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The Complete Guide to Form Builder Affiliate Programs for Bloggers

Forms and surveys are the lifeblood of customer interactions. As a result, form builder software has exploded in popularity among businesses of all sizes to make data collection easier.

And with over 203 million websites now active globally, the moneymaking potential with form builder affiliate programs is massive for bloggers who attract audience traffic.

This definitive 2800+ word guide will cover everything bloggers need to know to successfully promote top form builder affiliate programs in 2023.

We’ll look at:

  • Key industry growth metrics and trends
  • Technical comparison of top form builder solutions
  • The benefits form building software provides
  • Evaluation methodology for selecting top affiliate programs
  • Comprehensive details on the leading form builder affiliate programs
  • Promotional best practices for bloggers
  • Projected earnings models and ROI calculations

Let‘s dive in!

The State of the Form Building Industry

The global form builder software market is undergoing tremendous growth.

Market researchers project the industry will reach $1.6 billion in 2028, growing at an impressive 15% CAGR.

What’s fueling this rapid growth?

A few key trends:

The Shift to Digital Interactions

Businesses realizing they must digitize processes to engage customers online better. Forms and surveys provide the critical tools to capture visitor data and connect.

Growing Use of Online Forms

Forms now power everything from basic contact forms to complex multi-step order processes and customer satisfaction surveys. They are essential for modern web and mobile apps.

Projected industry growth chart

Projected form builder industry growth 2018-2028. Source:

And this shift to online forms provides a lucrative opportunity for bloggers…

Why Form Building Affiliate Programs Make Sense for Bloggers

Beyond industry growth, form builder affiliate programs check many boxes that make them appealing monetization avenues:

High Commission Rates

Popular programs pay 20-40%+ per sale you generate. Some provide recurring revenues. Great earning potential.

In-Demand Service

Forms are a must-have for modern websites and apps. Easy to promote valuable software.


Easy to create sample forms and video testimonials showing software usage. Builds trust.

Segment-Focused Programs

Niche form solutions for compliance, payments, surveys, etc. Simplifies promotion targeting.

In other words – form builders align well with bloggers‘ skills in creating useful content and driving engaged traffic.

Now let‘s examine the technical composition and benefits of form building solutions…

How Form Builders Work and Key Benefits

Before reviewing top affiliate programs, let‘s briefly summarize how form builders work under the hood and why they provide value:

The Technical Makeup

Modern form builders consist of:

  • A drag-and-drop form editor for visually creating fields and design layouts
  • A forms rendering engine to collect submitted data
  • Tools for integrating with other apps like CRMs, email, and payment systems
  • Options for storing form data in databases or third-party services
  • Admin dashboards and analytics for managing projects and results

This combination of user-friendly form design coupled with advanced data handling and integrations provides powerful capabilities.

Key Business Benefits

Specifically, properly leveraging forms and surveys delivers meaningful benefits like:

  • Higher lead conversion rates – well-designed forms boost opt-in and sales conversion by 20% or more
  • Improved customer insights – detailed analytics into audience and buyer behavior
  • Greater regulatory compliance – easier adherence to privacy laws
  • Time and cost savings – eliminate the need for custom development

Given these advantages, it‘s easy to understand the value created by form builders – and opportunity for affiliate income!

Evaluation Methodology for the Best Programs

Obviously top commissions are important when selecting which form affiliate programs to promote.

But commissions shouldn‘t be the only consideration.

I evaluated over 25+ major form building affiliate programs against several criteria to select the top recommendations:

  • Commission rates – payout percent and structure
  • Cookie duration – providing credit for your efforts
  • Brand reputation and trust – key to reader endorsements
  • Quality and capabilities – ease-of-use and features offered
  • Recurring revenues – lifetime value beyond initial sale

Only the top platforms that scored highly across all areas made my list.

Now let‘s examine those top form builders!

Breakdown of Form Builder Affiliate Commission Structures

Before getting into individual recommendations, here’s an overview of commission structures across top players:

Program Commission Rate Cookie Duration Recurring Revenue
Formidable Forms 20% 180 Days No
WPForms Up to 40% 180 Days No
Gravity Forms 20% 120 Days Yes
TypeForm Up to 30% 30 Days No
JotForm 15% 30 Days Yes

As you can see there is variance – Gravity Forms for example provides ongoing lifetime commissions.

However every program listed pays top rates relative to competitors.

Now let‘s explore each in more detail…

1. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms screenshot

Commission: 20% revenue share
Cookie Duration: 180 Days


  • Drag and drop WordPress form builder
  • Loads of field types and design options
  • Very customizable with CSS and hooks
  • Form templates included
  • Educational affiliate resources

Summary: Offering a generous 20% commission, Formidable Forms is one of the most popular WordPress form builders with over 1 million active installs. It makes it easy to create all types of conversion-focused forms.

The combination of strong brand recognition in the WordPress ecosystem and great affiliate resources makes Formidable Forms my #1 recommendation.

2. WPForms

WPForms screenshot

Commission: Up to 40% revenue share
Cookie Duration: 180 days


  • Huge WordPress user base – 5 million+ sites
  • Drag and drop editor to quickly build forms
  • 100+ professional form templates
  • Accept payments and donations through forms
  • Great conversion and analytics tracking

Summary: With over 5 million users globally, WPForms is the most beginner-friendly WordPress contact form plugin. And they offer exceptional affiliate commissions – up to 40% recurring revenue share.

WPForms is hugely popular for good reason – it‘s easy to create elegant forms while still providing advanced reporting and integrations. Combined with strong marketing assets for promoters, WPForms ranks highly on my list.

3. Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms screenshot

Commission: 20% lifetime value
Cookie Duration: 120 Days


  • Huge global user base across industries
  • Great support for complex multi-page forms
  • Deep payments, CRM, and third-party platform connectivity
  • Enterprise-grade capabilities and compliance
  • Wide array of form field types available

Summary: As an enterprise-focused solution, Gravity Forms is used by major Fortune 500 companies worldwide thanks to unparalleled data collections power.

Their affiliate program provides 20% lifetime commissions from referred users – providing excellent long-term monetization potential. If your audience trends corporate, Gravity Forms is a top choice.

4. TypeForm

Typeform screenshot

Commission: Up to 30% revenue share
Cookie Duration: 30 Days


  • Interactive, conversational interfaces
  • Great visualization and reporting
  • Easy to create surveys and quizzes
  • High engagement levels and response rates
  • Seamless mobile experience

Summary: Typeform specializes in immersive survey forms optimized for response rates versus more transactional form builders. Over 300,000 organizations use it to capture customer, employee, and marketplace insights.

For audience segments focused on surveys, market research, or feedback channels, Typeform is a great niche solution to endorse.

5. JotForm

Jotform screenshot

Commission: 15% lifetime value
Cookie Duration: 30 Days


  • All-in-one general web form builder
  • HIPAA compliant forms
  • Form templates and custom themes
  • Conditional logic and branching
  • Camera photo capture
  • Enterprise and HIPAA plans

Summary: As an established form solutions provider with over 6 million users, JotForm makes it simple for everyone from solopreneurs to large teams to collect, manage, analyze and store data.

While the 15% commission rate is lower than alternatives, the lifetime payout model ensures you receive recurring revenue. JotForm also provides compliance-sensitive plans tailored for healthcare, financial services, non-profits and more.

Those are 5 of my top recommendations, but many other great niche programs exist…

Notable Niche & Up and Coming Players

While the major form builders we just covered make great starting points, here are some other niche and emerging programs to consider:

1. SurveyMonkey

The leader in online survey software since 1999. Offering a 10% lifetime revenue share and 30 day cookie duration. Signup link

2. Qualaroo

User research platform for capturing customer insights through surveys, polls and NPS feedback throughout the visitor journey. 30% commissions with 30 day cookie. Signup link

3. Forms On Fire

Form and sales funnel builder specifically for WordPress. Features dynamic forms, payments, and embedding. Offers 25% commissions for the lifetime of referred users. Signup link

4. FormGet

Up and coming form builder great for small teams and individuals. Easy form integration with 1000+ popular apps via Zapier. 30% lifetime revenue share plus 180 day cookie duration. Signup link

As you can see there are many great niche options beyond just the major players that may resonate more with your audience.

Now let’s dive into tactics for promoting form affiliate offers…

Proven Ways for Bloggers to Promote Form Builder Offers

As we covered earlier, form builders provide many advantages for conversion rate improvements, lead generation, insights, compliance, and more.

But how exactly can bloggers effectively promote these affiliate programs?

Here are proven methods:

Content Marketing Case Studies

One of the most effective approaches is showcasing use case examples and case studies:

  • Publish blog posts and videos highlighting how you use particular form builder technology to capture leads or gather feedback with your own projects
  • Share examples and testimonials of clients able to create forms easily without coding to boost conversions

This “proof by showing” helps convinces readers of the value versus just recommending solutions outright.

Comparison Articles

Comparison articles contrasting two or more form builder solutions:

  • Comparing capabilities, features, strengths and weaknesses
  • Head-to-head comparison tables
  • Clear recommendations tailored to user needs and skill levels

These educate readers while subtly promoting your recommended provider.

Email Outreach & Giveaways

Email sponsorship campaigns messaging giveaways of free software access work very well:

  • Coordinate with affiliate managers to offer reader giveaways
  • Promote through email broadcasts and list building offers

Because accounts often require credit card info upon signup, giveaways easily convert free trials into long-term purchases.

Paid Traffic Promotions

Pay-per-click and similar paid traffic sources offer additional monetization potential:

budget calculator

With benchmark PPC rates around $1 to $2 per click for commercial form builder keywords, profitable returns are achievable given higher commissions of 20-30%+.

  • Targeted at 500-1000 visits per month, reasonable profits are feasible:
Metric Value
Monthly Traffic Target 500 visits
PPC CPC Rate $1.50
Estimated Conversions 2% (10 sales)
Avg. Commission 25%
Revenue $125/month

Remember – always split test ad variations and landing pages!

Projecting Potential Earnings from Form Affiliates

Determining potential profitability is an important part of selecting any affiliate program.

Let’s walk through an example estimate:


  • Niche site with 50,000 monthly visitors
  • Recommending WPForms in a few blog posts and sidebar links
  • Modest 0.5% click-through and 2% conversion rate

Key Stats

  • Monthly clicks: 50,000 visitors * 0.5% click-through = 250 clicks
  • Sales: 250 clicks * 2% conversion = 5 sales
  • Avg order value: $200 (mid-tier Plus plan)
  • Commission rate: 30% revenue share

Revenue Projections

  • Average commissions: 5 $200 30% = $300/month
  • Yearly run rate estimate: $300 * 12 = $3600/year

So with modest promotion effort on a medium-traffic site, yearly 4-figure returns are achievable even with conservative estimates.

Sky is the limit for sites with bigger reach and more referral firepower!

Final Thoughts

If you made it this far, congratulations! I hope this guide provided you a 360-degree view into successfully promoting form builder affiliate programs as a blogger.

To summarize:

  • Form software provides valuable conversion improvements, insights and compliance
  • Industry adoption leads to major monetization opportunities
  • Multiple high quality programs with 20-40% commissions
  • Recurring lifetime payouts create lasting income streams
  • Many promotional tactics from content to PPC and email outreach

At the end of the day, deliver genuine value to your audience and the affiliate commissions will come.

I highly recommend getting started with Formidable Forms and WPForms first. Their strong brands, quality products, and great resources will set you up for identified success.

But don’t sleep on GravityForms either – their enterprise-scale solution and lifetime payout model is perfect for high value business audiences.

Thanks for reading and best of luck boosting your affiliate promotional efforts!