjacent regulatory obligations. Certifications

  • SOC 1 Type 2
  • SOC 2 Type 2
  • ISO 27001
  • ISO 27701
  • GDPR compliant

Role based access parameters, session oversight, and data residency configurations uphold security.

Security – Verdict

Both Asana and implement security top practices for access controls, encryption and compliance. They make available safe and reliable platforms for organizations with stringent administration necessities.

Customization compared

Asana enables teams to customize tasks, projects, fields, and dashboards to match unique team workflows. allows even greater customization flexibility with configurable tables, charts, templates and automation tailored to any use case.

Asana Customization

Asana provides robust project and task tracking customization to model team processes with customized fields, colors, statuses and dashboard layouts.

Areas to customize:

  • Custom Fields – Add new task parameters
  • Project Views – Show/hide columns
  • Task Statuses – Map tracker to workflow
  • Colors – Personalize project themes
  • Forms – Intake requests your way

Light coding via Asana‘s API allows connecting with other tools. Customization

In, nearly every aspect of tables and board views can adapt to unique needs. Automation between columns then links the customized stages.

Areas to customize:

  • Tables – Craft data as needed
  • Columns – Match to any phase
  • Charts – Build visual indicators
  • Views – Switch between table, board, timeline etc
  • Colors – Tailor color codes
  • Cards – Configure detail cards all ways
  • Automation – Set conditional rules between phases

Zapier integration helps connect workflows with hundreds of other applications.

Customization – Verdict empowers greatly expanded adaptability to model any team‘s methodology with additional impactful process automation potential. Asana provides solid but more limited customization capabilities.

Integrations Comparison

Asana assimilation with other apps rates somewhat higher amongst customers in certain categories while leads in workflow integrated automation.

Asana Integrations

  • 4.5/5 rating on G2 Crowd – Simple integrations highly rated
  • 100+ apps – Partners with top tools like Salesforce, Dropbox, Slack etc
  • Universal data connections – Robust API pulls data into Asana
  • Light coding required – Some logic needed for advanced automation
Integration Description
Slack Create tasks from Slack messages
Jira Sync Jira issues to Asana tasks
Salesforce Sync contacts/accounts to projects
GitHub Connect code projects into plans Integrations

  • 4.7/5 rating on G2 Crowd – Strong satisfaction with flexibility
  • 75+ column ready apps – Two-click integration RIGHT into tables
  • 200+ automation tools – Rules connect with Zapier etc
  • Zero coding automation – Drag-drop workflows between phases
Integration Description
Jira Pipe Jira tickets through Monday workflows
Salesforce Attach Salesforce records to Monday items
Gmail Ingest email updates into Monday projects
Smartsheet Sync Smartsheet tables as Monday boards

Integrations – Verdict

While Asana technically supports more total integrations,‘s commitment to zero-code automation earns it the win forTables seamlessly merging external data workflows into Monday project views. Asana links still require manual syncing.

Mobility Compared

Both platforms supply sturdy mobile companions to administer work on iOS and Android devices. Offline access depends on substantial limitations in Asana mobile apps today but offerings more flexible sync support.

Asana Mobile Experience

  • Robust mobile apps on iOS and Android
  • Task/project management from anywhere
  • Comments, conversations, approvals
  • Limited offline access today

Asana mobile allows tracking tasks and workflows without constant connectivity. But background sync only maintains data freshness, not true offline creation/editing. Mobile Experience

  • Smooth apps for iOS and Android
  • Dashboard builder and editor
  • Two-way sync, color coding
  • Full offline mode support

The mobile app facilitates teams to totally manage workflows, construct dashboards and append data both online and offline thanks to sturdy local data caching for continuous operation.

Mobility – Verdict better empowers remote teams with complete offline creation and synchronization across devices. Asana still has some catching up to do to achieve full mobility.

Pricing has superior pricing for small groups, while Asana scales a bit stronger for mid-market companies and big enterprises regarding value for investment.

Asana Pricing

Asana Pricing

Asana starts off with a robust free plan sustaining unlimited tasks and users, along with essential reporting and dashboarding. Paid plans append capabilities like timeline visions, goal tracking, custom fields, forms computerization and advanced security controls. Enterprise packages append priority support, group permissions and data control capabilities tailored for colossal global organizations. Pricing

Monday Pricing‘s free blueprint only sustains two users. Paid levels start at just $8 per user per month charged annually for five users, appending task computerization, file storage, and activity logs. Pro plan at $20 per user per month produces much more storage, boards and advanced security capabilities. Enterprise pricing scales up from there with far bigger data warehouses and administration tools.

Pricing – Verdict

For small businesses, delivers formidable value initially. But as team sizes boost, Asana becomes tremendously competitive, specifically for enterprises supervising global workforces requiring robust data control tools.

Which Tool Should You Choose?

When gauging Asana vs, mull over how your team will utilization the tool:

  • Asana suits detail-driven work necessitating flexible task management and workflow arrangement
  • helps standardized and more stringent business procedures
  • Asana reporting will benefit leaders needing to analyze advancement and strategy
  • dashboards offer real-time visibility into operations

When Asana Works Best

  • Gathering open-ended requirements
  • Research projects without rigid sequencing
  • Coordinating ongoing campaigns
  • Unpredictable design cycles
  • Gathering ongoing client requests

When Excels

  • Systematic sales pipeline
  • Standardized product roadmap
  • Repeatable onboarding procedures
  • Daily/weekly task routings
  • Service escalation workflows

Both platforms enable teams to refine collaboration, accountability and transparency around daily work. Contemplate where your necessities align further closely to select the top solution as you gear up for an efficient 2023.