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How to Fix TEMU Affiliate Program Not Working? [2024]

How to Fix TEMU Affiliate Program Not Working? TEMU is a popular e-commerce marketplace launched in 2022 that offers discounted prices on millions of products. Like many e-commerce companies, TEMU has an affiliate program where people can earn commissions by promoting TEMU products and directing sales to the TEMU website. However, some TEMU affiliates have reported issues with the program not tracking sales or paying commissions properly. This article will provide troubleshooting tips to fix some common issues with the TEMU affiliate program.

Check Your Affiliate Status and Links:

The first step in troubleshooting issues with the TEMU affiliate program is to check your affiliate account status and links. Log in to your TEMU affiliate account and confirm that your account is approved and active. Inactive or pending accounts will not properly track sales.

You also need to ensure you are using the correct affiliate links. TEMU provides unique affiliate links for each product and special links for categories or the homepage. Using incorrect or outdated links will prevent sales from being attributed to your account. Check that the links match the format provided by TEMU and that they are for current, valid products. Replacing broken links can help fix attribution issues.

Use Referrer URLs Properly:

Many problems with the TEMU affiliate program result from improper use of referrer URLs. The referrer URL is used by TEMU to identify traffic from affiliates and attribute sales. When constructing affiliate links or promoting TEMU, the actual underlying product URL must not be shown or accessed directly.

Always use the full affiliate link as provided without alterations. Using a link shortener or hiding the affiliate link behind redirect services prevents the TEMU system from recognizing the traffic source. You must also ensure any links are direct links to TEMU product or category pages, not the TEMU homepage. Using proper referrer links is crucial for getting credit for conversions.

Enable Cookie Tracking:

The TEMU affiliate program relies on cookies to track sales from referred users. After clicking on an affiliate link, a cookie is set on the user’s browser for a duration of 1 to 90 days. If users have disabled cookies or remove them prematurely, the TEMU system cannot connect their purchase back to the affiliate link they clicked previously.

Suggest users enable cookies to ensure proper tracking and referrals. As an affiliate, you should also test cookie tracking on your own by using a fresh browser session, clicking affiliate links, then checking for cookies. Cookie tracking issues can cause missing commissions.

Check Payment Status and Thresholds:

Before contacting TEMU about missing earnings, check your affiliate account dashboard for payment details. Commissions earned during one month are paid out the following month after reaching the $20 minimum payment threshold. So sales earned today may not show up as paid commissions for 60+ days.

You can view monthly statements showing unpaid vs paid earnings and the balance currently pending payment. Ensure you have actually reached the payment threshold first before submitting payment inquiries. Also watch for any failed payment attempts – updating your payment profile can allow pending amounts to be reprocessed.

Refresh Tracking Pixels:

Some TEMU affiliates have resolved attribution problems by refreshing their tracking pixels. After signing up, TEMU assigns a tracking pixel code that must be placed on marketing materials like product listing ads or websites. But occasionally these pixels expire, deactivate, or need to be updated.

Try removing any existing TEMU tracking pixels and replacing them with newly generated active pixel code. You may need to contact TEMU affiliate support to get refreshed pixels. Properly configuring an active tracking pixels helps document your specific promotion sources.

Use Alternate Tracking Methods:

If cookie tracking fails, TEMU will attempt to match affiliate sales through additional tracking methods like IP address and order metadata. However, for higher accuracy you can implement supplementary tracking techniques on your referral traffic directly.

For example, append UTM referral parameters for things like campaign, content, term, and other identifiers. Or implement unique promo codes, vouchers or coupons. While TEMU relies firstly on cookies, submitting this transaction data enables better matching.

Having backup tracking gives more signals to connect conversions to your links when the usual methods fail.

Submit Support Ticket with Examples:

If despite the above troubleshooting you still find issues with missing affiliate sales or commissions, you need to contact TEMU support. Be prepared to provide detailed examples documenting the problems you are facing.

Screenshots showing affiliate links used, cookies present, user flow, order metadata, and commission statements can help illustrate issues. Check traffic and clicks from your end against sales and earnings on the TEMU side to pinpoint discrepancies. Being able to demonstrate exactly where in the process things are breaking down makes fixing problems much faster.

You will need to open a support ticket and communicate directly with the TEMU affiliate team providing any evidence to backup your claims. Insufficient information often results in delayed responses or an inability to resolve missing commission disputes. Document issues diligently before escalating cases.

Consider Switching Affiliate Accounts:

In some cases, the underlying problem may be related specifically to your TEMU affiliate account rather than general issues with the program. If you have double checked your usage of links, cookies, promos, and order data but still find inconsistent attribution, try creating a completely new TEMU affiliate account.

Generate all new links tied only to the fresh account and redo your integrations with the updated affiliate ID. Essentially pretend you are an entirely brand new affiliate just starting promotions. If you suddenly see improved tracking and sales conversions, an account switch may have fixed corruptions related to your existing profile.

This should be a last resort troubleshooting step when all else fails. But creating a separate affiliate profile could isolate the issue to your account rather than systemic bugs.

Request Account Manager:

For partners promoting TEMU at higher volumes who continue battling technical issues, requesting personal account management is advised. Top performing TEMU affiliates can get assigned an individual affiliate manager and support staff to provide customized assistance.

An account manager has greater visibility into program issues and can monitor integration points. Dedicated reps can also enable features like direct API access. Having a single point of contact and enhanced troubleshooting means problems can get prioritized and resolved more rapidly.

If all standard troubleshooting has been exhausted without success, seek account manager assignment before terminating efforts with the TEMU program entirely.


TEMU’s affiliate program offers a lucrative opportunity but some affiliates encounter technical challenges with tracking and commissions. Fixing cookie issues, proper link usage, enhanced attribution methods, thorough support documentation, account manager access, or ultimately switching to substitute affiliate programs can get sales earning back on track. Pay close attention to TEMU’s affiliate requirements and troubleshoot promptly when problems emerge. With the right approach, persisting through problems can lead to rewarding affiliate success.


Why are my TEMU affiliate sales not tracking correctly?

Common issues that cause tracking problems include using incorrect affiliate links, enabling cookie blocking on your site, failing to use referrer URLs properly, or your affiliate account not being fully approved yet. Double check your links, cookie settings, referrer integration, and account status first.

Why is my TEMU tracking pixel not working correctly?

Try regenerating a new tracking pixel code and re-implementing it. Old pixels may deactivate or need refreshing. Ensure any firewall or security software is not blocking pixel activity. Also place pixels only on domains you own to prevent policy violations.

Can I get specialized support if I am a top TEMU affiliate?

Yes, high-tier affiliates can request a dedicated account manager. These reps provide customized troubleshooting, advanced integration support, and prioritized issue resolution to keep your earnings on track.