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The 12 Best AIOPS Platforms for Modern IT Operations

Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOPS) platforms are transforming how modern businesses monitor, analyze and optimize their technology environments…

Additional Capabilities to Watch For

While today‘s AIOPS solutions offer significant value around aggregation, correlation, anomaly detection – the technology roadmap points to more advanced autonomous functionality through continued innovation in machine learning.

Automated Diagnosis and Remediation

Expect platforms to move beyond alerting to prescribing corrective actions by assessing failure modes more accurately. This is enabled by supervised neural networks classifying incidents by analyzing past remediation patterns.

Proactive Bot Assistants

AIOPS bots with knowledge of topological dependencies and runbooks will provide personalized guidance to ops teams using natural language interfaces. This reduces need for tribal knowledge.

Capacity Forecasting

Regression based models and multipartite graph analytics will better predict infrastructure demands and trigger just-in-time scaling or workload balancing.

Architectural Upgrades Recommendation

By evaluating performance benchmarks and technology obsolescence data, ML systems can recommend refresh cycles, help optimize life cycle costs.

Understanding the Algorithms Powering AIOPS

AIOPS solutions harness diverse statistical, topological and machine learning techniques to address challenges like event flood, alert noise and investigating failures in complex systems.

Correlation Analysis

Specialized clustering algorithms can model event and failure proximity across timeline, system hierarchies to accurately separate noise from actionable incidents and map related events to their probable root cause.

Anomaly Detection

Time series forecasting combined with unsupervised ML models profile normal performance baselines for infrastructure components from historical data. Significantly faster identification of emerging outliers.

Topology Based Event Filtering

Multidimensional machine learning classifiers can interpret interdependencies between infrastructure entities – whether process, network, virtual or cloud based. This provides critical context to triage events.

Predictive Analytics

Supervised learning algorithms can guide capacity planning and provisioning decisions by analyzing temporal and spatial patterns in usage data..

Causal Analysis

Reinforcement learning techniques help uncover previously unknown causes behind recurring incidents as algorithms iteratively explore possible reasons analyzing relevant indicators. Reduces reoccurrence of production issues.

Sample AIOPS Architecture

AIOPS Architecture

Source: Geekflare

As seen above, key layers in modern AIOPS platform include:

Data Sources: Capture event streams from availability and performance monitoring tools across hybrid infrastructure

Data Lake: Store and prepare time series data for analysis

ML Engine: Run models for correlation, predictions and recommendations generation

Application Logic: Facilitate functions like noise reduction, anomaly detection etc.

Visualization and Alerting: Provide actionable insights to users for corrective actions.

AIOPS Delivers Material Benefits

75% faster incident containment, remediation by IT teams

85% reduction in alert noise enabling better focus

62% less unplanned downtime via predictive anomaly detection

30% improvement in IT productivity through automation

Source: EMA Research Blast Report

Mitigating Risks of Ineffective AI Implementations

While promising much upside, AI initiatives also carry several risks requiring mindful mitigation:

Inaccurate Predictions Leading to Sub-Optimal Actions

Continuously score AI model risk parameters like precision, recall rates and trigger threshold adjustments or re-training cycles when deviations detected.

Model Degradation Over Time

Monitor key attributes like accuracy, F1 scores from regular back testing for signs of data drift. Retrain models before performance impacts business.

Algorithmic Bias and Fairness Risks

Proactively measure model bias by analyzing training data distribution, testing with out of sample data. Maintain proper version control and model lineage tracking.

Non Compliance to MLOps Best Practices

Follow established model governance protocols covering explainability, reproducibility and documentation. Automate where possible.

Expert Tips for Maximizing Your AIOPS Success

Here are few parting thoughts from my experience guiding Fortune 500 companies scale their AI transformations:

Evangelize through Early Wins

Prioritize quick wins solving high visibility pain points. Quantify hard savings, productivity gains and celebrate via town halls. Provide air cover for team experimenting with AI.

Take Change Management Seriously

Reskilling staff on interfacing with AI, ensuring transparency builds trust. Reshape KPIs to incentivize adoption goals.

Invest in Talent Diversity

Cross functional teams spanning data engineering, infrastructure and apps management augments AI skill. Diversity of thought, avoiding blind spots raises quality of models.

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