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Google Bard vs Claude AI: What’s The Difference? [2024]

Google Bard and Claude are two new conversational AI models that have entered the chatbot space recently. Both models are designed to be helpful, harmless, and honest.

However, there are some key differences between the two in terms of their capabilities, data training, and intended use cases. This article will compare and contrast Google Bard and Claude AI across several categories to understand where each excels and falls short.

Capabilities and Features

Google Bard

  • Launched in February 2023, Bard aims to provide helpful, high quality responses to natural language questions spanning content found on the web.
  • Leverages LaMDA model architecture. LaMDA stands for Language Model for Dialogue Applications and uses neural networks to produce human-like conversations.
  • Can chat about nearly any topic, pull information from different web sources, and summarize responses.
  • Designed to be a service that finds and synthesizes information to produce its own high quality responses rather than simply providing links out to other sites.


Data Training

Google Bard

  • Trained on LaMDA architecture using public dialogue data, web sites, books, Wikipedia etc. Billions of webpage documents, text snippets and conversations were used.
  • Google has not provided full transparency into Bard’s model architecture and datasets due to potential misuse concerns.


  • Trained using Constitutional AI techniques focused on feedback loops that allow ongoing monitoring and course correction of model outputs.
  • Training data includes public domain books, Wikipedia, archived web content and discussions with real users to continually expand capabilities.
  • Anthropic provides transparency into Claude’s model architecture, training methodology and dataset curation guidelines for trust and safety.

Intended Use Cases

Google Bard


  • Created to serve as an AI assistant focused on a defined set of helpful, harmless, honest uses like scheduling, writing, calculations rather than acting as an internet search engine.
  • Already available for the general public to sign up and chat with Claude through apps on iOS and Android as well as the web. Continues to expand capabilities over time.

Reliability and Accuracy

Google Bard

  • Early responses during preview stage lacked accuracy and provided misinformation leading to credibility concerns.
  • Google continues working to improve reply quality, fact checking capabilities and transparency around confidence scoring before expanding access.


  • Transparent model card provides accuracy benchmarks across different tasks like translation, summarization and more. Accuracy ranges between 70-95% depending on the task complexity.
  • Constitutional AI training methodology instills helpfulness, honesty, and harmlessness as core tenets leading to reliable responses.
  • Will clearly state when it does not have high confidence in a reply or admits the limits of its knowledge rather than guessing.


Google Bard

  • Currently only available as a limited preview product focused on text interactions for a small set of test users and enterprise partners.
  • Future plans are to integrate Bard across various Google products like Search, Maps and Google Assistant for wider accessibility including rich multimedia results.
  • Over time, aim to provide chatbot API access to third party developers to embed Bard capabilities into more applications.


  • Already publicly available to have text and voice conversations via web, iOS and Android apps. Simple sign up process for access.
  • Focused on text and voice interactions for general users rather than visualization or multimedia experiences.
  • Future plans to expand availability across more platforms and devices and eventually offer some level of API access to vetted third party developers.

Privacy and Security

Google Bard

  • Details on data privacy and security practices for Bard responses are still emerging given its preview status.
  • Google states Bard is governed by their AI Principles prohibiting harmful, misleading, biased or inappropriate content.
  • As a large tech company, concerns exist on how user data may be collected and leveraged across Google’s ecosystem.


  • Contractual guarantees prohibit sharing of individual conversations with any third parties without explicit consent.
  • Anthropic’s Constitutional AI approach monitors for harmful model behavior as part of feedback loops.
  • Detailed data privacy white paper explains how user data is protected and not sold or used for advertising.

Pricing and Availability

Google Bard

  • Currently in limited preview with plans for gradual public release through Google search and other properties over time.
  • Expected to ultimately be free given integration into Google’s ad-supported services rather than a paid chatbot.
  • Premium API pricing likely for enterprise access.


  • Free limited usage tier for testing capabilities.
  • $20 per month subscription after trial period for full unlocked access.
  • Volume and enterprise pricing available but geared towards individual consumers versus businesses.

Ongoing Improvement Approach

Google Bard

  • Leverage extensive compute infrastructure for continued pre-training of foundation models on ever growing datasets.
  • Employ confidence scoring, relevance feedback signals and rigorous quality assurance testing to enhance responses.
  • Planned integration across Google search properties provides ongoing real-world testing at massive scale.


  • Constitutional AI techniques like feedback loops, circuit breakers and self-supervision allow detecting and correcting of model mistakes or harmful outputs.
  • Daily user conversations continuously expand Claude’s knowledge and improve abilities while upholding safety.
  • Ongoing model architecture improvements balance scalability and capabilities with financial and computational constraints.


In summary, Google Bard and Claude take divergent approaches to the conversational AI space with Bard focused on search engine capabilities at web scale while Claude targets being a helpful personal assistant.

Key differentiators include Constitutional AI training for Claude improving safety and reliability versus LaMDA architecture for Bard enabling expansive internet knowledge. However, both chatbots are still in the early stages with significant development ahead as Google and Anthropic balance capabilities, accuracy, accessibility and responsible AI practices.

The coming years promise rapid evolution of language models – setting up an intriguing comparison between tech industry giants like Google and innovative startups like Anthropic.


What are the key differences between Google Bard and Claude AI?

The main differences are that Bard is positioned as a web search chatbot while Claude is focused on being a helpful personal assistant. Bard leverages Google’s LaMDA architecture to draw responses from across the internet while Claude uses Constitutional AI techniques for safety. Bard is currently limited preview while Claude is publicly available via subscription.

What types of tasks is Google Bard best suited for?

Bard is optimized to provide high-quality answers to natural language questions by synthesizing information from different web sources. It excels at open-ended queries across a wide range of topics providing summaries, advice, and factual information.

What types of tasks is Claude focused on?

Claude focuses on being helpful for everyday tasks like scheduling, writing assistance, calculations, translations and defining words or concepts. It acts as a personal assistant rather than an internet search engine.

How do the training approaches compare between Bard and Claude AI?

Google Bard is trained on public web documents like Wikipedia as well as books and dialogue data using LaMDA architecture while Claude uses Constitutional AI with ongoing feedback loops between users and the model.

Is Google Bard or Claude currently more accurate and reliable?

Early Bard responses lacked accuracy leading Google to focus significant development on quality improvements. Comparatively, Claude’s Constitutional training methodology results in more reliable responses currently even admitting limits of knowledge.

How do the accessibility plans for each chatbot compare?

Google plans to integrate Bard broadly into search, maps and other free services while Claude is publicly available via paid subscription plans of $20/month. Longer-term both are expected to offer some API access.

How does data privacy and security differ between the chatbots?

Anthropic provides more transparency into Claude’s privacy protections given Constitutional AI techniques while Bard details remain somewhat vague beyond standard Google AI principles.

Which company will likely improve their chatbot capabilities faster?

Google has more extensive resources to expand Bard rapidly but Constitutional AI gives Claude effective mechanisms for ongoing safe improvements with each user conversation.