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The 15 Best Eye Tracking Software Platforms for 2023

Eye tracking has emerged as a pivotal tool for elevating marketing and consumer research. Recent technological improvements have unlocked new applications across industries. In fact, some reports project over 20% CAGR for the global eye tracking devices market through 2028.

As platforms leverage AI and machine learning to expand capabilities, use cases will continue enhancing decision making across product design, psychology, medical treatments, transportation safety and entertainment. This guide covers the top software options available to capitalize on the benefits of eye tracking in 2023.

How Eye Tracking Technology Works

But first, let‘s explore the science empowering modern eye gaze analysis:

Eye tracking relies on advanced optics and algorithms to determine precisely where users look. First, an infrared light directed at the eye causes visible pupil patterns for cameras to capture. Sophisticated processing determines the axis of gaze based on subtle corneal reflections.

Dedicated hardware options involve precision tracking cameras and infrared illumination ringed around display screens. For instance, Tobii devices contain high resolution sensors registering gaze patterns even in dynamic lighting conditions.

However, webcam-based software can activate tracking by processing changes over time without specialized equipment. For example, xLabs extracts insights from simple facial video feeds.

After identifying gaze coordinates, analytics software attaches meaningful metrics. This typically involves generating:

  • Heatmaps – color overlays representing attention distribution
  • Focus maps – showing scan patterns and sequential points of attention
  • Metrics on elements like time-to-first-fixation and visit count

Integrated machine learning algorithms also help classify gaze plots to reveal emotions and cognitive processes behind eye movements.

Why Leverage Eye Tracking for Marketing?

Here are 5 compelling benefits driving adoption:

1. Quantify Attention to Optimize Ads

Eye tracking provides concrete visibility metrics to pinpoint the most effective placement of ad elements. Brands using hotspot analysis to improve banner click through rates have seen experimental groups outperform control variants by over 30%.

2. Boost On-Site Engagement to Reduce Bounce Rate

Analyzing gaze plots and heatmaps for web traffic helps prioritize key page content while deemphasizing unnecessary elements which encourage exit. Pages optimized based on visitor attention patterns can achieve double digit gains.

3. Gather Empathy Through Product Interactions

Observing real-world interactions like unpacking a delivery informsemotional connections tied to unboxing experiences. Eye tracking analysis detects pain points as well as moments of delight for refinement.

4. Continually Improve Packaging Impact

Testing shelf presence and other in-store factors with portable eye tracking provides feedback for iterative gains. Gaze plot redesigns better communicate benefits, ingredients and other differentiators to shoppers.

5. Sync Eye Tracking With Other Biometric Data

Combining gaze information with galvanic skin response, facial coding and EEG data within platforms like iMotions exposes subconscious responses. This multimodal approach provides unmatched insight.

Now let‘s explore top software solutions on the market to leverage these opportunities:

1. Sticky by Tobii

Sticky by Tobii is one of the premier enterprise eye tracking packages. It unlocks robust attention metrics detection through seamless integration with advanced Tobii hardware.

Key Capabilities

  • Head movement compensation maintains accuracy
  • Survey and interview modules with automated mailing
  • Custom reporting with data segmentation parameters
  • Real-time eye tracking metric dashboard
  • Engagement visualizations overlayed on stimuli
  • Export for further processing in tools like MatLab

Independent tests confirm Sticky by Tobii gaze precision within 0.4 degrees across diverse environments. Users praise the rich qualitative and quantitative data extracts, helping researchers rapidly spot trends.

2. xLabs Analytics

xLabs leverages eye tracking to inform marketing and product design decisions through their SaaS data platform. Flexible filtering allows manipulation of aggregated attention visualizations.

Key Capabilities

  • Custom segmentation with multiple comparison groups
  • Interactive heatmap exporting with included metadata
  • Developer-friendly REST API enables live data integration
  • Survey builder supports text, picture and video stimuli
  • Dynamic animated attention history playback
  • Metrics comparing visits and fixations across elements

The xLabs architecture delivers speed and scalability for enterprise-level deployment. Customer testimonials validate their autoscaling cloud infrastructure supporting over 1000 concurrent data streams.

3. Ogama Open-Source Software

Ogama is an open-source eye tracking analyzer accessible to all budget levels. Although functionality lags paid options, the free offering appeals to academic researchers.

Key Capabilities

  • Wide device compatibility and log file importer
  • Basic interactive heatmap creation
  • Dynamic heatmap playback by time segment
  • Relative metrics quantifying element attention
  • Exportable metrics and anonymizable data options
  • Annotation tools for labelling using adjustable shapes

Ogama leverages community development to incorporate practical feature requests like live data streams. Users point to reasonable quality given no software costs for those on tight research budgets.

4. Smart Eye Pro Lab

Smart Eye Pro Lab leads the market translating eye movements into insights for transportation safety. Their analysis tools cater specifically to dynamic gazes across multi-screen environments.

Key Capabilities

  • Industry-leading 200Hz eye tracking speed
  • Gyro filters account for erratic head movements
  • Next-gen device compatibility with expanding product ecosystem
  • Stimulus grouping for randomized controlled A/B testing
  • 3D visualizations constructed from multiple gaze angles
  • Heatmaps overlayed on 360 environments like driving simulators

Independent assessments confirm Smart Eye solutions offer unparalled quality for research involving head rotation. This allows life-like tracking ideal for occupational applications.

5. iMotions Platform

iMotions synchronizes biometric data streams into a single platform for unified analysis. Their validation algorithms help ensure eye tracking and other sensor feeds remain calibrated.

Key Capabilities

  • Research suite consolidates 60+ data device inputs
  • Real-time eye tracking metric dashboards
  • AI-assisted sensor troubleshooting and control
  • Experiment branching based on participant reactions
  • Custom graphs comparing fixation duration across stimuli
  • Exportable attention visualizations mapped to elements

Testers commend iMotions unifying traditionally disjointed analysis workflows through their incredible device compatibility. Syncing eye tracking with galvanic skin response and EEGs provides remarkable experimental dimension.

6. Pupil Open-Source Platform

Pupil develops hackable open-source eye gaze platforms. Their flexible software and affordable DIY tracker hardware expands access for developers and academics.

Key Capabilities

  • BYO eye tracker options reduce research barriers
  • Python API enables video feed overlays
  • Open documentation to construct custom interfaces
  • Gaze data viewer withSeek bar and export options
  • Anonymization and encryption for private results
  • Plugin architecture to adapt functionality

Early adopters leveraging Pupil code and infrastructure provide promising feedback. Many point towards democratization of technology traditionally concentrated within elite institutions.

7. xLabs Analytics

xLabs leverages eye tracking to inform marketing and product design decisions through their SaaS data platform. Flexible filtering allows manipulation of aggregated attention visualizations.

Key Capabilities

  • Custom segmentation with multiple comparison groups
  • Interactive heatmap exporting with included metadata
  • Developer-friendly REST API enables live data integration
  • Survey builder supports text, picture and video stimuli
  • Dynamic animated attention history playback
  • Metrics comparing visits and fixations across elements

The xLabs architecture delivers speed and scalability for enterprise-level deployment. Customer testimonials validate their autoscaling cloud infrastructure supporting over 1000 concurrent data streams.

8. EyeTech TM5 Mini

EyeTech TM5 Mini packs bespoke analytics into an affordable portable unit. Their integrated heatmapping and A/B testing simplifies field research.

Key Capabilities

  • Headset form factor under 2 lbs for mobility
  • Dynamic accuracy within 1 degree for life-like studies
  • 80 degree head movement box expands test flexibility
  • Integrated survey builder to contextualize data
  • Automated analysis summarizing key attention metrics
  • Custom packages catering to special requirements

Market researchers praise unencumbered real-world eye tracking unlocking contextual insights. Pass-through camera and screen recording bolster qualitative observations with quantitative gaze data.

9. EyeSee Lab

EyeSee Lab extracts eye tracking insights from simple webcam video feeds. Their cloud platform provides an affordable option to enrich user footage with attention heatmaps.

Key Capabilities

  • Leverage existing videos as stimuli
  • Dynamic heatmap calculated in real time
  • Custom segmenting to isolate groups
  • Survey overlay providing qualitative context
  • Side-by-side video playback with gaze overlay
  • Exportable heatmap videos documenting insights

Clients welcome cost-effective video analysis without dedicated hardware requirements. EyeSee provides remarkable functionality from basic equipment most already own.

10. xLabs Analytics

xLabs leverages eye tracking to inform marketing and product design decisions through their SaaS data platform. Flexible filtering allows manipulation of aggregated attention visualizations.

Key Capabilities

  • Custom segmentation with multiple comparison groups
  • Interactive heatmap exporting with included metadata
  • Developer-friendly REST API enables live data integration
  • Survey builder supports text, picture and video stimuli
  • Dynamic animated attention history playback
  • Metrics comparing visits and fixations across elements

The xLabs architecture delivers speed and scalability for enterprise-level deployment. Customer testimonials validate their autoscaling cloud infrastructure supporting over 1000 concurrent data streams.

11. Ogama Open-Source Software

Ogama is an open-source eye tracking analyzer accessible to all budget levels. Although functionality lags paid options, the free offering appeals to academic researchers.

Key Capabilities

  • Wide device compatibility and log file importer
  • Basic interactive heatmap creation
  • Dynamic heatmap playback by time segment
  • Relative metrics quantifying element attention
  • Exportable metrics and anonymizable data options
  • Annotation tools for labelling using adjustable shapes

Ogama leverages community development to incorporate practical feature requests like live data streams. Users point to reasonable quality given no software costs for those on tight research budgets.

12. Gazepoint Analysis

Gazepoint expertly translates eye movements into consumer insights during qualitative market tests. Their dynamic heatmaps update focus in real time as preferences emerge.

Key Capabilities

  • Attention tracking for packaging, shelf layouts and displays
  • Fixation filters isolating intentional focus
  • Relative metrics comparing product or text block attention
  • Overlay support quantifying changes across iterations
  • Dynamic video highlighting emerging interest trends
  • Exportable attention visualizations for stakeholder reports

User researchers praise Gazepoint capabilities empowering iteration through actionable eye tracking metrics requiring minimal additional equipment.

13. OptiKey Software

OptiKey utilizes eye gaze for computer inputs serving as an indispensable communication aid. Their assistive keyboard helps patients translate visual attention into messages.

Key Capabilities

  • On-screen keyboard fully controlled through eye movements
  • Word prediction algorithms learn from user patterns
  • Vocalized text reading training content aloud
  • Cross-platform availability as accessibility service
  • Camera connectivity verifying proper user positioning
  • Multilingual inputs supporting global users

OptiKey provides essential encoding of eye focus into communication for paralyzed patients. Users tout life-changing independence few other software options allow.

14. EyeTech TM5 Mini

EyeTech TM5 Mini packs bespoke analytics into an affordable portable unit. Their integrated heatmapping and A/B testing simplifies field research.

Key Capabilities

  • Headset form factor under 2 lbs for mobility
  • Dynamic accuracy within 1 degree for life-like studies
  • 80 degree head movement box expands test flexibility
  • Integrated survey builder to contextualize data
  • Automated analysis summarizing key attention metrics
  • Custom packages catering to special requirements

Market researchers praise unencumbered real-world eye tracking unlocking contextual insights. Pass-through camera and screen recording bolster qualitative observations with quantitative gaze data.

15. Pupil Open-Source Platform

Pupil develops hackable open-source eye gaze platforms. Their flexible software and affordable DIY tracker hardware expands access for developers and academics.

Key Capabilities

  • BYO eye tracker options reduce research barriers
  • Python API enables video feed overlays
  • Open documentation to construct custom interfaces
  • Gaze data viewer withSeek bar and export options
  • Anonymization and encryption for private results
  • Plugin architecture to adapt functionality

Early adopters leveraging Pupil code and infrastructure provide promising feedback. Many point towards democratization of technology traditionally concentrated within elite institutions.

Techniques to Improve Eye Tracking Accuracy

Although today‘s software boasts impressive capabilities, gaze data quality still depends on proper data collection conditions. Here are 5 tips for clean capture:

1. Ensure consistent head placement using a chin rest apparatus for controlled environments. This stabilizes angles needed for calibration.

2. Conduct multiple calibrations to account for variability across trials. Periodic alignment adjustments help counter incremental deviations.

3. Establish fixed lighting parameters avoiding windows and external illumination factors impacting readings. Consistent conditions improve signal processing.

4. Limit head movement freedom using apparatus restrictions when possible. This reduces compounding tracking errors with excessive motion.

5. Set gaze locations at same depth as visual stimuli since focal differences degrade accuracy. Consistent object and eye planes enable crisper focus lock.

Following best practices within vendor guidelines maximizes precision. But with built-in AI assistance, automation handles much of the complexity behind delivering stellar results.

The Future of Eye Tracking

Ongoing hardware and software advancements will further expand eye tracking applications through the 2020s. For instance, MIT research leverages neural networks to render highly accurate gaze predictions despite head movements. This better mimics natural interactions to empower more fields.

And portable solutions continue pushing boundaries, bringing the power of gaze plotting from carefully controlled settings to unpredictable real-world environments. Machine learning refinement will sharpen focus on crucial details no matter the location.

As costs drop and accessibility spreads, companies across sectors stand to benefit from directly observing user engagement flows. And by continuously optimizing experiences around measured attention patterns, brands can foster truly customer-centric relationships through closing perspective gaps.


Eye tracking software eliminates assumptions by exposing precisely where humans look. The solutions outlined above deliver research-grade insights tailored for diverse goals. So whether aiming to boost conversions, perfect product packaging or advance academic understanding of visual processes, robust tools exist to extract maximum value from gaze data.

By providing literal visibility into the mind‘s eye, eye tracking presents an invaluable opportunity to walk in customers shoes while informing development. Let these observational capabilities guide your vision towards creating offerings that captivate attention better than ever.