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Mastering Azure Cost Optimization: A 2022 Guide

Controlling public cloud costs poses a significant challenge, but the right set of strategies empowers you to maximize efficiency and savings in Azure deployments. This comprehensive 2800+ words guide explores in-depth best practices for optimizing and governing Azure expenditures.

Why Azure Cost Control Matters

With a consumption-based pricing model, Azure provides accessible on-demand services allowing businesses to scale elastically. However, this flexibility often leads to overprovisioning and efficiency gaps which can drive up your cloud spending exponentially if unchecked.

A 2021 RightScale study revealed that optimizing cloud costs was the #1 initiative for most organizations over the next year.

Hence getting a solid handle on Azure cost management is critical before embarking on cloud migrations. The key focus areas include:

  • Cost Visibility: Gain transparency into consumption and spending patterns across various services
  • Cost Optimization: Right-size workloads, trigger autoscaling rules, purchase reserved capacity
  • Cost Monitoring: Define budgets aligned to teams/apps, get alerts on critical thresholds
  • Cost Allocation: Build chargeback models to track IT spending by business units

Combining native Azure tools like Cost Management plus Cloudyn with robust third-party solutions gives you full control and real-time insights governing your cloud investments.

By incorporating proven optimization techniques and modern cost analytics, organizations have realized 20-40% cost efficiency gains within the initial months itself.

Core Principles for Azure Optimization

Here are some key overarching best practices to apply for maximizing savings in Azure:

Rationalize Subscriptions: Minimize sprawl by consolidating resources into fewer subs with better discounting

Standardize Workloads: Identify common instance types, storage or database tiers for bulk reservation purchase

Tag Intelligently: Implement tagging hierarchy for resources based on categories – project, env, department etc.

Right-size Proactively: Continually assess optimal VM or database SKUs aligned to usage levels

Deprovision Aggressively: Shut down dev/test capacity outside working hours & auto-pause APIs during downtime

Enforce Guardrails: Embed policy, budget and quota controls into Azure Blueprint definitions

Now let‘s cover some of the proven steps to optimize consumption and cloud bills.

Step #1: Analyze Usage and Spending Patterns

The first step involves gaining visibility by analyzing usage and charges broken down by services, resource groups and meters like storage transactions, network calls etc.

Azure Usage and Charges CSV available on the subscriptions blade provides detailed consumption records programmatically imported into Power BI or other data visualization tools.

Azure Usage CSV Sample

This allows slicing and dicing Azure expenses from various dimensions to shine a light on optimization areas.

Key views to examine regularly:

  • Hourly/Daily burn rates and trends
  • Traffic distribution across services
  • Resource allocation and sizing issues
  • Identification of waste and unused resources
  • Consumption by environment, project, department etc.

Third party tools like Cloudyn allow intelligent meter-level analysis of usage drivers amplified with custom tagging data as covered further in the article.

Step 2: Right-size Azure Resources

One of the foremost reasons for cloud overspending is overallocation of resources like VMs, databases and containers exceeding actual needs.

Right-sizing is the concept of matching provisioned capacity and spending to current and projected business workloads. The aim is to only use and pay for what you actually require.

Let‘s examine two common scenarios for rightsizing opportunities:

Azure VM Right-Sizing

  • You have provisioned several Standard_F4s_v2 VMs as app servers
  • These instances are sized for peak loads and contain surplus capacity
  • Actual CPU usage analytics reveals average utilization around 18%

Action: Resize to Standard_F2s_v2 instances with 50% lower list price achieving substantial savings

Azure SQL DB Right-Sizing

  • You have a 500 DTU tier Gen5 Azure SQL DB instance
  • This sizing was selected 12 months ago during launch
  • Reports reveal peak connections capped at 120 with average usage of 100 DTU

Action: Scale down to a 200 DTU sized instance with approx. 65% lower price

In this manner, look for overprovisioned VMs, SQL DBs, Redis caches etc. to right-size. Azure Advisor surfaces excellent starting recommendations based on your workloads.

Also leverage monitoring tools like Azure Monitor before redeploying scaled down resources. Doing this quarterly, especially on non-prod environments, can yield tremendous savings.

Step #3: Optimize Storage Costs

Data growth and retention policies around backup/archival data can explode your cloud storage costs. Here are some ways to optimize this spending:

Classify Hot and Cold Data: Structure storage into hot (frequently accessed) vs cold (archival) data pools. Hot on premium SSDs, cold on cheaper Standard HDD storage. Also leverage Azure Blob Storage lifecycle management to automatically transition data between access tiers.

Reduce Redundancy: Lower redundancy requirements where possible – LRS vs GRS for non-critical data. Also, enable incremental Snapshots on Azure VMs/managed disks.

Compress/Dedup: Azure SQL and storage data can be compressed or deduplicated before storing if schema allows. Reduces footprint.

Prune Unnecessary Data: DBAs should periodically purge stale reporting data, truncate unwieldy tables etc. to minimize exploding data volumes.

Storage Type Original ($/month) Right-sized ($/month) Savings
SQL DB Storage 1000 GB, $140 250 GB, $55 61%
Archive Storage 50 TB, $1500 20 TB, $600 60%

Step 4: Implement Lifecycle Automation

Infrastructure on cloud is meant to be fully programmable. This allows extensive automation around orchestrating the start and stop of environments to eliminate resource overallocation.

Some common scenarios include:

  • Dev/Test Environments – Shut down VMs, databases etc. during off-hours when not actively used. Helps avoid overpayment.

  • APIs and Serverless Functions – Programmatically scale instance count dynamically aligned to load patterns automatically. Remove manual guesswork around capacity planning.

  • QA Environments – Release testing workflows can auto trigger provisioning of production-sized UAT environments which deprovision post deployment.

  • Chatbots – Bots can auto-hibernate when no live chats are happening eliminating overprovisioned billing hours.

Azure Automation Runbooks, Event Grid, Logic Apps provide simple mechanisms to trigger complex automation workflows for start/stop/scale scenarios.

Also take a Infrastructure as Code approach with Bicep or Terraform templates centralizing technical guardrails and deployment orchestration.

Here‘s a snapshot of the weekly usage pattern for an e-commerce site before and after deprovisioning automation was instituted for non-production hours and environments.

Deprovisioning automation usage drop

Note the steep usage drop during evenings and weekends after policies were implemented to shutdown non-production capacity outside working hours. This single change can result in 15-20% potential monthly savings in cloud spends.

Step 5: Optimize Pricing Model Selection

Beyond right-sizing, choosing the most cost-efficient Azure pricing tier or consumption model aligned to your access patterns can unlock tremendous savings.

Let‘s examine two scenarios:

Migrate SQL Server to Optimized Azure SQL Platform

Rather than directly lifting and shifting SQL Server to a high cost Azure VM, analyze if the target workload meets requirements for a fully managed Azure SQL Database. Benefits include:

  • Up to 80% cheaper than equivalent provisioned SQL Server VM
  • Built-in HA, DR, and ability to autopause during inactive periods
  • Scales on-demand to handling workload spikes

Further cost savings can be realized on Windows VMs licenses via Azure Hybrid Benefit (AHB).

Choose Low Priority Batch Processing

For fault-tolerant workloads like visual rendering or engineering simulations:

  • Leverage low-priority VMs or Azure Batch offering up to 80% discounts
  • Resources may get evicted during capacity crunch but perfect for batch processing jobs
  • Delivers significant cost benefits with minimal performance impact

There are a host of ways to optimize spending just by aligning to the best-fit Azure platform and consumption model.

Step 6: Purchase Azure Reserved Instances

Paying for cloud infrastructure as you go offers maximum flexibility but the hourly on-demand rates are much higher.

Azure reserved instances allow upfront payment of compute and databases capacity with substantial discounts – up to 72% savings – on baseline usage.

Assess stable or predictable workloads that can be packed into 1 to 3 year reservations to enjoy major cost benefits. For example, migrating ~85% of production application servers over to Azure RIs can unlock:

  • Up to 65% discount on provisioned infrastructure
  • Lower rates apply automatically on associated resource monthly consumption
  • Significant reduction in variable operational spending

Budget alerts can notify when reserved allocation pools need to be replenished based on projected usage analytics.

Check out the sample cost differential on running 50 VMs before and after RI purchase modeled below:

Azure RI Cost Benefits

By switching 85% of the fleet over to RIs, 34% average savings amounting to $5,700 monthly are realized despite $20K upfront funding.

Step 7: Apply Resource Budgets

With Azure pay-as-you-go models, cost spikes can happen easily without strong governance. Setting budgets tied to action groups ensures you‘re notified before crossing critical thresholds.

Azure budgets allow defining monthly expenditure thresholds at subscription, resource group or even resource scopes. Alert and automation workflows can trigger upon thresholds being breached before overages pile up.

For example, budgets can restrict overinvestment in shadow IT resources by capping non-production project spends at $1000 monthly. Upon 80% warning threshold, emails alerts are sent to admins allowing intervention.

Budgets provide full visibility into expenditure patterns and trends – both realized and amortized charges – at various levels. This enables setting granular guardrails aligned with teams, applications and environments.

Step 8: Tag Resources for Visibility

A key challenge hampering public cloud cost optimization is lack of visibility into what resources are backing various business functions and owners.

Implementing a resource tagging taxonomy allows usage breakdowns by categories such as:

  • Environment – Production, Staging, Dev etc.
  • Department – Finance, Marketing, Product etc
  • Project – Campaign App, Mobile Refresh etc.
  • Application – Payroll, CRM, Analytics etc.

Tags are custom key-value metadata attributes defined on Azure resources helping segment spend.

When incorporated into usage analytics and chargeback models, rich insights can be gleaned into consumption patterns beyond just infrastructure views.

Ensure tags are made available on IRS scopes during budgeting or policy automation for enforcement by risk thresholds.

Step 9: Build Azure Cost Allocation Models

While native tools provide basic cost reporting, businesses need intelligent allocation models tracking IT spending at department and function levels for chargeback.

A cost collector app ingests usage inputs and then transforms these into customer-specific dimensions using supplemental tag data, spreading rules and rates modeling.

Sample Cost Allocation View

With the allocated model built, finance teams can examine trends like:

  • Peak consumption periods warranting optimization
  • Outlier applications driving up cloud budgets
  • Chargeback values broken down for business units and owners

Armed with these insights, CFOs can work with app owners and cloud admins on improvement areas.

Third party tools like Cloudyn, Apptio and CloudCheckr specialize in building tailored cost visibility frameworks amplified using supplementary tag mapping beyond just Azure expose.

Step 10: Monitor Usage Continually

The final step is building workflows around continual monitoring of cloud usage and spending. This allows rapid identification of new services spinning up or consumption trends warranting intervention.

Set usage thresholds and alerts tracking unusual upticks on metrics like:

  • Storage bandwidth egress spikes
  • Indicator of data exfiltration or DDoS attack
  • Encryption service volume increases
  • Potential ransomware encryption activity
  • SQL DB DTU usage rise above normal
  • Capacity planning must be revisited
  • Virtual Network traffic flow changes
  • Verify if breach or misconfiguration

Proactively tracking deviations allows getting ahead of unplanned spends as well as improving cloud security posture.

Key Takeaways

Governing cloud costs requires establishing visibility, orchestration and active management across the cloud lifecycle. Core techniques around right-sizing, tagging, reservations and automation can yield 20-40% cost efficiency fairly quickly.

Monitor usage and spending continually, learn from the patterns and trends. Don‘t overprovision – allow platforms to scale dynamically while defining guardrails.

Evolve cost analytics practices from basic visibility into true workload optimization, budget governance and advanced chargeback.

With the frameworks and controls outlined above, you can build a lean, resilient and management cloud environment.

Start assessing utilization inefficiencies, then progress to lifecycle automation and smart data-driven resource allocation. This saves enterprises millions in cloud waste through every stage of the cloud adoption journey.