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The Complete Guide to AI Legal Assistant Platforms

Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the practice of law. AI-powered legal assistant platforms are automating routine tasks, conducting legal research faster than ever before, and helping lawyers provide better counsel.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top AI legal assistant platforms available today and how they are transforming legal work.

What are AI Legal Assistant Platforms?

AI legal assistant platforms leverage artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning to assist with common legal tasks including:

  • Drafting contracts, legal briefs, and other documents
  • Reviewing and analyzing large volumes of legal documents
  • Conducting legal research across statutes, case law, regulations
  • Answering common legal questions
  • Predicting case outcomes and risk factors

These platforms aim to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and enable lawyers to focus on higher-value strategic tasks instead of repetitive, low-level work.

Benefits of AI Legal Assistants

Adopting an AI legal assistant delivers numerous advantages:

  • Speed – Automates slow, manual tasks to provide answers and documents in seconds instead of hours
  • Scale – Reviews hundreds of thousands of legal documents faster than any team of lawyers
  • Consistency – Eliminates human error and provides reliable results every time
  • Cost Savings – Reduces lawyer time on repetitive tasks to minimize legal spend
  • Accessibility – Makes basic legal services affordable for consumers and small businesses

According to Deloitte Insights, early adopters of AI assistants report increased productivity and 40% reduction in costs.

With these benefits in mind, let‘s explore some of the top AI legal assistant platforms available today.

Top AI Legal Assistant Platforms

1. Casetext CARA

Casetext leverages machine learning algorithms to provide lawyers with advanced legal research capabilities through CARA.

CARA allows users to describe their legal issue in plain terms. It then provides the most relevant case law, regulations, and analytical commentary needed to deeply understand the topic.

Unlike traditional legal research, CARA reads alongside the researcher to understand context. With every search, it continuously refines results to pinpoint the information a lawyer actually needs from millions of legal documents.

Implemented by over 500 law firms and counting, CARA can reduce legal research time by up to 80% compared to manual methods.

2.ROSS Intelligence

ROSS Intelligence builds on IBM‘s Watson technology to deliver an AI legal assistant that helps answer lawyers‘ questions by combing through statutes, case law, regulations, and secondary sources.

The natural language processing capabilities in ROSS allow lawyers to ask questions as they naturally would to another attorney. ROSS then provides a direct citation or summary response along with passages from relevant case law or legislation.

ROSS augments lawyers’ skills rather than aiming to replace them outright. It handles much of the legal research grunt work so that firms can devote partner time to higher-value client services and strategic work. As a SaaS platform, it integrates easily with existing firm infrastructure as well.

3. LegalMation

LegalMation focuses specifically on drafting and analyzing contracts using AI capabilities.

The platform starts by asking users a series of questions about their contracting needs. Based on the answers provided, LegalMation can automatically generate a custom contract with properly phrased legal terminology to match the user‘s exact requirements.

Lawyers can instantly create hundreds of contracts tailored to their clients versus having to manually draft each one individually. The contracts are legally valid and enforceable while also protecting the client‘s interests.

For reviewing existing contracts, LegalMation uses machine learning to rapidly classify different types of agreements and extract key terms and clauses. This allows quicker risk analysis, benchmarking across contracts, and processing of high volumes of documents.

4. LawGeex

LawGeex provides AI-powered contract review, approval, and management. The platform aims to expedite the contract lifecycle from execution to renewal or termination.

Like LegalMation, LawGeex leverages AI to instantly read and understand key terms and conditions in contracts. From there, it can provide risk assessments by identifying missing terms, alterations, or clauses that conflict with company policies.

LawGeex also recommends modifications to contracts and maintains version control as they get updated. Ongoing monitoring ensures compliance even after contracts are executed.

The platform achieves 94% accuracy in contract review – similar to veteran lawyers who specialize in agreement legalities.

5. LegalSifter

While many legal AI platforms focus solely on contracts, LegalSifter specializes in discovery and due diligence for litigation cases or mergers and acquisitions.

The software automates document review for relevance across hundreds of thousands of files. It uses optical character recognition, natural language processing, and machine learning to classify documents, extract key information, and auto-tag records for rapid searchability.

LegalSifter cuts document review time from weeks to days by surfaced the most critical information out of terabytes of unstructured data. This allows lawyers to quickly determine case facts rather than manually poring over irrelevant documents.


DoNotPay sets itself apart as a consumer-focused legal services chatbot. Anyone can describe an issue to DoNotPay, and it will provide guidance or take action on your behalf.

Use cases include helping to:

  • Fight parking tickets
  • Negotiate bills and cancel subscriptions
  • File insurance claims
  • Report credit card fraud
  • Sue robocallers

DoNotPay also generates custom legal letters and documents tailored to your problem in seconds.

While DoNotPay lacks sophistication of enterprise legal AI platforms, its convenience and cost savings make legal help easily accessible to common consumers.

7. Legal Analytics

Whereas most legal AI platforms focus solely on assisting lawyers, Legal Analytics targets improving legal outcomes directly for clients.

Built on 20 years of legal data, the Legal Analytics platform provides statistical assessments for the likelihood of various case outcomes. Clients describe their scenario, and Legal Analytics renders a predictive forecast to inform legal strategy based on historical cases most similar to the current one.

Legal Analytics customers have achieved more favorable legal and business outcomes in 80% of matters evaluated. Predictive insights lead to better case decisions and risk planning from the outset.

8. Clarilis

Clarilis concentrates on e-discovery and information governance via AI. The software streamlines sorting through case documentation to identify only the most relevant files needing lawyer review.

Once documents get classified and filtered, Clarilis extracts and organizes key data into dynamic dashboards. This allows swift visualization of linkages between various documents, timelines, communication histories, financial transactions, and other vital details.

Clarilis indexes both structured and unstructured from over 1,000 data types. Its analytics help lawyers rapidly gain insight from document sets numbering in the millions.

9.Picture It Settled

While most legal AI platforms focus on task automation, Picture It Settled leverages virtual reality and gamification to transform training.

The immersive software provides simulated environments for lawyers to practice high-stakes conversations and negotiations with clients. The AI responds dynamically to user decisions using advanced conversational systems and machine learning.

Picture It Settled helps lawyers gain first-hand experience across 1000s of scenarios that accelerate skill development. Hands-on mistakes provide vital learning opportunities without real-world risks.

Key Considerations in Selecting Legal AI Platforms

With numerous legal AI platforms now available, focus on these key criteria during your evaluation process:

  • Accuracy – AI should match or exceed human-level performance before fully trusting outcomes.
  • Data Security – Vet how client data gets protected given confidentiality needs.
  • Ethical AI – Ensure models avoid encoded bias and enable human oversight.
  • Integration – Platforms must complement rather than disrupt existing firm tools and workflows..
  • Scalability – Start small, but ensure capacity to manage growth in data volumes.

No legal AI platform eliminates need for experienced lawyers. However, AI stands to greatly enhance legal efficiency, consistency, and outcomes when thoughtfully implemented.

The rise of legal technology reflects a broader push toward increased accessibility and affordability of legal services. And with 97% of lawyers reporting improvements after adopting AI, there has never been a better time to integrate legal AI capabilities.

The Future of AI Assistants in Law

Deloitte anticipates legal AI to be widely adopted in law practices within 5-10 years. Forward-looking firms are investing today to get ahead of the curve.

We can expect AI platform functionality to become more sophisticated and targeted to specialized practice areas moving forward. Natural language interfaces will enable non-technical lawyers to fully leverage complex machine learning models as collaborators rather than just tools.

Consumer-facing legal AI like chatbots will proliferate as well – perhaps even handling fully autonomous services one day. But for now, lawyer oversight remains essential given legal field complexity.

Overall, the question is no longer whether AI belongs in law but rather how rapidly it gets embedded across the entire legal value chain. Lawyers who embrace this transformation will future-proof their skillsets and stand ready to meet client demands in the years ahead. The time to explore legal AI is now!
