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Life2Vec AI Login: How to Login and Use Life2Vec AI? [2024]

Life2Vec is an online death calculator that uses artificial intelligence to predict an individual’s risk of dying within a certain timeframe. Developed by researchers, it aims to estimate personalized all-cause mortality risk based on a person’s demographics, lifestyle habits, and medical history.

The calculator was trained on UK Biobank data from over 500,000 participants aged 40-69. By entering information about your age, gender, race, health conditions, and lifestyle factors, Life2Vec can estimate your probability of dying within the next 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years.

Benefits of Using Life2Vec

There are several potential benefits to using the Life2Vec death calculator:

  • Gain Insight into Mortality Risk Factors: The calculator highlights how various demographics and health/lifestyle factors impact mortality risk. This can motivate positive behavior changes.
  • Identify Health Issues for Further Screening: If your results show elevated short-term mortality risk, it may indicate underlying conditions worth screening for.
  • Inform Healthcare and Lifestyle Decisions: Knowledge of your mortality risk can help guide preventative care, health priorities, financial planning, and lifestyle choices.
  • Promote Risk Awareness and Reduction: Seeing quantitative mortality risks makes the concept more tangible and may promote risk-reducing actions like quitting smoking.

Overall, Life2Vec aims to take advantage of AI to provide personalized, actionable health risk information based on the latest mortality risk research.

How to Access the Life2Vec Website

Accessing the Life2Vec calculator is simple and straightforward. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to in your web browser. This is the official Life2Vec website.
  2. On the homepage, click on the button labeled “Take Test” to access the calculator.
  3. Read the disclaimer about use restrictions and privacy. Click “Agree” at the bottom to indicate informed consent and continue.

And you’re in! Just create an account or log in to start using the Life2Vec calculator.

Creating a Life2Vec Account

Before using the death calculator, you need to set up a free account. Here is the step-by-step process:

  1. From the Life2Vec homepage, click “Take Test” then click “Create Account” below the login fields.
  2. Enter your name, a valid email address, and create a secure password.
  3. Check your email inbox for a confirmation link sent by Life2Vec. Click it to verify your account.
  4. Return to and log into your account with your email/password.

Once logged in, you can fully access the mortality risk calculator and save your results.

How to Use the Life2Vec Death Calculator

Using the Life2Vec calculator involves selecting your demographics, entering health/lifestyle data, and viewing mortality risk estimates:

Step 1) Enter Demographic Information

  • Select your gender at birth: Male, Female, or Non-binary
  • Input your current age in years
  • Select your ethnic background from options like White, Asian, Black, or mixed race
  • Enter your height in centimeters and weight in kilograms

Step 2) Select Health Conditions

  • Check any health conditions you currently have or have ever been diagnosed with
  • Options include diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, and many more
  • Specify the age you were first diagnosed with applicable conditions

Step 3) Input Lifestyle Factors

  • Indicate if you currently smoke tobacco and the average number smoked per day
  • Select your typical weekly exercise in categories like none, light, moderate, or vigorous
  • Choose your overall diet quality: very unhealthy, unhealthy, moderately healthy, healthy, very healthy

Step 4) View Mortality Risk Results

  • After entering all required information, click “Calculate Risk” at the bottom
  • On the results page, you will see your calculated risk of dying within 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years
  • Risks are displayed as percentages and visually on a mortality curve graph

Step 5) Try Different Health Scenarios

  • Use the calculator again to estimate how mortality risk changes with different health factors
  • For example, see how quitting smoking or developing diabetes impacts your projected lifespan
  • This allows customized risk profiling for better-informed health decisions

Interpreting and Using Life2Vec Risk Results

Understanding your personalized Life2Vec mortality risk estimates can ultimately motivate positive lifestyle changes. Here’s how to interpret and apply your results:

Put Risks in Context

  • The 1-30 year mortality risk percentages indicate how likely you are to die within that timeframe
  • Compare your risks to population averages based on your demographics
  • For example, projected risks significantly above peers may suggest undiagnosed conditions

Identify Drivers of Elevated Risks

  • Consider which health and lifestyle factors have the greatest impact on increasing your mortality projections
  • For example, risks may be driven by smoking, obesity, inactivity, etc.

Recognize the Impact of Life Decisions

  • Use the calculator repeatedly to demonstrate how choices influence mortality risks
  • See motivating risk reductions from losing weight, controlling diabetes, quitting smoking

Discuss Results with Your Healthcare Provider

  • Printable mortality curve graphs facilitate discussions with doctors about your health
  • They may help inform priorities for preventative screening and lifestyle changes
  • This enables more personalized health recommendations tailored to your risks

Make Informed Lifestyle Improvements

  • Ultimately, use your personalized risks to guide impactful health promotion actions
  • For example, losing weight, eating healthy, exercising regularly, or stopping smoking
  • Improving high-risk lifestyle factors pays dividends in risk reduction and longevity

Using Life2Vec provides a launching point to discuss health risks and work towards life-prolonging behavior changes that reduce your likelihood of dying prematurely.

Privacy and Responsible Use of Life2Vec

While offering potential benefits, using any online risk calculator also warrants caution regarding responsible use and privacy:

Be Wary of Overreacting

  • Life2Vec offers estimates – not diagnoses – so don’t panic over projected risks
  • First discuss any concerns openly with your doctor for professional context

Recognize Calculation Uncertainty

  • All models have limitations, so view risk estimates as general guidance not precise forecasts
  • Many health aspects like genetics aren’t addressable, so don’t fret over uncontrollable risks

Don’t Provide Sensitive Information

  • Never enter personally identifiable data like full names or specific dates of birth
  • Read site terms to understand how anonymous aggregated data may be used for research

Review Privacy Protections

  • Understand how Life2Vec handles data security, access permissions and retention policies
  • For example, adequate encryption, activity logging, breach protocols

Exercising caution around privacy and responsible use enables you to utilize Life2Vec’s AI-predictions responsibly while minimizing risks of overreaction.


Life2Vec offers an easily accessible online calculator that leverages AI to estimate personalized short and long-term mortality risks based on demographics, health data, and lifestyle habits. Following the process of accessing, setting up a free account, entering your information, and viewing results grants simple access to potentially valuable insights on health and longevity.

Used wisely alongside medical opinions, the tool holds promise for motivating positive behavior changes through tangible risk awareness and visualization. Furthermore, trying different health scenarios helps demonstrate the significant impact lifestyle choices can have on mortality projections and life expectancy.

Overall, integrating Life2Vec mortality risk estimates into health discussions constitutes an intriguing application of AI with potential personal and preventative care benefits if utilized responsibly.


What is Life2Vec?

Life2Vec is an online calculator that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to estimate a person’s risk of dying within different timeframes (1 year, 5 years, 10 years etc). It was developed by researchers using UK Biobank data.

Is Life2Vec accurate?

The Life2Vec model was validated on over half a million people aged 40-69 from the UK Biobank dataset. It demonstrated good performance at ranking people’s mortality risks. However, no model can predict individual life expectancy perfectly or account for every mortality risk factor.

What information does Life2Vec use to estimate mortality risk?

The Life2Vec calculator uses inputs like age, gender, ethnicity, lifestyle factors (smoking, diet, exercise), and diagnosed health conditions. It does not directly use genetics, family history or some environmental factors.

Do I need special qualifications to use Life2Vec?

Life2Vec is designed for use by the general public without needing any special qualifications. However, results should not be interpreted as medical advice or precise life expectancy forecasts. Discuss any concerns with your doctor.