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Crafting a Comprehensive Application Health Checklist: An Expert Guide

As an application owner, ensuring your apps stay up and running smoothly should be a top priority. Nothing turns off users quicker than slow load times or error messages. The key is being proactive with regular health checks so you can catch and fix issues before they impact customers.

In this guide, we’ll cover what you need to include in a robust application health checklist. You’ll learn:

  • Why application health matters
  • Key components to monitor
  • Health check considerations by architecture
  • Useful checklists for different app types
  • Tools and methods for effective checking
  • Remediation best practices
  • Optimizing health and reliability
  • Comprehensive checklist templates

Let’s dig in!

Why Application Health Checks Are Critical

Your apps are the front door to your business in the digital world. If they go down or have problems, your revenue, reputation and customer loyalty suffer immediately. Even small hiccups in speed or errors will frustrate users.

According to Akamai research in 2018, a 1 second delay in load times leads to:

  • 7% loss in conversions
  • 11% fewer page views
  • 16% decrease in customer satisfaction

With Forrester estimating costs of downtime at $300k per hour for ecommerce sites, you simply can’t afford slowdowns if you want to compete. Conducting regular health checks helps you:

✅ Spot problems before customers notice

✅ Ensure capacity keeps pace with demand

✅ Meet service level agreements (SLAs)

✅ Optimize costs with right-sized resources

Creating a schedule for standardized checks provides consistency. Prioritizing checks based on business impact focuses your efforts appropriately.

Now let’s explore what key components to monitor within today’s complex application architectures.

Key Components to Monitor

Modern applications have many interconnected supporting services behind the scenes. Each requires some level of monitoring and maintenance. Core components include:

Infrastructure – servers, containers, IaaS/PaaS/FaaS
Network – firewalls, load balancers, CDNs, DNS
Data tier – databases, caches, queues, storage, backups
Application – business logic, UIs, 3rd party APIs
Security – WAFs, DDoS protection, VPNs

Of course, your specific application architecture will determine exactly what to check. We’ll cover common designs next.

How Architecture Changes Health Check Needs

Monolithic, microservices and serverless architectures each have unique health check considerations. Understanding these differences helps you optimize your checklist for your stack.

Monolithic Application Architectures

Monoliths concentrate functionality into a single runtime like a Java WAR, .NET executable or Ruby on Rails app. Tight coupling between components poses challenges for isolation during health checks.

Pros Cons Health Check Implications
Simpler to develop, test and deploy Tight coupling causes cascading failures Check interconnected systems closely
Centralized management and scaling Massive ball of mud anti-pattern Prioritize early warning monitoring
Fast inter-component communication Scaling requires full redeploy Practice modularity even within codebase
  • Monitor infrastructure stability closely since hardware failures can crash entire app
  • Surface actionable alerts early via application performance monitoring
  • Check downstream dependencies require special attention

Example checks: application error rates, database connection usage, host resource metrics, synthetic user journeys, load testing.

Microservices Application Architectures

Microservices break apps into independently deployable services by function. This segregation isolates failures but adds complexity.

Pros Cons Health Check Implications
Independent scaling per service Complex networking and deployment Check DNS and load balancing configs
Fault isolation limits blast radius Debugging errors across services difficult Instrument services for tracing and logging
Granular release velocity Requires mature DevOps skills Monitor infrastructure stability service-by-service
  • Validate workings of each microservice via health check endpoints
  • Log analysis essential for debugging compared to monoliths
  • Watch service-to-service communication paths closely

Example checks: container utilization, service logs, message queue statistics, integration testing, chaos engineering experiments.

Serverless Application Architectures

Serverless revolutionizes ops by abstracting infrastructure management to cloud vendors. But coding, testing and monitoring changes substantially.

Pros Cons Health Check Implications
No server management overhead Vendor dependencies and lock-in Check cloud health status pages
Event-driven scale out of box Re-architecting for statelessness Include failover regions and zones
Pay-per-use consumption model Monitoring and debugging challenges Validate IAM policies consistently
  • Cloud roles and permissions can drift from intended security posture
  • Watch for cold start latencies closely
  • Validate database connection management

Example checks: function concurrency, DB connection usage, 3rd party uptime, VPC configuration audits, disaster recovery testing.

Now that we understand how architectures impact health check needs, let’s dig into useful checklists by app type.

Health Checklists by Application Type

We’ve covered major components worth checking above. Here we provide sample health checklists for different application architectures to use as a starting point.

Tailor these templates to your specific stack, risk tolerance and monitoring maturity level. Expand beyond this baseline as needed for your use case.

LAMP Stack Web Application Health Checks

Typical open source web apps running Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP should execute these periodically:


  • Application performance metrics (response times, error rates)
  • Uptime confirmation via synthetic monitoring
  • Host metrics (CPU, memory, disk, network)


  • Log analysis for faults, warnings, errors
  • Database audit log reviews
  • Directory and file system changes


  • Security vulnerability scanning
  • Load/stress testing at peak usage levels
  • Caching efficiency reports (hit rates, misses)


  • Disaster recovery failover/failback testing
  • Firewall policy reviews
  • Penetration testing


  • Storage growth planning
  • DNS configuration audit
  • Capacity planning assessment

Separating by frequency allows proper attention at the right intervals. Adjust specifics based on business criticality.

Microservices Application Health Checks

Given extensive dependencies in these distributed apps, verifying integration points and communications is key alongside standard component checks:


  • Application logs review
  • Host metrics for services (CPU, memory, etc)
  • Service uptime and response time validation
  • Network traffic volumes


  • Message queue statistics reports
  • DNS configurations
  • Synthetic health checks on services


  • Disaster recovery testing
  • Load and integration testing
  • WAF policy reviews


  • Horizontal scaling reviews
  • Penetration tests


  • Storage and capacity planning
  • IAM hierarchy clean-up

Watch messaging queues closely to catch integration errors quickly via dashboards. Regularly check upstream DNS still distributes traffic as intended.

Serverless Application Health Checks

With heavy cloud reliance, validate your provider environment and code configurations steadily:


  • Application logs review
  • Function error metrics
  • Function concurrency trends


  • Identity and access management (IAM) changes
  • Storage utilization growth


  • Disaster recovery testing
  • Load and integration testing
  • Costs projections vs. budgets


  • WAF policy reviews
  • VPC configuration audits


  • Penetration testing
  • Region/zone failover validation

Monitor function executions via concurrency dashboards as traffic shifts can happen rapidly. Regular cost analysis helps avoid surprise bills as adoption grows. Check VPC network security group rules often as complexity compounds over time if left unchecked.

Now that we’ve provided sample checklists, let’s dig into useful tools and methods to execute these.

Useful Tools and Methods for Health Checks

Verifying application health requires robust instrumentation. Many purpose-built tools are available across categories:

Synthetic Monitoring

Tool Pros Cons
UptimeRobot Free plan available Limited alerts and integrations
Pingdom Many global regions Expensive plans
Checkly Code-level error visibility Partial cloud infrastructure only
Site24x7 APM and log analysis Training needed
FreshPing Flexible integrations Small company

Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Tool Pros Cons
Datadog Robust feature-set Costly at scale
New Relic APM industry leader Steep learning curve
Elastic APM Seamless ELK stack integration Mostly OTAP focus
Instana Great dependency view Limited language support
AppOptics Flexible data pipelines Primarily AWS-centric

Infrastructure Monitoring

Tool Pros Cons
Zabbix Open-source Time-intensive setup
Prometheus Feature-rich Expert-level YAML skills needed
Icinga Configurable notifications Steep learning curve
Nagios XI Broad platform support Costly licenses at scale
PagerDuty Powerful incident resolution workflows Complex initial setup

Log Management Platforms

Tool Pros Cons
Elastic Stack Open-source, scalable Operational overhead
Splunk Industry-leading (pricy) Vendor lock-in risk
Sumo Logic Intuitive UI Steep egress fees at scale
LogDNA Rapid time-to-value Mostly serverless focus

Security Scanning

Tool Pros Cons
Netsparker Dead accurate findings Expensive
Nessus Broad platform support Manual effort required
Burp Suite Powerful web pentesting Steep learning curve
Qualys VMDR Avoid info overload Significant setup time

Combine approaches for monitoring visibility from all levels:

  • Infrastructure – Host resources, networks, configurations
  • Application – Services, logic, integrations
  • User – Synthetic checks mimicking workflows

This cross-layer insight surfaces a holistic health picture. Now let’s tackle remediation.

Remediating Issues Found via Health Checks

Finding issues helps little unless you fix them promptly. Use this general triage process when health checks reveal problems:

1. Categorize severity

  • Critical – Direct revenue impact or outage
  • High – Primary services degraded
  • Medium – Secondary services impacted
  • Low – Minimal customer impact

2. Engage responsible teams

  • Alert appropriate groups based on severity
  • Remain available for troubleshooting data/access needs

3. Collaborate on diagnosis

  • Compare findings against health check baselines
  • Review metrics at time of incident
  • Leverage synthetic monitoring to reproduce errors
  • Inspect stack traces, logs, configs for root cause

4. Remediate temporary workarounds

  • Redirect traffic
  • Increase capacity
  • Disable problematic features

5. Develop permanent fix plan

  • Architectural changes
  • Tuning recommendations
  • Resource additions
  • Code repairs

6. Implement remedy and verify resolution

  • Apply permanent fix with testing
  • Re-run failing health checks to confirm
  • Monitor closely over subsequent days

Formalizing these steps in an incident response plan sets clear expectations. Move rapidly during critical periods of degraded performance. Balance restoring service quickly with solving root cause completely to prevent repeat issues.

Optimizing Long-Term Application Health

Beyond verifying health via regular checklists, several proactive measures improve uptime and performance over the long haul:

Best practices to optimize application health

Instrument code – Logs, metrics, traces

Right size capacity – Bursting, containers, serverless

CDN for caching/offload – Improve app speed

Chaos test – Build failure immunity

Form incident management workflows – MTTD, MTTR

Foster blameless culture – Encourage learning from issues

DevSecOps automation – IaC, config scanning

Build out a cloud native observability foundation with structured logs, dimensional metrics and distributed tracing so health signals surface quickly. Optimize capacity management leveraging autoscaling groups and consumption-based models to reduce overhead. Implement a compute CDN to cache and serve static content faster. Inject failures via chaos engineering experiments to uncover weakness. Craft incident response playbooks institutionalizing learning from outages. Automate policy enforcement and configuration scans rather than making them optional. Champion transparency when problems occur rather than blame.

Healthy applications directly fuel business success through improved customer loyalty and retention. By diligently performing checks and optimizing ongoing operations, you’ll be well positioned for availability and agility at scale.

Now let’s provide some comprehensive checklist templates you can reference.

Comprehensive Health Checklist Templates

We‘ve covered lots of specific checks to this point. Here we consolidate those into one master checklist with a recommended cadence. Pick and choose what makes sense for your application stack and environments.

Web Application Master Health Checklist

Web Application Master Health Checklist

Monthly Checks

  • Performance testing – validate speed
  • Security scanning – address vulnerabilities
  • Failover/recovery testing – confirm resilience
  • Storage and capacity planning – right-size growth

Annual Checks

  • Costs analysis – optimize cloud spend
  • Architecture review – migrate aging systems

Why Check Application Health Regularly?

  • Find problems sooner
  • Optimize costs
  • Increase uptime
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Reduce interruptions
  • Identify capacity needs
  • Validate resilience
  • Achieve compliance

Key Takeaways

  • Know what to check for each app component
  • Craft checklists aligned to your architecture
  • Automate what you can
  • Optimize monitoring with right tools
  • Remediate issues quickly
  • Review systems and processes annually
  • Reliability guarantees business continuity

Hopefully this guide has armed you with greater knowledge on structuring comprehensive application health checks tailored to your environment. Reach out via comments or social media if any questions pop up along the way!