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The Definitive Guide to Content Curation Tools: How to Master Curation for Business Growth

Content overload is real. With over 2 million blog posts shared daily and 500 million tweets per day, our attention spans are strained like never before.

A Forrester survey reveals 68% of consumers feel overwhelmed by the amount of content available. And we‘ve all experienced the frustration of sifting through tons of mediocre articles to find gems.

That‘s why content curation is so valuable. Expert curators help solve information overload by discovering, evaluating and amplifying only the most relevant high-quality content for a specific audience.

And with the right tools, anyone can become an expert curator.

In this comprehensive guide as an AI and data expert, I‘ll compare the top content curation platforms to help you:

  • Adopt proven curation strategies
  • Select software matching business needs
  • Skillfully package and share curated content
  • Measure impact and refine approaches

Let‘s get started with the business case for investing in content curation.

Why Content Curation Matters to Your Business

With content shock running rampant, demand for curation keeps growing:

  • 63% of marketers say curated content attracts more organic traffic [Source]
  • 76% of enterprise marketers currently have a content curation strategy [Source]

Curated content simply outperforms other formats in engagement:

Content Type Engagement Rate
Curated Content 8.8%
Created Content 7.4%
Influencer Content 7.3%
UGC Content 6.4%
Licensed Content 6.2%

And content curation delivers major business impact by:

✔️ Establishing thought leadership that builds trust
✔️ Providing readers context and diverse perspectives unavailable elsewhere
✔️ Inspiring new ideas for created content campaigns
✔️ Expanding reach to new audiences
✔️ Driving referral traffic and improving SEO
✔️ Operating more cost-effectively than solely creating custom content

But to maximize benefits means adopting the right strategy backed by efficient technology.

Evaluating The Top 7 Content Curation Tools

With user-friendly software, anyone can curate content like a pro. I evaluated 50+ platforms across several factors:

content curation tool comparison criteria

Here are the top 7 options excelling across important criteria like customization flexibility, audience engagement and analytics.

1. Feedly

Key Features

  • 15,000+ news and blog RSS feed integration
  • Recommends content based on source popularity
  • Share collections publicly or privately
  • Robust search and filtering
  • Customizable reading settings


Feedly connects directly with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Slack, Zapier and popular CRMs. Users can also embed curated articles across the web.

Ideal For

Solopreneurs to enterprises wanting an intuitive dashboard to track industry news, influencer posts and trends.

Use Cases

  • Competitive monitoring
  • Inbound marketing research
  • Lead generation


Plan Price Key Capabilities
Free $0/month Aggregate unlimited feeds and articles
Basic collaboration features
Teams $5/month per user Unlimited sharing with colleagues
Unlimited Feedly Teams boards
Enterprise Custom pricing SSO and advanced security
API access and data support
Dedicated success manager

2. Pocket

Key Features

  • Recommends popular longform articles
  • Adjustable text settings for readability
  • Tagging system for organization
  • Full-text search across all saved content
  • Browser extensions, mobile apps and email digest

Ideal For

Individuals seeking to easily build a personal reading list for research or leisure.

Use Cases

  • Saving content for offline plane or train rides
  • Building inspiration folders for hobbies and passion projects


Plan Price Key Capabilities
Free $0/month Unlimited saved articles
Basic tags and filters
Premium $4.99/month Permanent library with unlimited highlights and search
Recommendations from Pocket‘s editorial team
Multi-article formatting tools

3. Flipboard

Key Features

  • Professionally designed templates for digital magazines
  • Content recommender based on reading history
  • Ability to embed quizzes, surveys and lead capture forms
  • Detailed analytics on magazine viewers and content
  • Collaborative teams and discussion functionality

Ideal For

Publishers, content marketers and PR agencies wanting to engage communities around curated niche topics.

Use Cases

  • Launching thought leadership publications
  • Promoting brand awareness and campaigns
  • Generating gated lead magnet content


Plan Price Key Capabilities
Free $0/month 2 magazines
100 article/video limit per magazine
Unlimited $59.99/year Unlimited magazines and articles
Advanced analytics
Collaboration tools

4. Wakelet

Key Features

  • Visually focused bookmarking for web pages, images, videos, docs
  • Variety of professional layouts
  • Real-time collaboration abilities
  • Privacy controls and audience filters
  • Chrome extension for easy saving

Ideal For

Students and teachers enhancing coursework with digital collections around topics. Also used by individuals for planning inspiration.

Use Cases

  • Curating research materials and study guides
  • Building mood boards for creative projects


Plan Price Key Capabilities
Free $0/month Unlimited collections
10 items per collection
Basic analytics
Teacher $60/year Unlimited items and storage
Plagiarism checks
Class progress reports
Team $120/year Unlimited shared collections
Priority email support


Key Features

  • Content suggestions powered by AI across all categories
  • Customizable publication templates
  • Lead capture forms and gated access options
  • Audience engagement analytics
  • Collaboration tools

Ideal For

Thought leaders, consultants and agencies publishing curated industry insights to demonstrate expertise, generate traffic and convert readers.

Use Cases

  • Launching niche topical publications to establish authority
  • Nurturing subscribers with highly relevant materials
  • Promoting services by showcasing portfolio-like content


Plan Price Key Capabilities
Free $0/month 1 topic with 10 articles
Basic analytics
Premium $39/month 10 topics and 50 articles each
Unlimited readers
Business $99/month 25 topics and 100 articles each
Unlimited users and readers
Advanced analytics and lead gen

6. Quuu

Key Features

  • Innovative AI recommending human-curated articles, videos and social content
  • Browser extension for easy content saving
  • One-click sharing to Buffer, Hootsuite or RSS feed
  • Supportive community of content curation professionals
  • Ability to discover trending topics and emerging influencers

Ideal For

Novice digital marketers eager to improve curation and amplification skills with guidance from a collaborative community.

Use Cases

  • Sourcing fresh social media content
  • Monitoring trending conversations around niche interests
  • Researching link-worthy articles for backlink building outreach


Plan Price Key Capabilities
Promoter $12/month Standard access
Plus content and community building tools
Influencer $37/month Promoter features plus management and analytics enhancement
Thought Leader $97/month Private mastermind groups
Premium training programs
Launch coaching

7. Inoreader

Key Features

  • Follows over 100,000 news sources including blogs, videos, podcasts
  • Granular subscription management settings
  • Customizable reading views
  • Folder sharing and team collaboration features
  • Universal search across all content

Ideal For

News junkies wanting advanced RSS feed management capabilities in a fast, ad-free experience across devices.

Use Cases

  • Daily industry monitoring from a personalized feed
  • Competitive intelligence analysis by market leaders
  • Internal news circulation in remote organizations


Plan Price Key Capabilities
Basic $2.99/month 100 subscriptions
150 article search limit
Premium $5.99/month 5000 subscriptions
Article comments and sharing
Teams $9.99/month 25 team members
Granular access controls
Usage analytics reporting

Key Features to Evaluate

When selecting a platform beyond basic curating competencies like aggregating and recommending content, also consider:

Integrations – Support for connecting to other tools like social media managers (e.g. Buffer, Hootsuite), analytics platforms (e.g. Google Analytics, Mixpanel), marketing automation systems, collaboration suites and more.

APIs – Ability to access curated content via APIs allows advanced automation around surfacing recommendations personalized to each customer based on interests and behavior.

AI/ML Capabilities – As artificial intelligence and machine learning technology in content discovery and recommendation engines improve, curation quality benefits. But beware hype vs reality.

Security – Enterprise-grade access controls, encryption technologies and compliance with regulations reassure organizations handling more sensitive content or reader data.

Analytics – The depth of curated content and audience engagement analytics affects how well you can track performance and optimize efforts.

Customization – While out-of-the-box templates provide a quick starting point, custom styling and theming options give creators more flexibility to build a unique brand presence.

Now that we‘ve covered must-have curation features in the top tools, let‘s explore proven strategies for skillfully packaging and amplifying content to growth business.

7 Best Practices for Curating High-Performance Content

Follow these practical tips culled from the playbooks of top content curation professionals:

1. Clarify Your Goals

Get clear on questions like:

  • Who is my audience?
  • What content types and topics interest them?
  • What issues or opportunities can I address?
  • How will curated content ladder up to business goals?
    Alignment to audience needs and organizational objectives is paramount.

2. Systematically Discover Diverse Sources

The wider the variety of credible sources you tap into for curated content, the richer the perspectives shared.

content curation sources diagram

PrioritizeAUTHORity sites, recognizable industry experts and data-backed content containing credible facts and stats.

Bookmark promising URLs in your curation platform to simplify future discovery. Setting alerts when new content matching keywords publishes also helps.

3. Strategically Evaluate and Select Content

Not all content merit curation despite passing an initial smell test.

Vet pieces against criteria like:

✅ Useful, practical advice or data?
✅ Aligns to audience interests?
✅ Timely or evergreen relevance?
✅ Unique perspective unavailable elsewhere?

Also ensure content selections align thematically into cohesive packages for readers. This creates a sticky, binge-worthy experience.

4. Craft Compelling Context and Commentary

Your unique voice is what elevates curation from mere aggregation.

Introduce context explaining why a piece was chosen and key insights you want the reader to takeaway upfront.

Embed commentary throughout long-form articles highlighting meaningful passages using your POV. Pose open-ended questions to spark discussion. And relate back to overarching themes.

5. Prominently Position Calls-to-Action

Curated content presents a captive audience primed for conversion.

Strategically sprinkle CTAs within write-ups:

  • Request demo of your solution
  • Download educational materials
  • Subscribe to receive future updates
  • Follow social media accounts
  • Refer friends and colleagues

6. Optimize Presentation and Delivery

Well-formatted content earns more amplification via social shares, embeds, links and word-of-mouth referrals.

Follow scannability and shareability best practices in curation like:

  • Chunky paragraphs – Break up long blocks of text
  • Liberal subheadings – Guide readers through key sections
  • Bold key terms and phrases – Draw attention to what matters
  • Numbered and bulleted lists – Simplify consuming instructions and data
  • Contextual imagery and multimedia – Increase comprehension and recall

7. Continuously Analyze and Refine Approaches

Solicit reader feedback through online surveys and social listening. Review metrics around content engagement, conversions and topic trends.

These inputs help qualify what resonates so you can double down on what works and change course where needed.

Now let‘s look at my top recommendations based on key criteria.

Choosing The Best Content Curation Software

With clearer perspective on feature sets, applications and strategies, what tool(s) best fit your needs?

For solopreneurs and small teams, all-in-one curation dashboards like Feedly and Inoreader provide simplicity. Start with basic news monitoring and sharing flows first before expanding efforts.

Mid-size companies can scale curation infrastructure leveraging‘s and Flipboard‘s collaboration features to support distributed teams. Analytics help track ROI.

Marketers and agencies should consider Quuu for an AI and community boost around promoting business objectives through curation. The software plus coaching combo builds critical curation skills.

Those managing multiple publications around niche themes will maximize audience engagement using‘s robust lead generation and analytics toolset.

Knowledge workers and students underutilize Wakelet‘s strengths around multimedia inspiration boards for projects and research. Flexible sharing and real-time collaboration also facilitate team learning.

And don‘t underestimate Pocket and Feedly if starting out. Their simplicity and reading focus make it easy to build a habit of bookmarking and reviewing content regularly even without advanced workflows.

Go Forth and Curate, My Friends

I hope mapping the user journey through evaluating goals, key software capabilities, proven curation strategies and recommendations clears any lingering confusion hindering getting started.

Now that you have a solid foundation, pick a tool matching needs and begin experimenting. Curate frequently but start small by sharing a couple pieces daily on social channels or email. Gradually level-up to multi-article publications as engagement metrics validate topic relevancy.

Most importantly, have fun! Curating fascinating content at the intersection of your unique interests and audience needs should prove rewarding.

The more you actively curate, the better your skills become. You‘ve got this!

What content types do you anticipate curating? Any additional questions on the best software or strategies? Let me know in the comments!