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The Complete Guide to AI Prompt Generators

Artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced rapidly in recent years, with models like DALL-E, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion demonstrating a creative capacity once thought impossible for machines. These AI systems are able to generate remarkably realistic and aesthetically pleasing images, poems, code and more from short text prompts.

But coming up with an effective prompt can be challenging. This is where AI prompt generators come in handy. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explain everything you need to know about these nifty tools.

What Are AI Prompt Generators?

AI prompt generators are tools designed to help users create better prompts. They typically work by taking a seed prompt or other input from the user, and outputting suggestions for ways to improve or expand upon it. This might involve rephrasing, adding more descriptive details, incorporating specific styles or artists, and more.

The goal is to save users time and effort while unlocking the full potential of AI image generation systems. Even small tweaks to a prompt can make a dramatic difference in the quality and relevance of the final generated image. Prompt generators handle this optimization automatically.

Why Are Prompt Generators Useful?

Prompt generators offer several key benefits:

  • Help users overcome "prompt block" when unsure what to write
  • refine and expand basic prompts into detailed, effective ones
  • Allow experimentation with different styles, aspects and qualities
  • Can produce completely unique prompts unlike any the user would think of
  • Save significant time and effort crafting prompts manually

Whether you‘re a prompt novice or expert, generators can take your image generation to the next level.

Key AI Models That Use Prompts

Before diving further into prompt generators specifically, it helps to understand some of the most popular AI systems they target:

  • DALL-E 2 – Creates realistic & imaginative images from text prompts. Very versatile.
  • Midjourney – Generates abstract and stylized images from prompts. Great for fantasy art.
  • Stable Diffusion – Open source AI system capable of both text and image generation.
  • CLIP – Computer vision model that connects text to associated images.

These represent just a sampling of the latest generative AI that can achieve amazing results with the right text prompts. If you plan to utilize these systems, employing a prompt generator will make getting started much easier.

Key Components of Effective AI Prompts

Before we get into specific tools, it helps to understand what goes into an effective AI prompt. Prompts are essentially short text descriptions of the desired image or content. Here are some key components prompts include:

  • Subject/Focal Point – The main topic, object/s, character/s, etc.
  • Style/Genre – Artistic style, period, aesthetic etc. to mimic
  • Details – Descriptive elements like surroundings, colors, clothing etc.
  • Quality – Technical qualities like "8k resolution", "unreal engine"
  • Viewpoint – Perspective, framing, pose, etc.

The goal is to provide as much visual detail as possible to narrow the scope of what the AI will generate. Being both concise yet thorough takes practice – and that‘s where prompt generators shine.

Tips for Writing Better AI Prompts

While generators can accelerate great prompt writing, humans still need some prompting prowess as well. Here are some quick tips:

  • Brainstorm descriptive keywords relevant to the desired image
  • Use an active, detailed style (like "a knight drawing a sword" vs. "knight")
  • Specify a clear focal point
  • Cite specific artists/styles if aiming for aesthetics
  • Experiment with various approaches – keep iterating

Prompt engineering is part art, part science. The more effort put into prompts, the better the AI results. Generators augment human prompting skills excellently.

Top AI Prompt Generator Tools

Dozens of prompt generation tools and sites exists, with more emerging continually. I‘ve curated some of the most popular and capable options currently available:

1. PromptBase

PromptBase offers a vast database of prompts for DALL-E 2, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion and others which users can search, filter, customize and purchase. It aims to be the "GitHub for prompts", with options sorted by topic, model, user rating and more.

2. DreamStudio Prompt Builder

DreamStudio is an image generator web app powered by Stable Diffusion. It features an excellent built-in prompt builder that suggests useful tweaks as users craft prompts, such as changing terms to synonyms or adding descriptive details. Very beginner friendly.

3. PromptHero

PromptHero suggests prompts based on chosen keywords and categories, with handy filters to narrow options down quickly. It also automatically displays compatible AI models for each prompt. Useful for prompt inspiration.

4. Shortly Read‘s Prompt Generator

This text-based generator asks users a series of questions about their desired images, and handles prompt formulation automatically. The conversational approach makes it very intuitive even for total beginners.


As the name suggests, exclusively provides prompts for efficient ChatGPT interactions. Categories range from therapy chatbot conversations, to business advice, philosophical debates and more. Definitely check this one out for ChatGPT power users.

6. AI Prompt Generator byGrowth Tools

This generator tool asks users to enter a starting prompt and select key qualities like realism, aesthetic and complexity. It then outputs an improved version of the original prompt with specifics to match the selected qualities. Very handy for prompt refinement.

7. Shortly Read‘s Prompt Generator

Similar to Growth Tools‘ generator above, AI Prompt Generator byShortly Read asks users to enter any starting prompt and returns an enhanced version citing critical details for the best image generation results. Another great and free option for leveling-up prompts.

8. Inspired AI‘s Prompt Mania

Prompt Mania is another generator that takes an initial prompt and suggests modifications and expansions to optimize it. Easy to use, with helpful sliders to specify parameters, quality level, aesthetic styles and more.

9. AI Text & Art Prompt Generator

This generator tool asks a series of questions about the user‘s content goals, and suggests a range of unique prompt options accordingly. Users can also enter an existing prompt for similar enhancements tailored to their specifications.

10. ShortlyAI Image Prompt Generator

Coming soon – a promising prompt suggestion engine currently in closed beta testing. Reportedly generates very impressive prompts from limited user input. One to watch for sure.

Comparing Prompt Generator Capabilities

With an abundance of compelling prompt generators now available, you may be wondering – what exactly sets them apart? Here‘s a quick capabilities overview:

  • Image Generation – Most tools focus on creating prompts for AI image models like DALL-E and Midjourney.
  • Text Generation – Some generators also cover text AI like ChatGPT with prompts for stories, articles, poetry etc.
  • Coding – A few niche prompt generators exist for code writing processes with GitHub Copilot, Anthropic Codex and others.
  • Conversational – Prompt bots conduct conversations to derive suggestion specs before generating prompts.
  • Customization – Ability to tweak suggested prompts by editing description details, styles and technical parameters.
  • Inspiration – Browsing pre-made prompts sorted by categories and topics for inspiration.
  • Rating Systems – Some tools incorporate crowdsourced prompt rating/reviews for quality assurance.

As you can see, generators run the gamut from simple inspirational libraries to advanced conversational engines. Plenty of variety exists to suit different prompting needs.

The Future of AI Prompt Generators

If present momentum in machine learning continues, AI prompt generators appear likely to become extremely advanced and ubiquitous. I expect these tools to evolve from basic assistants to creative partners over time.

Key developments in prompting automation we may see include:

  • Integration directly into popular generative AI apps/sites
  • More conversational interfaces and context-aware recommendations
  • Ability to interpret descriptive documents/media as input instead of just text
  • Personalized libraries of historical prompts, presets and user preferences
  • Potential for paid generator models trained on specific niches/datasets

The prompt itself could transform from a static text concept into a rich, adaptive input channel for communicating creative visions to AI systems. Exciting stuff ahead!

Ethical Considerations With AI Generated Content

While creative AI promises a world of possibility, it also raises some ethical concerns to be mindful of specifically when using prompt generation tools:

  • Plagiarism – passing AI art/writing off as one‘s own without attribution
  • Copyright issues – prompts based heavily on licensed IP/characters
  • Bias – potential for harmful stereotypes or generalizations in prompts
  • Misinformation – prompts could direct harmful/dangerous content generation
  • Artistic integrity – undervaluing skills of human creatives

Responsible prompt engineering practices, like transparency and crediting inspiration sources, are important for constructively advancing this technology. The same ethical mindfulness expected of human creators also applies to AI interactions.

With conscientious use though, prompt generators promise to expand creative possibilities tremendously. I hope this guide offers lots of inspiration to spark your next great AI-powered creation!