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The Beginner‘s Guide to Asymmetric Encryption

By Samantha Evans

Encryption is essential for securing sensitive data in today‘s digital world. While there are different types of encryption, asymmetric encryption, also known as public-key cryptography, has become indispensable for everything from encrypting web traffic to securing cryptocurrency wallets.

In this beginner‘s guide, you‘ll learn what asymmetric encryption is, how it works, its security benefits and drawbacks, and some of its many real-world applications.

What is Encryption?

Before diving into asymmetric encryption, let‘s quickly go over what encryption itself entails.

Encryption is the process of encoding plain text information into an encrypted format called ciphertext that is unreadable without a decryption key. It protects data confidentiality and integrity by transforming intelligible data into unintelligible gibberish.

Modern encryption relies on advanced mathematical algorithms and cryptographic keys to scramble and unscramble data. Keys control access to encrypted content—you need the correct key to decrypt ciphertext back into readable plaintext.

There are several categories and types of encryption, which we‘ll cover throughout this guide.

What is Asymmetric Encryption?

Asymmetric cryptography, also called public-key cryptography, uses a pair of mathematically related keys for encryption:

  • Public key: Used to encrypt plaintext or verify digital signatures
  • Private key: Used to decrypt ciphertext or digitally sign messages

The key pair is mathematically generated based on cryptographic algorithms that link the keys. The private key cannot be derived from the public key.

Here‘s a quick rundown of how asymmetric encryption works:

  1. Key pair generation: Each user creates a public/private key pair.
  2. Distribution: The public key gets distributed while the private key remains secret.
  3. Encryption: Senders use the recipient‘s public key to encrypt a message.
  4. Decryption: The recipient uses their private key to decrypt the message.

This differs from symmetric encryption, which relies on one key for both encryption and decryption.

Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms

Some well-known asymmetric key algorithms include:

  • RSA: Named after creators Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. RSA relies on mathematical properties of extremely large prime numbers that are easy to multiply but difficult to factor. Today‘s standard for asymmetric encryption.

  • ECC: Uses properties of elliptic curves over finite fields for security. Keys are much shorter than RSA but offer equivalent security. Often used in constrained environments like smart cards and mobile devices.

  • Diffie-Hellman: Enables two parties to secretly share a key in public, which can then encrypt subsequent communications. Used in protocols like SSL/TLS.

  • ElGamal: Similar to Diffie-Hellman but also supports encryption and digital signatures.

These algorithms harness mathematical "trapdoor" functions that are easy to execute in one direction but difficult to reverse. This asymmetry forms the foundation for public key crypto‘s security properties.

How Does Asymmetric Encryption Work?

The exact process behind asymmetric encryption depends on the algorithm being used. But at a high level, it relies on mathematically-linked public/private key pairs and trapdoor functions.

Here is how the RSA algorithm handles encryption:

  1. Key generation: Randomly generate two large prime numbers (p and q). Compute the modulus n = p * q. Choose public exponent e and private exponent d based on p, q, and Euler‘s totient function. The public key is (n, e) and private key is (n, d).

  2. Encryption: Say user A wants to send a secure message to user B. User A obtains B‘s public key (nB, eB) from a directory. A encodes plaintext m as ciphertext c using formula c = (m ^ eB) mod nB. This cipher relies on the mathematical trapdoor property induced by modulus nB.

  3. Decryption: User B decrypts the ciphertext c sent by A using private key (nB, dB) per formula m = (c ^ dB) mod nB. B raises encrypted message to dB exponent then mods nB to get back original plaintext m.

Trapdoor functions enable relatively efficient encryption with public keys but make decryption feasible only for holders of associated private keys. This is the "asymmetry" underpinning public key crypto.

Asymmetric Encryption Use Cases

Due to its key distribution and scalability advantages, asymmetric cryptography enables several crucial real-world applications, including:

Secure Web Browsing

Protocols like SSL/TLS that encrypt traffic between browsers and websites rely on asymmetric encryption. The server‘s public key establishes secure TLS session keys browsers use to access HTTPS sites. This protects browsing against eavesdropping and tampering.

End-to-End Encrypted Messaging

Apps like WhatsApp apply asymmetric cryptography to implement end-to-end encrypted messaging. Users exchange public keys between their devices to privately share messages without even the app provider accessing decrypted data.

Digital Signatures

Asymmetric cryptography enables reliable digital signatures using private keys for signing and public keys for signature verification. This allows replacing ink signatures while proving authenticity and integrity.


Public keys act as cryptocurrency wallet addresses for receiving tokens while private keys authorize transactions. The digital currency Bitcoin itself also applies asymmetric cryptography to achieve consensus on its distributed ledger.

These are just a few examples. Asymmetric encryption continues growing in importance for areas like VPNs, software updates, secure email, hardware authentication, and more.

Hybrid Cryptosystems

Asymmetric encryption has some drawbacks like slower speeds and limitations around message size. To get best-of-both-worlds security and performance, many real-world systems use hybrid encryption:

  1. Generate temporary symmetric session key for encryption.
  2. Encrypt session key itself with slower asymmetric encryption.
  3. Transmit encrypted session key to recipient.
  4. Recipient decrypts session key using private asymmetric key.
  5. Use faster symmetric encryption for bulk data transfers.

In this manner, temporary session keys facilitate efficient large-scale encryption while asymmetric cryptography enables secure session key exchange between parties.

Comparing Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

While both symmetric and asymmetric ciphers play important complementary roles in modern cryptography, they have different distinguishing properties:

Symmetric Encryption Asymmetric Encryption
Also called Secret key cryptography Public key cryptography
Key usage Same key for encryption and decryption Separate public key to encrypt and private key to decrypt
Key distribution Major implementation difficulty; sender and receiver must securely share common secret key in advance No secret exchange required; public keys are openly distributed
Common algorithms DES, 3DES, AES, etc. RSA, ECC, ElGamal etc.
Speed Very fast: popular for bulk data encryption Slow: better for small data
Security level AES-256 provides high security RSA 2048+ bits is generally secure
Use cases Data privacy, storage, communication sessions Digital signatures, key distribution, authentication

Symmetric ciphers handle bulk encryption needs while asymmetric keys enable confident key distribution and authentication – two crucial prerequisites for symmetric encryption.

Asymmetric Encryption Security

Properly implemented asymmetric cryptography remains secure against all currently known attacks if sufficiently large key sizes are used. However, some risks around its use include:

  • Private key compromise, allowing impersonation
  • Vulnerabilities in protocol or software implementations
  • Advances in quantum computing could eventually threaten security
  • Authentication issues caused by lack of public key revocation support

Mitigating tactics include protective key storage, algorithm agility to manage vulnerabilities, implementing quantum-resistant encryption, and certificate revocation lists to handle compromised keys.

Final Thoughts

Asymmetric encryption powers Internet security protocols, cryptocurrencies, trusted digital documents and more. This introductory guide covered its foundations, processes, use cases and security concepts to kickstart your public key cryptography journey! The applications of this versatile technology will only continue expanding.
