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The Best Online Artificial Intelligence Courses to Take in 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed every industry. With machine learning and other AI technologies advancing rapidly, demand for AI training and education continues to grow exponentially each year. Whether you‘re a beginner exploring AI or an experienced professional aiming to advance your career, quality AI courses and programs are essential for building in-demand skills.

In this definitive guide, we evaluate the top online AI courses spanning diverse needs – from introductions for non-technical learners to advanced degrees preparing software engineers for AI specialization.

AI Courses for Beginners

1. AI For Everyone (Coursera)

Overview: High-level entry point for understanding AI concepts
Duration: 9 hours
Price: Free

Taught by founder Andrew Ng, this widely popular Coursera course provides an excellent starting point for AI newcomers. The curriculum covers AI applications in business, basics of machine learning, data science processes, societal impacts and more. While coding experience isn‘t required, some programming knowledge is helpful for deeper comprehension.

"AI For Everyone is a phenomenal primer for people of all backgrounds to learn about how AI can be applied in business and society," says Margaret Lee, AI Product Leader at Google. "Andrew Ng has an incredible talent for explaining complex concepts in simple terms. This course really sets up beginners for further exploration after completing it."

Key Topics

  • AI terminology
  • Real-world AI business use cases
  • Machine learning basics
  • Data science processes
  • Societal impacts of AI

2. Artificial Intelligence A-ZTM (Udemy)

Overview: Practical course to build AI models in Python
Duration: 15+ hours video
Price: $15

For those seeking more hands-on exposure after conceptual overviews like AI For Everyone, the Artificial Intelligence A-Z course provides an affordable next step. Instructed by data scientist Kirill Eremenko, you‘ll code your own neural networks, decision trees and reinforcement learning models while covering all major AI concepts along the way.

"Kirill has created one of the most engaging and practical AI courses on Udemy," says Mike Yi, former AI Lead at Uber. "It strikes the perfect balance of theory and coding for newcomers aiming to get their feet wet with real-world applications."

Key Topics

  • How AI algorithms work
  • Coding neural networks in Python
  • Training machine learning models
  • Developing applications like chatbots

3. Elements of AI (University of Helsinki)

Overview: Free online introduction to AI principles
Duration: 5-15 hours total
Price: Free

Created by the University of Helsinki and Reaktor, this free course covers foundational AI concepts for a general audience. The Elements of AI curriculum interleaves theory modules with dozens of interactive exercises to reinforce key ideas. While less technical than developer-focused offerings, Elements of AI prepares complete beginners to gain a thoughtful perspective on AI.

"For any non-experts seeking a basic understanding of AI, Elements of AI is a wonderful starting point," says Sara Hooker, AI Ethics Researcher at Google. "The course materials strike a rare balance between being accessible yet deeply insightful. I‘d recommend Elements of AI to folks from all backgrounds before diving deeper into advanced topics."

Key Topics

  • Brief history of AI
  • AI capabilities and limitations
  • Hands-on logic puzzles
  • Ethical considerations

AI Courses for Software Developers

4. Practical Deep Learning for Coders (

Overview: Project-based AI program centered on coding real-world apps
Duration: 7 lessons, 10+ hours assignments per lesson
Price: Free

Founded by AI expert Jeremy Howard, offers free deep learning courses tailored for coders. The Practical Deep Learning for Coders course focuses on building modern AI applications around computer vision, NLP and other areas. Taught via Python in Jupyter Notebooks, the curriculum interleaves coding projects with math/theory around cutting-edge algorithms.

"For any developer looking to skill up in deep learning, is easily among the best online resources out there," says Joon Sung, AI Engineer at Meta. "Jeremy‘s uniquely pragmatic approach gets students coding state-of-the-art models faster than any other course I‘ve seen. continues leading the way in making deep learning accessible and useful for practitioners."

Key Topics

  • Image classification models
  • Optimization algorithms
  • Data ethics
  • Segmentation, NLP tasks
  • Deploying apps on AWS/Azure

5. TensorFlow Developer Certificate (

Overview: Become an applied ML expert by mastering the TensorFlow stack
Duration: 4 courses, 4-6 weeks each
Price: $79/month

Offered through Coursera, this Specialization from provides advanced TensorFlow training for software engineers aiming to master applied machine learning. Across 4 courses exploring CNNs, NLP and more, you‘ll gain practical expertise in real-world techniques like transfer learning and multi-task learning.

"SWEs looking to fully prepare for AI careers need top-notch applied ML training. No Specialization rivals deeplearning‘s TensorFlow Developer Certification for completeness in that regard," notes Amy Jin, Advanced AI Engineer at Meta. "The team of world-renowned instructors and hands-on projects cement rock-solid TensorFlow skills callable across any industry."

Key Topics

  • CNN, RNN architecture
  • Multi-task, transfer learning
  • Data augmentation
  • Distributed training
  • Testing/debugging

6. AI Programming with Python Nanodegree (Udacity)

Overview: Intermediate program covering full AI application development cycle
Duration: 4 months, 10-15 hours/week
Price: $399/month

Udacity‘s Nanodegree provides a comprehensive curriculum for software engineers seeking to transition into AI programming roles. Bridging theory with hands-on projects, the program spans data pipelines, model training/deployment and interpreting results. Students collaborate 1-on-1 with expert reviewers when completing final projects.

For SWEs looking to skill up hands-on, Udacity‘s AI Nanodegree is a top-notch bridge toward becoming a confident AI developer," says Ryo Nakagawa, Head of AI at Toyota Connected. "The expert code reviews and project-based format accelerates practical abilities beyond most AI courses out there."

Key Topics

  • Data processing at scale
  • Bias/fairness in models
  • Cloud services (SageMaker, etc)
  • Model monitoring
  • App UX optimization

AI Courses for Business Leaders

7. Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy (MIT Sloan School of Management)

Overview: Executive-level insights into AI-driven transformation
Duration: 6 weeks, 3-6 hours/week
Price: Free

Offered by MIT Sloan School of Management, this free online course provides critical perspectives around AI strategy for CXOs and other business leaders. Taught by MIT professors Erik Brynjolfsson and Daniela Rus, the curriculum spans economic impacts, organizational change management and more around AI adoption. Real-world case studies underpin the conceptual frameworks.

For any non-technical executive seeking to spearhead change with AI, MIT Sloan’s strategy course unlocks indispensable insights,” says Alan Thompson, AI Consultant and Former Innovation Leader at PwC. “Brynjolfsson and Rus are leading global authorities when it comes to AI’s business impacts. This course synthesizes their decades of research incredibly well for newcomers.

Key Topics

  • Economic returns forecasting
  • Organizational change models
  • Industry transformation case studies
  • AI ethics frameworks

8. AI For Business Leaders (Coursera)

Overview: Practical AI business course for non-technical professionals
Duration: 11 hours total video
Price: Free

Whereas MIT‘s offering focuses more on strategy, Coursera‘s AI For Business Leaders course provides a balanced introduction covering business applications, data implications and leadership considerations around AI adoption. Created by AI pioneer Andrew Ng, the curriculum features interviews with executives deploying AI across different functions of their organizations.

"For any non-technical leader seeking basic fluency to unlock AI‘s potential, this Coursera course is the perfect starting point," says Neha Baweja, Global AI Ethics Leader at Accenture. "Andrew distills the key business concepts around AI without getting overly technical. The instructor panel and real-world examples drive immense clarity for newcomers."

Key Topics

  • AI applications in business
  • Data pipeline assembly
  • Change management processes
  • Risk considerations

Specialized AI Courses

9. Self-driving Car Engineer Nanodegree (Udacity)

Overview: Become an autonomous vehicle technician across sensor fusion, deep learning
Duration: 12 months part-time
Price: $800/month

Udacity‘s flagship Robotics program prepares software engineers to specialize in delivering fully autonomous vehicle tech stacks. Centered on physics, machine learning and computer vision concepts converted into concrete self-driving car applications, the Nanodegree uniquely conveys both depth and breadth needed for AV engineering roles.

Mastering self-driving car technologies requires enormous skill across software, hardware and data,” notes Demis Hassabis, CEO and co-founder of Waymo. “For any engineer serious about joining the autonomous revolution, Udacity’s Self-driving Car Nanodegree stands out big time. Their expert-designed curriculum accelerates industry-aligned abilities better than any other program I’ve seen.

Key Topics

  • Sensor fusion algorithms
  • Object detection networks
  • Localization modeling
  • Control systems optimization

10. AI Engineering Professional Certificate (edX)

Overview: Expand abilities to architect, deploy and maintain enterprise AI systems at scale
Duration: 12 weeks per course, 5 courses total
Price: $99/month

Developed by IBM professionals, this edX certificate focuses on operationalizing AI. Across 5 courses exploring MLOps, trustworthy AI development and specialized tools like IBM Cloud, the program prepares engineers to ship robust, end-to-end machine learning solutions supporting business goals. Both conceptual and technical fluency is honed through hands-on projects.

Applying AI in large enterprises introduces all kinds of complexities unseen in most academic courses,” says Angela Choi, AI Software Architect at Uber. “For engineers aspiring toward architect-level thinking, no certificate does a better job bridging real-world practices than IBM’s. Learning to operationalize AI from those actively pioneering techniques across industries is invaluable.

Key Topics

  • MLOps processes
  • Trustworthy AI standards
  • Cloud services on IBM
  • AutoAI model creation

11. Machine Learning for Healthcare (Columbia University)

Overview: Gain healthcare specialization in AI via precision medicine, risk analysis more
Duration: 5 weeks per course, 5 courses total
Price: $1000 total

Offered by Columbia University’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, this certification immerses students in healthcare-centric AI applications. Across 5 graduate-level courses diving into predictive analytics, Bayesian reasoning and other critical topics, the program delivers specialized abilities to improve patient outcomes via better diagnoses, personalized treatment plans and more.

Traditional software engineers require extensive reskilling to architect machine learning solutions purpose-built for clinical settings,” says Stephanie Yang, Healthcare AI Lead at Microsoft. “For any developer serious about leading healthcare AI innovation, Columbia’s certification stands out big time. Their instructors are pioneering next-gen AI techniques to save patient lives – huge value unlock there.

Key Topics

  • Clinical informatics
  • Medical image analysis
  • Risk modeling processes
  • Sensor analytics pipelines

With quality AI education booming every year, finding the optimal course for your needs can feel overwhelming. Below we provide guiding questions to structure your decision-making process:

Identify Your Goals First

  • Do you simply want intro-level AI literacy?
  • Are you a software engineer looking to specialize in AI development?
  • Do you lead an enterprise seeking to deploy AI-based solutions?

Map Courses to Your Experience Level

  • Beginners should start with conceptual overviews like Elements of AI or Coursera‘s AI For Everyone.
  • Coders should seek intermediate courses focused on hands-on building/training models like Udacity‘s Nanodegree or
  • Advanced engineers can level up via certificates like‘s TensorFlow program centered on specialized techniques.

Consider Career-Advancing Specializations

  • Autonomous vehicle engineers are in huge demand – Udacity‘s Self-driving Car Nanodegree prepares for those coveted roles.
  • Healthcare AI expertise unlocks major value – see Columbia University‘s precision medicine certification.
  • Leading enterprise AI transformations requires operational mastery – IBM will get you there.

I hope this guide has illuminated the wide spectrum of high-quality AI education now available online. From introductory surveys to immersive Nanodegrees, gifted instructors across learning platforms stand ready to unlock life-changing career opportunities. Now is the time to invest in yourself via AI skilling – I wish you monumental success pursuing your passions!