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The 10 Best C++ IDEs for Developers in 2023

An integrated development environment (IDE) is an essential tool for productive and efficient C++ development. A good C++ IDE provides features like intelligent code editing and completion, debugging capabilities, project management, and integration with version control systems. It makes writing, testing and debugging C++ code much easier.

There are many IDE options available for C++ developers. To help you find the right one, I have compiled this guide on the top 10 best C++ IDEs in 2023 based on features, capabilities, ease of use and community support.

What to Look for in a C++ IDE

When evaluating a C++ IDE, some key factors to consider are:

  • Intelligent code editing – Context-aware suggestions, error checking and refactoring capabilities
  • Debugging – Visual debugger to step through code and inspect variables
  • Build tools – Integration with compilers, SDKs, build automation tools like CMake
  • Customizability – Extensibility through plugins and theming options
  • Cross-platform support – Availability on Windows, MacOS and Linux
  • Community and support – Documentation, guides, discussion forums and expert assistance

The importance of each feature may vary for individual developers based on their needs and experience level.

The Top 10 C++ IDEs

Based on the criteria mentioned above, here are the 10 best C++ IDEs available in 2023:

1. Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio is the most full-featured and popular IDE for C++ on Windows.

Key Features:

  • IntelliSense – Advanced intellisense and auto completion
  • Debugger – Built-in visual debugger
  • Windows integration – Tight integration with Windows SDKs
  • Cross platform – Support for Linux and MacOS via Visual Studio Code
  • Extensions – Broad extension ecosystem

Best for: Windows developers looking for a feature-packed commercial IDE with great debugging.

2. CLion

CLion is a cross-platform C and C++ IDE built specifically for developers working on Linux, Windows and MacOS.

Key Features:

  • Code analysis – Real-time code quality analysis
  • Debugger – GDB/LLDB and integrated visual debugger
  • CMake support – Full CMake project integration
  • Code completion – Intelligent code completion powered by machine learning
  • Customizable UI – Terminal, editor, themes and layouts

Best for: Developers who need an intelligent and customizable cross-platform IDE.

3. Code::Blocks

Code::Blocks is a free, open-source C, C++ and Fortran IDE available for Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Key Features:

  • Debugger – Built-in debugger supporting GCC and GDB
  • Code completion – Semantic-aware code completion
  • Extensible – Support for plugins and extensions
  • Portable – Small standalone installation without dependencies
  • Open source – Free and open source under GPL license

Best for: Developers looking for a free and portable IDE for C/C++ development across platforms.

4. Qt Creator

Qt Creator is a free, open source IDE tailored for apps development with the Qt framework.

Key Features:

  • Qt integration – Seamless integration with Qt framework
  • UI design – Integrated Qt Quick Designer
  • Debugger – Integrated debugger with memory analyzer
  • Testing – Integrated unit testing for Qt Test and Google Test
  • Platforms – Build for desktop, mobile and embedded platforms

Best for: Developers working with Qt framework to build cross-platform GUI apps.

5. Eclipse CDT

Eclipse IDE with CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) is a free, open source IDE for C and C++ based on the Eclipse platform.

Key Features:

  • Extensible – Highly flexible and extensible via plugins
  • Cross-platform – Available on Windows, Mac and Linux
  • CMake support – Project import from CMake possible
  • Debugging – GDB debugger integration
  • Analysis – Built-in static code analyzer

Best for: Developers who need an open and extensible IDE that works across operating systems.

6. NetBeans

NetBeans is an open source IDE ideal for C, C++ and a wide array of other development technologies.

Key Features:

  • Integrated – Seamlessly work with C/C++ and other dev languages
  • Debugger – Integrated C/C++ debugger
  • Testing – Integration with testing tools like CTest
  • Profiling – Integrated profiler to identify bottlenecks
  • Documentation – Context-sensitive code documentation

Best for: Developers working with diverse languages and seeking an integrated dev environment.

7. XCode

Xcode is Apple’s free IDE tailored for macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS development.

Key Features:

  • iOS dev – Seamless Swift and Objective-C development
  • Debugging – Interactive debugger with automated profiling
  • Interface Builder – Drag and drop interface construction
  • Testing – Native testing frameworks XCTest and XcodeBot
  • Deployment – Streamlined build and signing process

Best for: Mac and iOS developers seeking a fully integrated platform.

8. CodeLite

CodeLite is a free, open source cross-platform IDE supporting C, C++, PHP and JavaScript development.

Key Features:

  • Cross-platform – Windows, MacOS and Linux support
  • Extensible – Extensibility via plugins
  • Debugging – Integrated debugger using GDB/LLDB
  • Code completion – Semantic-aware code completion engine
  • Testing – Unit testing integration

Best for: Developers seeking a free and hackable IDE for C/C++ and web development.

9. Dev-C++

Dev-C++ is a lightweight, portable C++ IDE built to provide a simple development environment.

Key Features:

  • Simple interface – Clean and unintimidating UI
  • Portability – Small installer without dependencies
  • Code completion – Basic code completion capabilities
  • Debugging – Integrated debugger with Code::Blocks
  • Active community – Continued development via community involvement

Best for: Beginners starting out with C++ looking for a simple portable option.

10. CLion EDU

CLion EDU is the free educational version of JetBrains’ robust CLion IDE tailored for computer science and programming learners.

Key Features:

  • Feature-rich – Full-featured IDE for smooth learning curve
  • Course templates – Tailored C and C++ course assignments
  • Testing – Integrated test runner and auto-grading
  • Terminal – Built-in terminal to run programs
  • Educational guides – Programming how-tos and teacher resources

Best for: Educators and students leveraging CLion for computer science education.

Wrapping Up

Determining the right C++ IDE ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences as a developer. This guide covers some of the top options that provide great features while catering to different users.

Visual Studio continues to be the most popular all-round IDE for Windows developers. But excellent alternatives like CLion and Code::Blocks are cross-platform, hackable and free. Qt Creator and XCode shine for developers working within those native frameworks.

Hopefully this overview gives you a headstart in shortlisting and trying out some great C++ IDEs suitable for your projects!