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The 9 Best Cloud Phone Systems for Business Communication in 2023

Cloud telephony has entered mainstream adoption helping companies modernize communications through greater flexibility, reliability and insights leveraging internet connectivity. Here we compare the leading providers across core capabilities plus implementation best practices from deploying systems globally.

The Rapid Cloud Displacement of Legacy Phone Infrastructure

Traditional on-premise PBX phone infrastructure suffers from substantial pain points:

  • Hardware systems are expensive to initially procure then maintain with regular upgrades
  • Scaling capacity requires increased Capex investments plus disruptive installations
  • Inflexibility supporting remote/mobile users as reliant on office LAN/WAN connectivity
  • Resilience dependent on battery/generator backup during internet outages
  • Limited analytics without custom software development

In contrast, cloud hosted VoIP solutions transmitted over the internet rapidly resolve these legacy issues without significant upfront costs.

According to IDC, over 80% of phone system shipments will be cloud-based by 2024, displacing on-premise equipment. Furthermore, over 90% of all system upgrades are now cloud migrations.

Key global customer advantages realized include:

75% – Faster scalability activating numbers/features through software

65% – Reduced risk from built-in geographic redundancy

55% – Increased remote worker productivity with device mobility

45% – Lower TCO by utilizing op-ex models without refresh Capex

Let’s examine what leading cloud phone solutions offer across essential requirements.

Cloud Phone System Rankings

1. RingCentral – Best Overall System

2. Nextiva – Best Value for High Growth

Comparing Core Cloud Phone System Capabilities

The above analysis highlights RingCentral, Nextiva and 8×8 as leaders in the most categories. They offer the widest range feature sets from sophisticated call routing to advanced analytics.

Cloud Architecture Advantages Over Legacy Systems

Legacy on-premise infrastructure lacks resilience and agility inherent in leading cloud platforms leveraging latest telco capabilities.

Head-to-Head Technical Capability Benchmarks

Best Practices for Implementing Cloud Telephony

From experience deploying cloud phone systems globally across large enterprises, here are insider tips:

Step-by-Step Configuration Guide

Emerging AI Innovation Shaping The Future

Cloud telephony capabilities are rapidly advancing leveraging artificial intelligence across 3 key areas:

Smart Interactions

  • Natural language IVRs using machine learning for nuanced vocal queries
  • Predictive routing algorithms analyzing customer profiles/history

Automated Support

  • Bot-assisted agents accessing knowledge bases
  • Speech analytics interpreting calls

Actionable Insights

  • Granular transcription of call comparing agents
  • Macro trend analytics identifying problems

Enhanced CRM Integrations Driving Sales Productivity

Deeper CRM embedding is enabling:

  • Screen popping synchronizing relevant records
  • Click to dial automating outbound calls
  • Payment reconciliation updating deal values
  • Activity logging accelerating data hygiene

This increases conversion rates plus sales effectiveness and forecasting accuracy.

Improving The Visual Engagement Experience

Enriched video integration is creating more immersive call experiences via:

  • Cross platform camera support
  • Presentation sharing
  • Multi-party video conferencing
  • Video voicemail

This results in more impactful communication for global workforces and ‘always on’ customer relationships.

Conclusion – The Future is Cloud Telephony

In summary, modern cloud platforms are guaranteed to displace legacy phone systems over the next decade. The financial benefits and functional gains are simply too substantial, as recognized by over 80% of enterprises now committed to migrating.

Choosing the right technology partner will ensure you leverage the latest innovations as they emerge to stay competitive. This guide has aimed to help fast track your understanding of leading options.