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How to Host Your WordPress Website on A2 Hosting?

How to Host Your WordPress Website on A2 Hosting with Softaculous

Welcome to my ultimate guide on using Softaculous to host WordPress websites on A2 Hosting!

Whether you‘re launching a personal blog or an ecommerce store, WordPress paired with A2 Hosting‘s high-performance infrastructure is a winning combination. In this article, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know, from setting up your hosting account to optimizing your site, with a special focus on leveraging the simplicity of Softaculous.

Let‘s get started!

Why Choose A2 Hosting and Softaculous for WordPress?

But first, why A2 Hosting and Softaculous specifically for your WordPress site?

A2 Hosting is optimized for speed and performance. Its high-end solid state drives (SSDs) and global content delivery network (CDN) offer up to 20X faster page loads compared to typical shared hosting.

It also promises industry-leading uptime and reliability. You‘ll get access to anycast DNS and boundary routing for avoiding network outages. Plus A2 Monitoring to keep your site up and running 24/7.

Robust security features help protect your site too, like free HackScan monitoring, custom firewall rules, IP banning, and more.

Now let‘s talk about Softaculous – it‘s the leading auto-installer for scripts like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and more. The software makes deploying these complex applications super quick and easy.

With just a few clicks, you can get WordPress installed on your A2 Hosting account without any technical expertise required. Softaculous handles configuring all the settings, creating the database, dealing with permissions, and more.

This simplicity means you spend less time struggling with setup and more time focusing on your site content and growth. That‘s the true beauty of pairing A2 and Softaculous!

Step 1: Sign Up for an A2 Hosting Account

Your first step is to purchase an A2 Hosting shared hosting plan that matches your needs. I recommend one of the following to start:

  • Lite plan – best for new sites with less traffic
  • Swift plan – supports increased visitors with better performance
  • Turbo plan – top tier speed optimized for even heavier traffic loads

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After signup, A2 will email you information to access your hosting account and cPanel dashboard. This is where you‘ll deploy WordPress.

Step 2: Add Your Domain to the Account

Inside cPanel, navigate to "Domains" and then "Add a Domain".

Enter your domain name (e.g. and hit submit. This maps your domain to point to your A2 Hosting account.

You‘ll also need to configure the nameservers with your domain registrar to connect everything together. Refer to A2‘s guide on setting up domains for details.

Step 3: Install WordPress with Softaculous

Here comes the fun part! You‘re now ready to leverage Softculous to quickly install WordPress.

Inside your cPanel, find the "Softaculous Apps Installer" icon. After clicking it, locate WordPress in the list of available scripts:

softaculous apps installer

Hit the "+" button to launch the installer.

On the next screen, choose the domain name you setup earlier as the installation URL.

Enter your desired WordPress "Site Name", "Site Description", and the admin credentials you wish to create.

There are additional advanced options to modify like the location for storing backups or auto-upgrade settings. The defaults are fine to start.

When ready, hit "Install" and Softaculous goes to work deploying WordPress for you automatically! This may take 2-3 minutes to complete.

Once finished, you‘ll see a success message with your WordPress admin URL. Visit that link to login and start building out your site!

Step 4: Configure Your WordPress Site

With WordPress installed, there are a few key settings I recommend updating for an optimal experience:

1. Enable the A2 Optimized plugin – this configures important performance tweaks like caches, minification, and the PHP version. Boosts your page loads!

2. Switch to HTTPS – encrypts traffic to your site for security. A2 includes free SSL to enable this.

3. Setup automatic updates – this is crucial to get security patches and protect against threats. I suggest automatic background updates.

Refer to A2‘s guide on optimizing your WordPress installation which covers these areas in more detail.

Step 5: Migrate Your Content

If migrating an existing WordPress site, use A2‘s built-in Site Migration tool inside cPanel to directly copy over your content from another host or URL.

This copies your database, files, plugins and themes to replicate your exact site on A2 Hosting. Much easier than doing a manual move!

Ongoing Best Practices for WordPress + A2 Hosting

Managing a WordPress site isn‘t just about the initial setup. Here are some top tips for keeping your site healthy long-term:

  • Regular backups – use A2‘s backup manager to schedule daily snapshots protecting your data.
  • Update WordPress, plugins and themes – this maintains the latest security and feature updates.
  • Enable caching – reduces server load and speeds up performance for visitors.
  • Monitor site metrics – tools like A2 Monitoring reveal traffic, uptime and other insights.
  • CDN for media delivery – A2 offers Site Accelerator to optimize images, CSS etc around the world.

Stick to these best practices and your WordPress site will thrive on A2 Hosting!

Is Self-Managed or Managed WordPress Hosting Better on A2?

A key decision is whether to operate your WordPress site in a self-managed way with Softaculous, or use A2‘s managed WordPress solution.

Here‘s a quick comparison:

  • Self-managed allows more control but requires your own admin and security upkeep.
  • Managed WordPress hosting handles updates, security, and performance giving you less to worry about.
  • Managed plans start at $99/month supporting higher traffic sites.

So if you don‘t want to hassle with technical management, upgrading to A2‘s managed WP engine later on is a great option.

But for most cases, Softaculous makes getting started with self-managed WordPress super simple. You still benefit from A2‘s speed and reliability, while controlling your stack.

Wrapping Up

I hope this guide gave you a comprehensive overview on hosting WordPress with A2 Hosting and Softaculous!

The combination offers a fast, secure, and easy way to launch WordPress sites big and small.

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments!