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The Beginner‘s Guide to AI Image Upscalers

Artificial intelligence (AI) image upscaling leverages the power of neural networks to revitalize and enhance low resolution digital images. By training deep learning models on vast datasets of image pairs, AI upscalers can effectively determine optimal upscaled pixel values to create realistic textures, objects and scenes.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know as beginner – from understanding how AI upscaling works under the hood to using leading tools to enhance your own images.

How AI Image Upscalers Work

AI upscalers utilize a specialized deep neural network architecture that is trained on millions of image pairs:

  • One image in each pair is low resolution
  • The other image is a high resolution version

By learning mappings from these low resolution → high resolution examples, the AI model learns to infer plausible pixel values for enlarging images effectively.

This training process and model architecture is fine-tuned based on the desired output type, which can range from photorealistic IMGAGE enhancements to artificialsynthetics like anime images.

The Training Pipeline

The model training pipeline involves gathering high quality image datasets, preprocessing and augmentation, setting up a neural architecture, and finally training using high performance computing infrastructure.

Data Collection

Diverse datasets with hundreds of thousands to millions of images are required to train models free of bias. For photorealism, datasets like ImageNet, FFHQ and LSUN are preferred by researchers.

Preprocessing & Augmentation

Images are resized to standard dimensions and augmented via transformations like horizontal flips, rotations and color jittering. This expands the number of training examples for generalization.

Model Architecture

Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are commonly used as they excel at image analysis with their hierarchical filter structure. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) can generate sharper details. Vision transformers are also gaining popularity.

Specialized Techniques

Transfer learning from models pretrained on large datasets can bootstrap model convergence. Other optimizations like progressive growing and perceptual losses retain fidelity. Cloud TPUs accelerate training.

Reducing Artifacts

As models attempt to hallucinate realistic details during upscaling, they can sometimes introduce unnatural artifacts and distortions like:

  • Jagged edges
  • Blotchiness
  • Pixelated areas
  • Weird wavy patterns
  • Discolored objects

Many tools provide confidence thresholds to tune how aggressively the models guess new content. Lower thresholds reduce artifacts but also miss filling in some details.

Other advanced techniques like semantic guidance – providing a segmentation mask identifying objects to the model – can also minimize artifacts.

AI Image Processing vs Upscaling

In addition to enlarging images, AI can also process images by adjusting colorization, lighting, sharpness and more. Here are some key differences:

Image Upscaling

  • Increases total pixel count 4-10x+
  • Requires hallucinating and rendering new detail
  • Slower processing time

Image Processing

  • Refines existing visual elements
  • Adjusts color profiles, reduces noise
  • Usually real-time capable

Some common AI image processing techniques include:

  • Deblurring for sharpening blurry images
  • Inpainting to remove unwanted objects/marks by filling background
  • Colorization to algorithmically add realistic color to black & white photos
  • Denoising to reduce graininess in low light photos
  • Super-resolution for minor increases in clarity (2-4x max)

By combining upscaling and processing together, maximum image enhancements can be achieved.

12 Leading AI Image Upscaler Solutions

There is a wide range of emerging startups, apps and services leveraging AI to enlarge and enhance imagery. Here are 12 leading options with examples and analysis of strengths and weaknesses.

1. Imagen AI by Google

The new Imagen AI service from Google Research focuses exclusively on state-of-the-art upscaling leveraging diffusion models. By analyzing noise and gradients, it can plausibly guess missing detail.



  • True gigapixel enlargement
  • Leading edge diffusion algorithm
  • Launched by Google for scale


  • Currently waiting list for API access
  • Limited primarily to landscapes for now
  • Requires signup and usage limits

Verdict: Cutting edge tech but very limited access

2. Let‘s Enhance

A user-friendly web and mobile application for consumers focused on enlarging images leveraging AI. Smooth UX with before-and-after comparison slider.

Let's Enhance


  • Streamlined and intuitive interface
  • Strong quality benchmark results
  • Generous free tier


  • Maximum 4x upscale factor
  • Limited output size (1024px max)
  • Slow batch processing

Verdict: Great ease-of-use and performance balance

3. Gigapixel AI by Topaz Labs

A desktop application specialized specifically in extreme enlargements up to 600% for unlocking fine details in photos. Leverages AI to infer plausible new details during upscaling.



  • Maximize details from tiny image regions
  • Recover contents from heavily cropped shots
  • Useful for digital forensics


  • Computer resource intensive
  • Primarily optimized for photos
  • Steep learning curve

Verdict: Unique capabilities at a premium

4. Alienware PhotoMode

Released in 2022 leveraging NVIDIA AI, this tool natively built into Alienware computers can upscale games, apps and static images. Also has image enhancement filters.

Alienware PhotoMode AI Upscaler Example


  • Real-time performance boosting
  • Streamlined native integration
  • Broad compatibility


  • Alienware hardware required
  • Mostly effective for 3D vs 2D
  • Limited compared to dedicated services

Verdict: Convenient option for Alienware owners

5. Icon8 Smart Upscaler

Affordable subscription service that focuses both on upscaling and automatic enhancement filters like colorization. Simple drag-and-drop interface.

Icon8 Upscaler


  • Also colorizes grayscale images
  • Generous usage limits per month
  • Intuitive browser-based interaction


  • Maximum 4x upscale factor
  • Limited customization options
  • Export watermarks unless subscribed

Verdict: Cost-effective duo upscaling + colorizing

6. Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Plan

Industry leader Adobe in 2022 launched native AI photo upscaling natively in Photoshop via the enhance image function leveraging machine learning to enlarge up to 10x.

Photoshop Upscaler


  • Tight integration into Photoshop workflow
  • Leverages Adobe Sensei AI framework
  • More control over processing parameters


  • Requires full Creative Cloud subscription
  • Results can be hit or miss
  • Not optimized for extreme enlargements

Verdict: Convenient built-in option for existing Photoshop users

7. Vance AI Image Enlarger

Browser-based application promising up to 800% enlargement for free. Upload your photo and optionally fine tune noise reduction strength. Batch supported.

Vance AI Image Enlarger


  • Simple and free to use
    JPG, PNG,BMP and other formats supported
    Adjustable noise reduction


  • Very basic interface
  • Maximum 50 MB file uploads
  • Slow compared to paid solutions

Verdict: Decent completely free option worth trying

8. BigJPG

Specialist AI upscaler trained explicitly on anime/CG art vs real photos. Focuses on inferring clean lines and gradients during extreme upscales.

BigJPG Anime/CG Specialist


  • Optimal for anime/CG vs photos
  • Generous free tier
  • Clean stylistic outputs


  • Limited file size (5MB max free)
  • Few customization options
  • Slow batch processing

Verdict: Best for anime/CG art enlargements

9. Unsplash Upscaler

Released in 2022, this free plugin from stock image site Unsplash leverages AI to uncrop and enlarge photos uniquely optimized for their catalog.

Unsplash Upscaler


  • Browses Unsplash library natively
  • Straightforward installer
  • Free and unlimited


  • Tight Unsplash ecosystem integration required
  • Limited compared to dedicated services
  • MacOS only currently

Verdict: Handy built-in upscaling for Unsplash power users

10. Image Upscaler

A dedicated AI image enlarging site with slick comparisons showing 2x and 4x upscales side-by-side. Offers 100 free credits to new users for testing.

Image Upscaler


  • Intuitive split testing
  • Batch supported
  • Generous initial free credits


  • Subscription model only after free credits used
  • Maximum 4x enlargement
  • Limited custom controls

Verdict: Solid free trial with helpful split views

11. Auroom Upscaler

Auroom uses AI to enlarge images while automatically enhancing lighting and details. Includes mobile apps and integrates with iOS Sharesheet for streamlined enhancement.

Auroom Example


  • Convenient mobile integration
  • Auto photo enhancement
  • Generous free tier


  • Maximum 4x enlargement
  • iOS only currently
  • Heavy upsells

Verdict: Easy iOS integration withBonus tuning

12. RunwayML Image Upscaler

Advertised as an “unlimited” AI upscaler trained on millions of images and capable of over 1000% resizing thanks to a partnership between Runway and Stability AI.



  • Extreme 10x gigapixel enlargement
  • Leverages very large language models
  • Pay-per-use pricing


  • Can introduce warped textures
  • No free tier
  • Technical signup

Verdict: Cutting edge quality with tradeoffs

And there are even more emerging all the time as AI image processing matures!

Growth Trends and Market Traction

Recent Funding

Over $200 million was invested across 30+ AI graphics startups in 2022 spanning upscaling, 3D rendering, avatars and more. As consumer demand increases, funding follows.

Top Acquisitions

In September 2022, Adobe acquired AI image generator startup Imagineer at a valuation near $100 million to boost Creative Cloud. Similarly, Getty Images acquired AI art startup Runway ML as demand grows.

Viral Imagery

AI-enhanced images are gaining attention and going viral on social media. A single figural diffusion artwork sold as an NFT for $650,000 in January based purely on its creative composition.


There are over 1.4 million #AIArt hashtag views on TikTok. A range of reactions span awe, disbelief, concern and criticism as the technology advances. Discussions around copyright, originality and authorship continue as creators grapple with the implications.

The Future of AI Image Upscaling

Here are some exciting areas of research that will shape the next generation of image upscalers:

Video Super Resolution

New models are training to upscale video in real-time to 8K resolution and beyond for incredibly crisp playback no matter the source.

Animation Synthesis

AI can now add natural movement and animation to still illustrations to bring them to life with consistency and realism.

3D Reconstruction

ML models are learning to lift 2D images into three dimensional spaces for full editing freedom and rendering.

Multimodal Outputs

Single tools that can not only upscale images but also translate them into different styles, apply filters, adjust lighting and colors, and more for flexible creativity.


AI image upscalers represent an incredibly powerful way for everyone ranging from consumers to pro photographers to creators to breathe new life into low resolution images.

With versatile options now available spanning free web apps, desktop software, mobile editors and API services harnessing the latest in machine learning innovation, revitalizing your photo collection has never been easier.

Have you tried any AI image upscalers? Share your experiences and favorite tools below!
