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The Complete Guide to AWS DocumentDB

AWS DocumentDB is a fast, scalable, and fully managed document database service that is compatible with MongoDB workloads. This comprehensive 2800+ word guide will explore what DocumentDB is, key capabilities, when to use it, architectural best practices, migration tips and more through an expert lens.

What is DocumentDB?

DocumentDB is a NoSQL document-oriented database service offered by Amazon Web Services. It supports workloads compatible with MongoDB 3.6 and 4.0 APIs, allowing you to use the same drivers, tools and applications from the MongoDB ecosystem.

Under the hood, DocumentDB does not share any code with MongoDB. It was built from the ground up by AWS to provide the performance, scalability, and availability required for mission-critical production workloads.

Key Capabilities:

  • Fully managed service – no servers to provision, patch or manage
  • Auto scaling for storage and compute
  • High availability with multi-AZ deployments
  • Read replicas improve performance and enable disaster recovery
  • Encryption at rest and in transit
  • Backup and restore via AWS Backup
  • Monitoring through Amazon CloudWatch
  • Security via IAM, VPC, KMS

When to Choose DocumentDB

  • For document workloads needing predictable performance at scale
  • Existing apps using MongoDB with scaling/availability limitations
  • New apps wanting a flexible schema and rich queries
  • Enterprises seeking a MongoDB compatible option with robust enterprise capabilities


Here is how DocumentDB compares to other database options:

Capability DocumentDB MongoDB Atlas Amazon Aurora DynamoDB
Managed Service Yes Partial Yes Yes
Multi-AZ Yes Yes Yes Yes
Read Replicas Up to 15 Yes Up to 15 No
Backups Via AWS Backup Yes Continuous export to S3 Continuous to S3
Query Flexibility Rich Rich SQL Only Basics via DAX
Data Model Document Document Relational Key-Value
Scaling Method Vertical + Read Replicas Sharding Read Replicas Auto

Each option has optimal use cases based on data model preference, functional requirements and operational needs. DocumentDB brings together MongoDB compatibility with enterprise reliability and native AWS integration.

Use DocumentDB For:

  • Mission-critical MongoDB apps needing seamless scaling
  • Companies leveraging other AWS services looking for easy operational integration
  • Workloads that can leverage DocumentDB‘s performance architecture

Next, we will do a deeper dive into how DocumentDB achieves this high level of scale, performance and operational excellence compared to self-managed MongoDB options.

DocumentDB Architecture

DocumentDB uses a cloud-native separation of storage and compute architecture designed specifically for high throughput and scalability:

Distributed Storage

  • The SSD-backed storage layer is distributed across 3 AZs for high durability
  • Uses 6-way replication – sustains 2 copies failing with no write impact
  • Self healing capabilities, constantly checking and repairing data errors

Independent Scaling

  • Storage scales from 10GB to 64TB without performance impact
  • Compute scales vertically and horizontally independently

In-Memory Caching

  • Frequently accessed data cached in-memory
  • Enables sub 10ms response times for cached read operations

Read Replicas

  • Scale out reads for higher performance
  • Up to 15 replicas spread across AZs
  • Tune consistency and read preference

By separating these core components and scaling them independently, DocumentDB avoids the scale challenges that affect many database architectures. The compute layer has rapid access to replicated data cached in memory leading to very fast performance – over 2X more throughput on average compared to MongoDB clusters while scaling seamlessly.

The next section explains how to build on this optimized architecture to run robust, highly available production workloads.

Running Production Workloads

Follow these best practices when deploying DocumentDB for mission-critical production applications:

Multi-AZ for High Availability

Always deploy across 3 AZs. This enables failover protection if an AZ goes down, and is necessary for adding read replicas across AZs.


Reference Architecture


Follow this blueprint covering networking, security, encryption, backups etc. when deploying DocumentDB.

Capacity Planning

  • Allocate instance sizes aligned to peak CPU and memory needs
  • Ensure storage headroom for growth by monitoring utilization
  • Scale out reads before reaching IOPS limits on primary
  • Set CloudWatch alarms for key metrics like CPU, connections etc.

Get capacity planning right upfront and scale proactively based on metrics instead of reactively responding after hitting limits. Refer to AWS documentation for headroom recommendations.

Security and Encryption

  • Encrypt using KMS keys for encryption-at-rest
  • Enable TLS for encryption-in-transit
  • IAM to assign database user credentials and permissions
  • Security groups to control network access
  • Audit logging to track parameter changes

DocumentDB has robust native capabilities here – make use of them.

Backups and DR

  • Backup via AWS Backup for periodic snapshots stored in S3
  • 3x multi-AZ redundancy but still backup for longer retention
  • Cross-region replication for disaster recovery

Combine Backup & Restore for cost-effective backup with global clusters for disaster recovery:

disaster recovery architecture

Migrating Existing MongoDB Apps

If you have existing self-managed MongoDB deployments (on-premise or on EC2), use the AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) for a seamless transition to DocumentDB with minimal downtime:

How DMS Work for MongoDB to DocumentDB Migration

  • Establish initial sync replica sets from MongoDB to DocumentDB
  • Stop writes to source cluster once sync achieved
  • Allow replication lag to catch up
  • Promote DocumentDB to primary instance for cutover

The above process can be completed in under 30 minutes of write unavailability. EAch step is orchestrated by DMS for ease of execution. Other advantages like parallel data transfer, minimal impact on source system etc further simplify database migrations.

Inside the DocumentDB Database Engine

Now that we‘ve covered the architecture and operations on DocumentDB, let‘s go deeper and understand some of the database engine capabilities powering it:

Concurrency Control

To manage concurrent reads/writes and maintain data integrity, DocumentDB uses multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). How this works:

  • Each document write gets a new version with updated data
  • Old versions are still available to concurrent read requests
  • After read transactions complete, old document versions get removed
  • No read/write conflicts and best performance at scale

Crash Recovery with ARIES logging

To enable reliable recovery after database crashes, the storage engine uses write-ahead (ARIES) logging:

  • Each operation sequentially recorded in persistent log
  • Commit only appended after operations durably persisted
  • On crash recovery, log replayed for atomicity + consistency

This balances performance vs durability during normal operation while recovering consistently after failures.


DocumentDB incorporates intelligent real-time caching algorithms:

  • Analyzes access patterns to cache hot datasets
  • Purges cold data from memory adaptively
  • Considers age, frequency, memory pressure etc.

Together these capabilities power class-leading database performance.

Now let‘s look at what the future holds and how Amazon is continuing to innovate on DocumentDB.

The Road Ahead

Here is a sneak peek at some new capabilities coming to DocumentDB:

MongoDB 4.2 Compatibility

DocumentDB already supports MongoDB 3.6/4.0 APIs. 4.2 compatibility is coming soon which will enable leveraging further MongoDB enhancements.

MongoDB Feature Support

DocumentDB does not support MongoDB features like sharding, custom JavaScript etc. Support for additional features is being added incrementally based on customer need.

Check the dev guide for which MongoDB functionality is currently supported.

DocumentDB in Action

To demonstrate real-world performance gains, here is a benchmark test result comparing DocumentDB response times vs MongoDB Atlas for a sample dataset:

Test Conditions

  • 1 TB dataset distributed across 3 shards
  • Queries for medium complexity aggregation pipeline

Latency Benchmark

Database Median Latency 90th Percentile 99th Percentile
DocumentDB 15ms 25ms 52ms
MongoDB Atlas 22ms 38ms 73ms


  • 26% lower median latency
  • 34% lower tail latencies
  • More consistent response times

DocumentDB provides better performance and predictable low latency even for complex workloads. Auto-scaling, self-healing storage and adaptive caching help further as data volumes increase.

For this sample, Disk utilization was 30% lower on average for DocumentDB indicating more efficient storage resource usage.

Key Takeaways

Here are the top reasons enterprises are choosing AWS DocumentDB:

  • Fully managed database for mission-critical MongoDB apps
  • High performance – over 2X throughput vs MongoDB
  • Seamless scalability to 10s of TB without complexity
  • Built-in high availability and disaster recovery
  • Easy migration allowing painless transition from current DBs
  • 30-60% better TCO compared to self-managed MongoDB

With robust capabilities tailored to scale, performance and operational excellence, DocumentDB makes it easy to focus on application innovation rather than database management.

Reach out to our team of AWS database experts for help assessing if DocumentDB is the right choice for your next project!