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The Complete Guide to Money Transfer Apps for Sending Money Overseas

Money transfer applications have become an indispensable part of our financial lives. These nifty apps allow you to securely send and receive money across borders at a minimal cost right from your smartphone.

Whether you want to transfer money to support your child studying abroad or pay international suppliers for your business, money transfer apps offer a convenient solution. They have gradually replaced tedious wire transfers and bank processes for many people.

But with so many money transfer apps and services in the market, how do you pick the right one?

This comprehensive 8000+ word guide covers everything you need to know, from understanding fees to choosing the best money transfer app as per your needs. Let‘s get started!


  • How International Money Transfers Work
  • Factors Impacting Transfer Fees
  • Analysis of Top Money Transfer Apps
  • Tips for Choosing the Right App
  • Pros and Cons of Money Transfer Apps
  • Security of Money Transfer Apps
  • Special Section: Key Global Money Transfer Corridors
  • Role of New Technologies Like Blockchain and AI
  • Recommended Apps As Per User Profile

Let‘s explore each section in detail:

How International Money Transfer Apps Work

Money transfer apps connect you to a payments network spread across geographical borders. They allow you to move funds between countries using your mobile device instead of having to visit a bank or Western Union outlet.

But how exactly do these transfers work behind the scenes?

At a broad level, money transfer apps tap into global payment infrastructure that facilitates cross-border transactions between financial institutions.

For instance, Wise and Remitly integrate with SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) which is a vast financial messaging network enabling secure communication between member banks and financial institutions across 200+ countries.

Apps may also leverage other payment systems like ACH (Automated Clearing House) payments or card networks like Visa and Mastercard to move funds internationally.

SWIFT messaging platform

SWIFT provides messaging services that interconnects banks globally

When you initiate a transfer via a money transfer app:

  1. The app first connects to this global payment infrastructure based on the source and destination countries.

  2. It then sends payment instructions (supported by strong encryption and security layers) to debit money from the connected bank account/card.

  3. Simultaneously, it sends credit instructions to the recipient bank to deposit funds to the destination account or hold as cash for pick-up.

  4. Finally, confirmation flows back to the app once the transaction completes.

Here is what a typical successful transaction looks like:

transaction flow in money transfer

Generic transaction flow in an international money transfer

This seems straightforward but happens seamlessly in seconds while coordinating between multiple entities allowing you to send money globally from your phone!

Banks took days to relay funds relying on archaic systems and processes. Money transfer apps provide real-time visibility into every transaction with efficient routing.

Understanding this backbone empowers you to evaluate apps based on their reach. The wider a provider‘s banking relationships and payment network integration, better the speed and smoothness for end users.

Now that we‘ve seen key mechanisms involved, let‘s move to the tangible fees and charges involved for transfers.

Factors Impacting Fees on Money Transfer Apps

While money transfer apps are cheaper than conventional methods, they don‘t offer free international transfers. Their revenue comes from exchange rate margins and transferring fees.

Key Global Money Transfer Corridors

Beyond the features and capabilities of individual apps, it is also essential we analyze key global remittance flows.

Monitoring trends in high volume cross-border transfer corridors provides us signals on adoption patterns of digital transfers as well as areas requiring innovation to deepen financial inclusion.

Let us look at two major types of remittance corridors:

  1. Inbound flows i.e. international locations sending money INTO a specific country

  2. Outbound flows i.e. money being sent FROM a country TO overseas beneficiaries


With a thriving overseas diaspora, India sees among the highest remittance inflows globally. In 2021, India received US$89 billion inbound thanks to migrants working abroad in regions like the Middle East, North America and Europe.

Key corridors include:

  • UAE to India
  • USA to India
  • Saudi Arabia to India

Increasingly this money is being sent via mobile money transfer apps instead of informal channels like cash or hawala networks.

The top apps enabling transfers into India are:

  1. Remitly
  2. Wise
  3. Xoom

As smartphone access rises in rural areas, digital inward remittances shall register robust growth at over 8% CAGR according to reports.

On the outbound front, India is not yet a significant source country for remittances. But this situation is poised to change with the Indian middle class becoming more globalized.

Young professionals are readily embracing mobility for jobs and education. Soon India will mirror other Asian hubs contributing actively to global flows.


China has one of the biggest migrant workforce populations. At over 300 million domestic migrants, remittance volumes within the country are already sizable.

As cross-border mobility expands along the Belt and Road initiative and demand for skilled labour, outward remittances shall rise substantially.

Apps enabling convenient transfers from China include:

  1. PingPong
  2. Yuumi
  3. YeePay

An interesting development is emergence of super-apps allowing seamless payments and banking within popular platforms like WeChat and Alipay. They leverage vast built-in social networks while keeping users inside one mega ecosystem.


With Mexican migrants across North America, Mexico sees among the highest inbound transfer volumes globally.

Over US$60 billion flowed in from the USA, making it the largest single bi-lateral corridor.

The market is dominated by traditional agencies but apps gaining steam include:

  1. Remitly
  2. TransferWise
  3. XE Money Transfer

As globally, lower income groups drive a bulk of migrant transfers, accessibility and affordability shall dictate adoption. Apps that can offer cash collection services across Mexico‘s remote terrain affordably can unlock further growth.


Egypt provides a crucial pathway for remittance flows between the Middle East and East Africa.

Top global transfer apps already operational in Egypt include:

  1. WorldRemit
  2. Wise
  3. MoneyGram
  4. Xoom

The potential for them to expand Africa coverage through Egypt is immense alongside collaboration with local fintech players emerging in the continent.

Role of Newer Technologies in International Money Transfers

While the fintech revolution may have began with apps and mobile money,today new sophisticated technologies hold promise to transform cross border transfers further.

Let us analyze key developments in:

  1. Blockchain
  2. Cryptocurrency
  3. Artificial Intelligence

And their application for cheaper, faster and more streamlined global transfers.

new technologies disrupt money transfers

New technologies bringing disruption to global money transfers

Blockchain Based Transfers

Blockchain forms the underlying layer powering cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

But at a structural level, it is an open distributed ledger than enables direct transmission of value between parties without intermediaries.

This is extremely relevant for cross-border transfers which conventionally rely on complicated correspondent banking relationships.

Several payment services like Stellar are now leveraging blockchain to facilitate transfers directly between customer wallets globally.

Cryptocurrency exchanges like CoinsPH allow instant money transfers to supported countries like the Philippines using blockchain rails.

Transfers that earlier took 3-5 days with excessive fees through SWIFT can conclude within minutes using this technology.

As blockchain infrastructure expands globally, expect direct-to-consumer cross-border blockchain transfers even without converting funds to cryptocurrency.

Crypto Transfers

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. are essentially blockchain-based digital assets exchangeable globally peer-to-peer.

Leveraging their swifter processing, several neo-banks and money transfer operators now allow customers to transfer supported cryptocurrency easily across borders.

Seeds of this trend were planted in economies struggling with hyper-inflation like Venezuela, Zimbabwe where crypto adoption is mainstream for payments and remittances.

Providers like CoinsPH have launched dedicated global crypto transfer corridors from crypto hotspots to countries like Thailand and Philippines using Bitcoin or Ripple.

The money can be withdrawn as local currency conveniently without requiring specific crypto adoption in the destination geography.

While still early stages, crypto combined with blockchain rails augur accelerated growth in coming years.

Expect more integrations between crypto exchanges and money transfer apps for wider accessibility aligned to compliance.

Artificial Intelligence Applications

AI and ML models are helping money transfer apps combat fraud, increase efficiency and compliance on large transaction volumes.

Key areas of application include:

  1. Identity verification and auditing
  2. Transaction pattern monitoring
  3. Chatbot based customer assistance
  4. Predictive analytics for pricing and conversions

For instance, Remitly uses machine learning for identity verification. The algorithms analyze thousands of attributes around submitted documents to quickly and accurately spot fraudulent ones painlessly.

Rapyd helps other fintech firms conduct compliant transfers using AI and analytics for KYC and risk assessment. This algorithmic oversight lets apps scale rapidly.

AI is also valuable for predictive capabilities – whether forecasting changes in currency or customization of pricing plans based on customer profiles.

As systems get smarter, money transfers shall turn faster and customizable while retaining robust security – win-win for providers and consumers alike!

Recommended Apps as Per User Profile

While we‘ve already discussed major apps available today, choosing the ideal fit depends on your profile and regular requirements that are unique.

Here is a mapping of suggested products basis typical user personas sending money abroad:

Students Studying Overseas

  • Banks: Campus accounts from banks like Bank of America and Barclays offer free or discounted transfers
  • Wise (Transferwise): Excellent rates with easy transfers to everyday spending accounts
  • WorldRemit: Cost effective same day transfers for emergencies

Small Business Owners

  • OFX: Secure platform purpose built for business money transfers
  • Xendpay: Online system for frequent high volume transfers
  • Cryptocurrency exchanges + wallets: Low cost real-time transfers fully digital using Bitcoin or alternatives

Expats Supporting Families Back Home

  • Remitly: Top-rated trusted app for remittances to over 15 countries
  • WorldRemit + Xoom: Choice of cash collection or direct bank deposits
  • Azimo: Fee-free transfers above thresholds suited for periodic family support

Study your typical transfer amounts, destination country, risks like exchange rate volatility before finalizing an optimal partner.

The Bottom Line

We hope this comprehensive 8000+ word guide provided you insightful clarity across all aspects of safely sending money overseas using the growing array of mobile money transfer applications:

  • Functioning and risks
  • Provider landscape
  • Emerging technologies like blockchain and AI
  • Ideal apps basis specific user transfers

While still an evolving space, clear regulations coupled with customer centric innovation positions this industry for massive growth in coming years – with competition driving affordability.

Soon you won‘t need those dusty wire transfers as sending money globally shall become as easy as texting your neighbor!