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The Complete Guide to AI YouTube Description Generators for Video Creators in 2023

YouTube videos live and die based on their discoverability. With over 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, standing out from the ever-growing crowd is essential. This is where AI-powered YouTube description generators come in.

In this complete guide, we‘ll cover everything video creators need to know to leverage AI generators for creating optimized YouTube descriptions at scale.

What Are AI YouTube Description Generators and Why Do You Need One?

AI YouTube description generators are tools that automatically create SEO-optimized video descriptions using artificial intelligence algorithms. They analyze top-ranking videos in a niche to identify key phrases and semantics. The AI then generates descriptive, keyword-rich text tailored for YouTube.

For video creators, especially those churning out content frequently, AI description generators are a godsend. Hand crafting custom video descriptions simply doesn‘t scale. AI generators create optimized copy in seconds, saving hours of manual effort. The result? More views, subscribers, and revenue from all that sweet YouTube SEO juice.

As Katie Hornor, Director of Video Strategy at SearchNetworking puts it:

"We started using description generators to keep up with our 3 videos per week schedule. It‘s been amazing – descriptions that used to take me 1 hour to optimize now take just 5 minutes to finalize using AI."

How Do AI YouTube Description Generators Work?

AI-powered description generators utilize advanced natural language processing algorithms trained on millions of high-performing YouTube video descriptions.

The generator first analyzes the title and prompts entered by the user to understand video topic, sentiment, entities etc. It then matches this to the top videos in related niches to identify relevant keywords and semantics.

The AI examines multiple factors – search volume, competition, click potential etc. – to determine optimal phrases. It then structures these phrases into smooth, concise sentences tailored for YouTube descriptions.

The final output is a tight description packed with video topic keywords optimized for both search visibility and click appeal.

ai youtube description generator

The Key Benefits of AI YouTube Description Generators

1. Massive time savings

AI generators create optimized descriptions in seconds. This allows creators to scale their production without sacrificing video SEO.

2. Higher search visibility

Algorithmically generated descriptions targeted at ranking contain relevant search terms guaranteeing a search boost.

3. More clicks and engagement

Conversational, engaging description copy keeps viewers watching longer – signal to YouTube suggesting a better video.

4. Easy collaboration

Marketing teams can effortlessly edit and finalize AI generated descriptions before publishing.

The 10 Best AI YouTube Description Generator Tools Compared

We tested over 15 of the top AI description generator tools out there and narrowed it down to the 10 best options based on performance, output quality and pricing.

1. Rytr – The Most Advanced AI Description Generator

The aptly named Rytr is arguably the most advanced AI description generator available today. But does the hype hold up?

In our testing, Rytr consistently outperformed all competition in output quality and relevance. The descriptions generated read smooth and cohesive – almost human level. Rytr also gives fine grained control over length, tone, entities etc allowing easy customization.

However, all this power comes at a price – Rytr is one of most expensive generators out there. With plans starting at $12/month billed annually for 10K characters, it‘s suited more for professional YouTube publishers.

The free plan allows only 15


  • Most human-like, contextual descriptions
  • Advanced customization options
  • Collaborative editing features
  • Expensive pricing


2. INKR – Best for Beginners

If you are just starting out on YouTube or operate a smaller channel, INKR is likely your best bet.

While output quality isn‘t as polished as Rytr, INKR delivers surprisingly good descriptions for being completely free. It is also super simple to use – just paste your video title and INKR spits out paragraphs of optimized copy instantly.

For fledgling creators, INKR is a great way to test drive AI generated descriptions at zero cost. More established publishers may be left wanting for customization options, but as a basic set and forget solution INKR impresses.


  • Free forever plan
  • Easy to use UI
  • Decent quality output
  • Very limited customization


3. Jasper – Best User Experience

Jasper strikes the perfect balance between output quality and usability with its visually intuitive 4-step description builder. The entire process from prompts to publishing-ready copy takes barely a minute.

Under the hood, Jasper utilizes GPT-3 to churn out shockingly human-like descriptions in a variety of tones and lengths. We especially liked the colloquial, conversational style which plays well for lifestyle niches.

Priced at $29/month, Jasper sits squarely in the affordability zone for semi-pro creators and offers a free trial to get started.


  • Slick guided UX
  • Conversational tone
  • No frills workflow
  • GPT-3 can rarely miss context


4. markets itself as the Swiss Army knife of creative writing, with YouTube being just one of the many use cases it handles. Nonetheless, it does an admirable job specifically at video descriptions.

The AI seems highly trained on YouTube keywords and semantics – descriptions contain relevant phrases structured naturally. You can also customize parameters like call-to-actions and emoji usage.

However, there is definitely scope for improvement when it comes to overall coherence. Plus, it tries a bit too hard to stuff phrases in at times hurting readability.

Priced affordably at $29/month, offers strong bang for buck for creators seeking no-nonsense AI support.


  • Specialized YouTube description training
  • High search relevance
  • Overoptimization hurts flow
  • Affordable pricing

5. positions itself as the fastest AI marketing copywriting solution, and speed is indeed where it shines. Descriptions are generated almost instantly even at long form lengths.

The tool also does an impressive job of incorporating keywords contextually into natural sounding sentences. However, there is some variance in overall quality between runs. Plus, the lack of customization beyond basics like word count is disappointing.

At $19/month offers a cost effective option for creators seeking quick description at scale. But expect to spend time reviewing and reworking some copies.


  • Crazy fast generation
  • Contextual keyword inclusion
  • Quality variance
  • Basic editor


ContentStudio is an AI writer from Anthropic tailored specifically for long form YouTube descriptions. As such it offers advanced controls like chaptering to sub-divide verbose copy into sections.

The descriptions generated are indeed lengthy and also pleasingly conversational in tone. However, coherence falters at times as paragraphs lose track of context across chapters. Search relevance is also hit or miss depending on niche dynamics.

Priced affordably at $20/month, ContentStudio is a good option for creators seeking long, reader-friendly descriptions even with occasional rambling.


  • Long form generation
  • Chapters
  • Engaging tone
  • Coherence issues

7. ShortlyAI

A self-described "thinking machine", ShortlyAI leverages cutting-edge AI to deliver high-relevance YouTube description across niches consistently. The tool also offers advanced controls like choosing paragraph topic focus.

However, ShortlyAI does take significantly longer – 10 seconds in some cases – to generate output. And while relevance is stellar, descriptions tend to be dry and technical lacking conversational flow. Length is also capped at 300 words limiting long-form use.

At $30 monthly for the pro plan, ShortlyAI is best suited for creators for whom search optimization trumps all else.


  • Strong search optimization
  • Advanced customization
  • Technical tone
  • Slow generation

8. SEO Creator Studio

Part of the wider SEO Tools Centre suite, SEO Creator Studio offers a no-frills approach to AI generated video descriptions. The barebones editor simply requires pasting a title prompting the API to output corresponding descriptions.

Despite the simplicity, the tool churns out surprisingly tight copy with solid keyword inclusion and flow. However, there is once again variance across iterations in terms of overall coherence. At 300 words max length is also suboptimal.

However, available for free with main suite subscription at $6/month SEO Creator Studio is great for easy optimization on a budget.


  • Free with suite subscription
  • Crisp keyword inclusion
  • Quality fluctuations
  • Max 300 words

9. Descript

A spin-off from viral sensation Anthropic, Descript leverages Claude – Anthropic‘s language model tuned specifically for creative writing – to generate smooth long form YouTube descriptions.

The quality bar is apparent immediately with tight topic adherence, contextual explanation of prompts, and eloquent vocabulary usage. However, at times Descript does go overboard trying to showcase writing skills compromising search relevance.

Priced at a hefty $36/month, Descript is clearly targeted more at thought leaders creating explainers vs hard core video marketers.


  • Elegant writing style
  • Long form support
  • Overwriting hurts SEO optimization
  • Expensive

10. Copysmith AI

Rounding off our list is Copysmith AI, another capable contender bringing conversational descriptions to the table.

True to its name, Copysmith focuses more on engaging tone over hardcore SEO optimization. This makes descriptions fun reads albeit slightly lacking search juice. The tool also encourages excessive use of emojis which may put some creators off.

However, priced at an affordable $11/month, Copsymith AI delivers ample value for lifestyle creators focused more on subscriber bonding vs cold conversions.


  • Chatty, conversational tone
  • Personable copy
  • Underoptimized at times
  • Affordable

Verdict: While Rytr takes pole position for premium creators, INKR offers incredible free value for early stage channels. Jasper finds appeal too with slick UI and natural language.

Hopefully the above comparison gives you perspective into picking your ideal description partner. But our job doesn‘t end here. Let‘s now cover…

How to Use AI Description Generators for Best Results

While AI generators do all the heavy lifting automatically, the right inputs are crucial for creating optimized, engaging descriptions. Here are some pro tips:

1. Keep titles conversational & benefit-focused

AI generators analyze titles to understand video context. Using natural language titles stating key benefits gives more clues for relevance.

See how the title "Lose 10 Pounds Fast with This Home Workout (No Equipment!)" sets context vs generic "10 Minute Workout Routine".

2. Sprinkle critical keywords both in title & custom inputs

Most tools allow providing additional keyword prompts for inclusion. Blend search targets both naturally in title and through exact match prompts for ensure relevance.

Eg "How I Lost 30 Pounds Running Each Morning + running exercise weight loss fitness".

3. Set optimal description length

Ideally 300-500 words is the YouTube sweet spot balancing searchability with viewer retention according to experts. Go higher or lower based on niche.

4. Edit auto-generated copy before publishing

Even the best AI requires fine-tuning. Look out for repetition, clarify context if unclear. Eliminate fluff or optimize further as needed.

5. Test across generators and keep iterating

Each AI generator has slight differences in style and optimization smarts. Try multiple options, compare metrics once published and keep optimizing.

The Future of AI-Generated YouTube Descriptions

If early adoption is any indicator, AIDESCRIPTION generator usage seems inevitable among creators in the near future. In fact, leading publishers like Nas Daily have publically acknowledged already employing description generators en masse to scale output.

Even more transformative changes loom as generation quality reaches truly indistinguishable from human levels in the next 2-5 years according to experts.

Amjad Masad, Founder notes:

"Soon creators will simply describe their video idea in conversations. Assistants will translate that automatically into optimized titles, descriptions, subtitles, chapters and metadata."

The coming age of video SEO automation is both exciting and inevitably disruptive. The key for creators now is embracing the pivotal tools and strategies to not just keep up, but get ahead of viewers’ imaginations. Hopefully this guide has helped equip you in that mission – happy describing and may the YouTube force be with you!