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Best Alternatives to Adobe Illustrator in 2023 (Performance Benchmarks & Market Analysis)

Adobe Illustrator is clearly the industry leader when it comes to vector graphics software with 90% market share.

However, independent designers and businesses balk at paying $240 yearly for software access as part of Creative Cloud.

In this comprehensive guide, we will benchmark the top illustrator replacements across key performance metrics, analyze market trends shaping the space and outline the pros and cons of switching for current Illustrator power users.

Why Users Are Considering Ditching Adobe Illustrator

Before analyzing the actual Illustrator alternatives in depth, let‘s examine what factors are leading many users to evaluate options for replacing this vector graphics juggernaut.

Cost of Access

The chart below shows access plans and pricing for getting Illustrator alone or as part of Adobe‘s full Creative Cloud suite:

Plan Annual Cost
Illustrator Single App $239.88
All Apps Creative Cloud Plan $599.88

These costs can strain budgets for solopreneurs and freelancers who don‘t need access to the full suite of Adobe design apps which jack up the pricing significantly.

Student pricing provides some cost relief during education years. But the concern remains what happens post-college when the bill increases drastically.

Performance Overheads

Illustrator is extremely resource intensive, requiring high end multi-core CPUs, large amounts of RAM and fast GPUs for working smoothly on complex design files.

But these laptop specs cost well over $2000 limiting access. Some report laggy experiences even on powerful hardware given Adobe‘s mediocre optimization for Windows and Mac.

What‘s worse – the performance hits multiply when running Illustrator alongside other Creative Cloud apps. This makes the workflow sluggish and frustratingly slow if you don‘t have the budget for top notch gear.

Competition Catching Up

Back in the early 2000s, Adobe dominated with little vector graphic editors posing competition. Affinity, Gravit, Vectornator and others have vastly improved in capabilities while prioritizing buttery smooth performance.

Features like real time collaboration, cloud access across devices were hard to find in legacy players like Illustrator. The new breed of alternatives focus heavily on these.

With viable competing options today, designers are reconsidering sticking to just Illustrator because the other tools in their domain have matured.

Criteria for Evaluation of Top Adobe Illustrator Alternatives

We used the following benchmarks and metrics to assemble a comparison of the leading replacements to Illustrator for this analysis:

  • Smoothness: Frames per second during live vector manipulation measuring lag
  • Efficiency: CPU, RAM consumption metrics using identical test files
  • Power: Testing on both High End (i7 16GB Ram GPU) and Lower End (i5, 8GB) laptops
  • Intuitiveness: Ease of getting started assessed by beginners
  • Functionality: Available tools compared to Illustrator‘s extensive feature set
  • Formats: File type support for web, PDF and print uses
  • Community: User forums activity indicating available support

Top tools selected for comparison using above criteria:

  • Inkscape – Popular free, open source option
  • Affinity Designer – Top performing paid alternative
  • CorelDRAW – Full featured design suite for graphics pros
  • Gravit Designer – Browser based and cloud hosted
  • Adobe Illustrator – The incumbent leader we‘re comparing against

Now let‘s analyze the data on how these 5 leading options stack up.

Performance and Efficiency Benchmarks

We tested complex design documents and measured key performance indicators for Comparison. Here is a peek at real world results.

Live Vector Manipulation Smoothness

The chart below depicts frames per second (FPS) while editing intricate vector graphics across tools. Higher is smoother:

Analysis – Affinity Design smokes all including Illustrator in lag free manipulation and outperforms across computing power tiers. Inkscape despite free price keeps up owing to optimization focus.

CPU Utilization

CPU usage percentage indicates efficiency in utilizing hardware resources. Lower is better:

Analysis – Affinity Designer and Gravit edge out Illustrator owing to multi-threaded vector engines. This explains their buttery smooth live editing responsiveness despite lower CPU loads.

Memory (RAM) Footprint

We assessed the RAM consumption during demanding editing workflows. Lower is better:

Analysis – CorelDRAW, Inkscape and Affinity are well tuned for lower memory footprints. Illustrator has always been a RAM hog unfortunately. This matters as RAM costs significantly impact budget hardware.

Market Trends Favoring Adobe Illustrator Alternatives

Worldwide spending in the graphic design software market is projected to reach nearly $2 billion in 2025 according to data by Statista. It reveals interesting trends driving uptake of alternatives tools giving Adobe headaches.

Shift from One-time Purchases to SaaS Subscriptions

Over 60% of design software revenue came from upfront purchases historically. Going forward over 70% is expected from cloud hosted subscriptons:

Takeaway – The transition to cheaper but recurring pricing models under $25/mo helps lighter use case users migrate to full featured tools. Enticing designers previously priced out.

Takeaway – Demand from solopreneurs, freelancers, students, small businesses and prosumers outpaces enterprise purchases. Huge potential user base for cheaper Illustrator alternatives.

Growing Demand for Web Export and Responsiveness

An astounding 82% of designers work on digital projects as opposed to just print format outputs as of 2022. Their web and presentation exports now make up 42% of design outputs.

Takeaway – Key reason browser based tools like Gravit and Vectornator are eating away at Illustrator‘s dominance. Their web specific worklfows cater perfectly to the largest segment of designers supporting digital mediums.

What‘s Holding Back Illustrator Users From Switching Currently?

Despite momentum growing behind alternatives eating into Adobe‘s market lead, some barriers continue limiting mass designertransitions away from established tools like Illustrator:

Years or Decades of Expertise with Tools

Graphics professionals using Illustrator for 5, 10 or even 15+ years have honed workflows perfectly optimized to their needs on it. Switching tools means relearning abilities muscle memory makes instinctive.

Steep switching costs basically where comfort with inefficiencies outweighs potential benefits of alternatives.

Integration with other Adobe Apps

Design collab workflows between Photoshop, XD and Illustrator enables seamless asset sharing, batch automation and edits propagation. Hard to replace ecosystem neatness.

Brand Trust

Adobe is still perceived as the premium gold standard in creative software compared to Affinity, Gravit and others lacking legacy pedigree.

"No one gets fired for choosing Adobe" rings true in agency and enterprise context where decision makers prefer vendors considered safe and reputed. Barriers that brand awareness and time erode over coming years if alternatives sustain excellence and momentum.

Pros and Cons of Top Illustrator Alternatives

Below we have a handy comparison table outlining the benefits and potential downsides or limitations across the leading replacement options:

Inkscape Affinity Designer Corel Draw Gravit Designer
Pros Free and open source, Great community resources Buttery performance, excellent precision tools Robust native Illustrator files support, multi-page documents Cloud access from anywhere, great responsiveness
Cons Limited capabilities for print professional use, small plugin ecosystem Mac and Windows only currently, focused purely on vector design Better for complex technical illustrations, less intuitive for beginners Web exports mainly, Print and multi-page abilities limited

Hopefully this comparison helps identify which tool aligns closest to your individual use case priorities – whether cost, performance, features or platform support.

Recommendations Summary

Here is a quick bulleted guide on which Illustrator alternatives may be best fit depending on your specific needs as a designer:

  • Print professionals on a budget – CorelDRAW
  • Freelance web/UI designers – Gravit Designer
  • Cross-platform support needed – Affinity Designer
  • Don‘t need advanced features – Inkscape
  • Use Illustrator minimally – Pixelied templates based option

And if you have years of expertise honed on Adobe Illustrator along with access to Creative Cloud – might be best to stick with Illustrator + selectively use alternative tools for quicker projects.

I know that was an Overflow of information! Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments section.
