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Leonardo AI Login: How to Access and Use? [2024]

Leonardo AI is a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence tool designed to generate high-quality images and art from textual descriptions. It uses the latest in machine learning technology and generative adversarial networks to produce creative visuals for a variety of different use cases.

Some of the key features and capabilities of Leonardo AI include:

  • Text-to-image generation – Convert written descriptions into photorealistic images, digital paintings, graphics and more
  • Control over image features – Specify desired style, elements, scale, colors, level of realism and much more
  • Versatile image formats – Output as JPG, PNG or SVG in different resolutions
  • Useful for graphic design, concept art, prototypes, marketing creatives, gaming art and other applications

The service is aimed at creative professionals, online marketers, game developers, digital artists, graphic designers and essentially anyone that needs AI-generated image assets.

It offers both free and paid subscription plans to cater to varying needs and use cases. The free plan provides a limited allowance of image generations which reset monthly, while paid plans have higher limits and additional benefits.

Signing Up for a Leonardo AI Account

Creating an Account

Getting started on Leonardo AI simply requires creating a free account. Go to the Leonardo AI website and click on “Get Started Today”. On the sign up page, you need to provide your name, work email address and choose a secure password for the account. Agree to the terms of use and privacy policy before clicking sign up.

A confirmation link will be emailed – click on it to verify your email address. This completes the new account creation process.

Logging In

To log in to your Leonardo AI account, go to the website and click “Log In” on the top right. On the login page, enter the registered email and password to access your Leonardo AI dashboard. This is where you can generate images, manage your library, purchase credits and utilize other features.

Using Leonardo AI Core Features

Generating Images

The main functionality of Leonardo AI is generating images from text prompts. On your dashboard, click on “Generate Images” and enter any descriptive text of what you want to create visuals of. You can specify elements like objects, people, colors, styles, background, composition and more within the prompt.

Additionally, you can customize parameters like image size, format and level of variation. Once ready, hit “Generate” – this uses your account credits to run the AI model. Within seconds to minutes, Leonardo will output image thumbnails which you can click on to download full resolutions.

Managing Your Library

As you generate multiple images, they get saved under the “Image History” section. Here you can view all past generations, favorite or unfavorite specific ones, toggle their privacy settings and delete images you no longer need. This helps organize and clean up your Leonardo library over time.

Favoriting images moves them to the separate “Favorites” tab for easier access later. You can also download all images in your library as a ZIP file if needed.

Purchasing Credits

As mentioned before, Leonardo offers both a free plan and paid subscription plans. Under the free plan, you get 150 image generation credits that refresh monthly. To buy more credits in bulk, view the pricing page and purchase credit packs as per your budget and usage needs.

Larger packs offer better value in terms of cost per image. After purchase, bought credits get automatically added to your account. They do not expire and any unused credits simply roll over month to month.

You can manage all your transactions and payment methods in the Billing section. This also allows updating to higher subscriptions if needed.

Additional Leonardo AI Capabilities

Sharing and Collaborating

Leonardo AI allows adding team members to your account through the Collaboration feature. You can designate other users as collaborators to provide them access to your image generation history and credits balance. Collaborators can view, favorite, edit privacy settings and delete images in your library.

This enables easily sharing generated image assets across teams and ensuring transparency in their usage. The account owner retains admin rights to manage all collaborators.


To extend its utility across your workflows, Leonardo offers integrations with various popular apps and services including Slack, Discord, Figma, Dropbox and more. This allows importing prompts from design files, sharing images to team channels and automated triggering of image generations from these platforms.

Integrations help incorporate AI-generated graphics into collaborative design and communication processes while cutting down manual efforts.

API Access

For advanced customization and development needs, Leonardo AI provides developer API access. This allows programmatically interacting with the image generation engine and capabilities.

You can build custom front-end interfaces, integrate image automation in backend processes, get metadata on generations and handle permissions via APIsRate limits protect availability for all users.

Overall the APIs enable taking Leonardo’s creative AI capabilities beyond its web interface to power all kinds of custom solutions.

Getting Support as a Leonardo AI User

As you begin using Leonardo AI, there are ample resources and channels available for resolving queries, getting help and providing feedback:


In summary, Leonardo AI offers an advanced creative assistant leveraging AI for on-demand image generation from text prompts. Signing up is quick, easy and enables accessing the dashboard to create a wide variety of visuals.

Customize and collaborate on images using provided tools and integrations. Reasonably priced credits cater from light to heavy usage. Ongoing developments promise more features and capabilities aligned to responsible industry standards.


What types of image content does Leonardo AI create?

Leonardo AI can generate all kinds of fictional images from natural language descriptions – people, objects, scenes, animals, logos etc. However, it should not be used to recreate offensive, illegal or harmful content.

Does Leonardo provide mobile apps?

No, Leonardo is currently web-only and does not offer mobile applications. However, the web dashboard is responsive and accessible via mobile devices as well. APIs are available for custom mobile integrations.

What resolutions and formats are supported?

Leonardo’s images are available at resolutions up to 1280×1024 px in JPG, PNG and SVG (vector) formats currently. Different resolutions suit different use cases – low for web, high for prints etc.

Can I delete my Leonardo AI account if I no longer need it?

Yes, you can choose to permanently delete your Leonardo account if you wish from inside your account settings. This wipes all your data including images from Leonardo’s servers. You will first need to spend down existing credits.

How do monthly free credits work?

All new Leonardo accounts get 150 image generation credits each calendar month. Any unused credits expire at month end and cannot be rolled over to the next month. Only paid credits can accumulate over time.