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The Complete Guide to HRIS Software in 2023

Human resource information systems (HRIS) have become mission-critical tools for managing key HR processes like recruitment, onboarding, payroll, time and attendance tracking, benefits enrollment and performance management.

By centralizing employee records and automating manual tasks, HRIS platforms empower HR teams to focus more on strategic priorities and enhance the employee experience. As the market matures, AI and people analytics capabilities are differentiating the leading enterprise HRIS vendors.

This comprehensive guide will explore:

Let‘s dive in to explore the current HRIS landscape and how the right platform can elevate your organization‘s HR capacity.

What is an HRIS?

Before reviewing solutions, let‘s recap what an HRIS is and why it matters.

HRIS Software Defined

An HRIS (human resource information system) is cloud-based software that acts as a central database for managing employee records, HR workflows, policies and reporting in one place.

Core HRIS capabilities include:

  • Centralized employee profile management
  • Recruiting and onboarding
  • Payroll and compensation tracking
  • Time and attendance monitoring
  • Benefits enrollment and management
  • Performance management
  • Learning management (LMS)
  • Custom analytics and reports

In short, an HRIS eliminates manual processes, enables organizational analytics/insights and gives HR teams better data to drive impactful decisions on the employee lifecycle.

HRIS software overview

Common HRIS system overview (source: CIO)

The Strategic Value of HRIS Solutions

While foundational HRIS capabilities center on transitioning manual HR processes like payroll and compliance to digital workflows, the strategic advantage comes from data consolidation and analytics.

With an integrated HRIS platform, organizations can better understand and optimize:

  • Turnover trends
  • Manager effectiveness
  • Compensation decisions
  • Performance bottlenecks
  • Employee career progression patterns
  • Productivity drivers
  • High-potential talent retention
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion gaps
  • Recruitment channel effectiveness
  • Learning program ROI

As HRIS systems mature to incorporate predictive analytics, artificial intelligence and employee engagement functionalities, HR leaders gain immense strategic advantages.

Top HRIS Software

Based on analyst evaluations and user reviews, the highest-rated HRIS platforms for enterprises include:

1. UKG Dimensions

UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) Dimensions brings together workforce management, payroll, HR and talent capabilities in a unified suite. Key strengths include:

  • Real-time centralized HCM database
  • Advanced scheduling with shift optimization
  • Integrated payroll, timekeeping and leave management
    -Embedded analytics, mobile access and manager self service
    -over 8,000 customers across 160 countries

Industry Fit: Organizations with hourly/shift-based frontline workforces like healthcare, retail, hospitality, financial services and higher education.

Company Profile

  • Founded: Infor, 1977; Kronos, 1977; Ultimate Software, 1990
  • Customers: 19,000+
  • Market presence: 190+ countries
  • Cloud suite unification: 2021

As a long-standing workforce management vendor now offering integrated cloud HCM, UKG leverages its industry expertise to meet the changing needs of dynamic global enterprises.

Advanced workforce optimization paired with HR transformation capabilities makes UKG a trusted choice for future-focused organizations.

2. Oracle Cloud HCM

Oracle delivers a complete, innovative HCM suite trusted by leading global enterprises. Capabilities span:

  • Unified talent, HR and workforce management
  • Built-in predictive analytics and benchmarking
  • AI-powered digital assistant and conversational UI
  • skills-driven recruiting and development
  • Highly configurable workflows
  • Seamless integration with existing Oracle Cloud solutions

Industry Fit: Large regulated enterprises in healthcare, financial services, utilities, retail and the public sector.

Company Profile

  • Founded: 1977
  • Customers: 5,000+ HCM Cloud
  • 75% of global workforce leverages Oracle solutions

With 45 years in business applications led by high R&D investments, Oracle HCM Cloud brings together best-in-class HR tools with a focus on driving innovation, insights, automation and an optimized experience for every user and staff member.

3. SAP SuccessFactors

SAP SuccessFactors excels in core HCM capabilities complemented by powerful workforce analytics and planning. Strengths include:

Core HR

  • Employee Central for HR data/lifecycle management
  • Global benefits and payroll administration

Talent Management

  • Recruiting, performance, compensation, learning

Workforce Planning & Analytics

  • Reporting, visualization and planning capabilities

200+ APIs for extensibility and third-party integration

Industry editions tailored for specific vertical needs.

Industry Fit: Complex global organizations across all major sectors

Company Profile

  • Founded: 2001
  • Customers: 7,040+
  • 6+ million users
  • 69% of Forbes Global 2000 are customers

With over 20 years dedicated solely to cloud HCM, SAP SuccessFactors excels in workforce intelligence, driving productivity and meaningful employee experiences for even the world’s largest enterprises.

4. Workday

Workday offers an innovative unified platform spanning HCM, financials and planning tailored for agile organisations. Notable features include:

Machine Learning Applications

  • Predictive analytics and intelligent recommendations

Consumer-Grade User Experience

  • Personalized mobile app with voice, chatbots and nudges

Unified Suite

  • HCM, financial management and adaptive planning

Continuous Innovations

  • 3 major annual releases

Global Enterprise Focus with 35% YoY customer base growth

Industry Fit: Enterprise leaders seeking HCM-driven digital acceleration across regions and functions.

Company Profile

  • Founded: 2005
  • Customers: ~60% of Fortune 50 as well as mid-market growth firms
  • 50+ million workers leveraging Workday globally

Born in the cloud and centered around the employee experience thanks to consumer roots, Workday delivers continuous innovation via regular major updates aligned to customer needs.

5. PeopleSoft

Part of Oracle’s industry-leading HCM portfolio after a 2004 acquisition, PeopleSoft continues to deliver robust, configurable HR technology for large global firms. Strengths include:

Proven Scalability

  • Supports workforces ranging from 1,000 to over 400,000 employees

Tailorable Global Capabilities

  • Built-in tools to meet regional compliance needs

Powerful Analytics

  • Real-time decision-enabling insights

Flexible Deployment Options

  • On-premise, hosted and hybrid cloud

Ecosystem Integration

  • Coexistence with existing Oracle JD Edwards, EBS and PeopleSoft solutions

Industry Fit: Heavily regulated industries like higher education, healthcare, manufacturing and the public sector

Company Profile

  • Founded: 1987
  • Customers: 20 million users
  • 87 of the Fortune 100 leverage PeopleSoft
  • Part of Oracle Corporation since 2004

With over 20 years delivering adaptable HR technology now backed by Oracle’s cloud infrastructure, PeopleSoft empowers highly complex organizations to unify a multitude of HCM processes globally.

Evaluation Criteria

While top-tier vendors have proven track records meeting rigorous enterprise demands, aligning solution capabilities with your organizational needs and technical environment remains critical.

Consider these aspects when assessing options:

Intended Size

  • Employee count (now and in 3 years)
  • Locations and countries supported

Required Capabilities

  • Which HR workflows need modernizing? Recruitment, payroll, etc
  • Must 3rd party app integration meet IT security protocols?

Innovation Needs

  • Openness to AI, ML and analytics?
  • Solution roadmap aligned to executive vision?

UX Importance

  • Will poor design lead to lackluster employee adoption?
  • Is self-service strategy tied to HR metric goals?

Implementation Factors

  • IT bandwidth for integration management?
  • Change readiness among managers and staff?

Current Software Footprint

  • Will gaps in the vendor portfolio necessitate more apps?
  • Does the vendor support easy integration?

Price Justification

  • Are CFOs sold on the ROI proposition?

By aligning desired features and UX with speed of deployment, disruption tolerance, innovation appetite and budget, HR leaders can find the ideal technology partners ready to elevate strategic influence operationally and across the leadership table.

Implementation Guide

Seamlessly rolling out an enterprise-grade HRIS platform requires thoughtful orchestration supported by leadership. Follow these best practices for successful adoption across your organization:

Secure Executive Buy-In

Rally stakeholders early around growth goals tied to HRIS measurement capabilities. Maintain enthusiasm through ongoing communications.

Clean Data Inputs

Invest in properly consolidating and mapping all inputs like payroll, retirement plans etc to maximize accuracy.

Strategically Stage Deployment

Take an incremental vs big bang approach if change adverse, focusing on self-service then reporting enhancements targeted to influential business units first.

Boost Accessibility

Support mobile usage expectations with manager/employee apps for high engagement anywhere.

Reinforce Change Management

Require formal training completion and offer social forums to smooth adoption pains proactively.

Tie Analytics to Decisions

Connect analytics dashboards to existing meetings for continuous insights influencing business reviews.

Iteratively Improve

Solicit user feedback to guide enhancements addressing pain points.

Follow structured frameworks like ITIL, Lean or PROSCI ADKAR to drive adoption at scale while minimizing disruption across complex global organizations.

Industry Trends

Beyond foundational HR process automation and compliance, four technologies are maturing HRIS capabilities:

AI and Advanced Analytics

Applied AI through machine learning algorithms helps enterprises:

  • Predict optimal sites for recruiting high-potential talent
  • Match internal mobility candidates to open requisitions using skills analysis
  • Inform compensation planning based on projected market benchmarks
  • Recommend learning assignments aligned to succession plans
  • Alert managers to retention risks based on resignation drivers

As analytics in HRIS continues maturing, organizations gain immense strategic advantages.


Blockchain shows early promise modernizing core HR datasets like employee credentials, compensation histories and performance records in a distributed yet secure manner.

Use cases solving pressing pain points include:

Verification of Credentials
Immutable distributed records minimize background check costs

Confidential Data Exchange
Safely digitizing and sharing verified sensitive personnel documents

As blockchain platforms enterprise-harden in coming years, core HR processes can modernize. Leading vendors are investing in pilots and partnerships.

Extended Reality (XR)

Emergent extended reality tools like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) create engaging, immersive environments aiding key HR workflows like:

  • Onboarding – Boost new hire product knowledge
  • Learning – Elevate skills development and safety training efficacy
  • Recruiting – Showcase company culture "day in the life" digitally

As headsets and custom content creation enhanced, XR promises to revolutionize parts of the employee lifecycle.

Natural Language Processing

Advances in natural language understanding elevate personalization, discovery and decision intelligence by:

  • Answering common employee questions via chatbots
  • Parsing exit interview insights to highlight retention risks
  • Capturing HR call transcript sentiment revealing training gaps
  • Automating document classification and text insights

Within enterprise HR chatbots and voice assistants, NLP drives smarter self-service, predictive analytics and empathetic communications at scale.

While promising, carefully evaluate if leading vendors’ ethical principles governing AI usage align to your organizational values prior to purchasing tools reliant on monitoring workers.

Future of HRIS Software

The next five years will usher even greater HR process automation and intelligence enhancements including:

HR Assistants – Advancements in conversational AI will create digital helpers augmenting employees, managers and CHROs via voice interfaces

Hyper-Personalization – Next generation personas, recommendations and nudges will adapt to life events, goals and communication preferences

Predictive Retention – Spotting subtle activity patterns tied to a degradation of engagement can trigger proactive outreach

Career Path Optimization – Internal mobility recommendations will map skills, aspirations and possibilities to auto-generate enriched career roadmaps

Network-Based Hiring – Enterprise social network analysis will highlight talent clusters primed for key positions before recruiters start sourcing

Underlying these innovations, Cloud and AI engineering from leading technology vendors readily provide the secure building blocks allowing people-focused HR leaders to deliver rich strategic value as analytics, ethical AI and an empowering employee experience take the fore.

Key Takeaways

  • An HRIS centralizes systems, automates manual processes and enhances analytics to elevate HR capacity and productivity within modern dynamic organizations.
  • Core software capabilities make foundational workflows around payroll, benefits and compliance vastly more efficient while advanced tools incorporate innovations in AI, blockchain and extended reality to enrich solutions still further.
  • While all featured enterprise HRIS solutions can enhance most HR workflows, aligning capabilities against organizational maturity, culture, employee population uniqueness and strategic aspirations ensures a optimal fit.
  • Proper change management, executive sponsorship and staged adoption best practices drive solution acceptance across global enterprises with even the most complex needs at scale.

By selecting feature-rich HRIS platforms fitting infrastructure needs and people-focused operating models, CHROs gain an adaptable technology foundation ready to accelerate transformation well beyond traditional HR‘s transactional reputation across epochs ahead.