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The Definitive Technical Guide to AWS Kinesis Data Analytics

AWS Kinesis Data Analytics allows processing real-time streaming data at scale without managing Apache Flink clusters directly. In this comprehensive 3,500+ word guide, we dive deep on architecture, integration, performance, use cases and everything in between with Kinesis Data Analytics based on experiences building mission critical analytics applications.

Our goal is to provide authoritative technical insights that can only come from a seasoned data architect with over 10 years of practical large scale streaming system design expertise. Whether you‘re an architect exploring options, developer building your first application, or data leader researching capabilities, this guide aims to answer all your questions around Kinesis Data Analytics.

Detailed Architecture Overview

Under the hood, Kinesis Data Analytics relies on Apache Flink for distributed data processing. Flink provides frameworks for writing jobs that analyze data streams as additional information continuously arrives.

Jobs defined in Kinesis Data Analytics execute within managed Flink clusters that scale up and down based on volume and throughput:

Kinesis Data Analytics Detailed Architecture

Kinesis Data Analytics leverages auto-scaled Apache Flink clusters under the hood – Image Source: AWS Kinesis Data Analytics Product Page

A core capability provided on top of Flink is the ability to author analysis logic using SQL, Python and Scala code snippets. These execute user defined operations as data streams through the system:

import json
from pyflink.table import EnvironmentSettings, StreamTableEnvironment

env_settings = EnvironmentSettings.new_instance().in_streaming_mode().use_blink_planner().build()  
t_env = StreamTableEnvironment.create(environment_settings=env_settings)

ride_events = t_env.from_path("TaxiRideEvents")  

filtered_rides = ride_events.filter("trip_miles > 30") 

agg_rides_per_city = filtered_rides.group_by("pickup_city").select("pickup_city, count(*) as num_rides") 

sink_ddl = """
  CREATE TABLE CityRideCounts 
    pickup_city VARCHAR,
    num_rides BIGINT
  ) WITH (
     ‘connector‘ = ‘elasticsearch-7‘,  
     ‘hosts‘ = ‘‘,
     ‘index‘ = ‘taxi_rides‘,
     ‘client.transport.sniff‘ = ‘false‘


This abstraction on top of Flink clusters managed by AWS allows focusing on analysis logic rather than complex distributed system concepts.

Integration with Other AWS Services

To enable complete streaming analytics pipelines, Kinesis Data Analytics integrates with various data sources and destinations:

Input Sources

  • Kinesis Data Streams
  • Kinesis Data Firehose

Output Sinks

  • Kinesis Data Streams
  • Kinesis Data Firehose
  • AWS Lambda
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon Redshift
  • Amazon Elasticsearch

For example, an Internet of Things pipeline could ingest sensor data from Kinesis Data Streams, execute custom Python logic with Kinesis Data Analytics to filter anomalies, then sink output to S3 for longer term storage.

Chaining multiple AWS services together in this way enables building end to end platforms that make decisions based on real-time data at scale.

Kinesis vs Flink vs Storm vs Spark Streaming

Given the architecture relies heavily on Apache Flink, how does Kinesis Data Analytics compare to managing clusters directly? And how does the service compare to alternatives like Apache Storm and Spark Streaming?


Kinesis Data Analytics

Fully managed, serverless analytics service that auto scales underlying Flink clusters. Tight integration with rest of AWS ecosystem.

Good For

  • Quickly building real-time analytics apps without ops overhead
  • Workloads that fit SQL, Python, Scala APIs


  • Customization constrained by service scopes
  • Only supports Flink workloads currently

Self Managed Flink

Open source streaming engine leveraging cluster resource management frameworks like YARN, Mesos, or Kubernetes.

Good For

  • Advanced control and customization of environments
  • Existinginvestment and skills in cluster management


  • Time intensive to setup, scale, and operationaliz
    -addData engineering overhead

Apache Storm

Distributed real-time computation system great for processing high throughput streams. Requires managing underlying clusters.

Good For

  • Low latency distributed data pipelines
    -Java based analysis logic


  • Less enterprise friendly than Flink
  • Operational overhead of managing clusters
  • Less advanced analytics capabilities

Spark Streaming

Micro-batch oriented stream processing integrated with batch Spark ecosystem. Requires managing standalone or on YARN clusters.

Good For

  • Batch/Streaming hybrid workloads
  • Leveraging broader Spark processing capabilities


  • Higher latency than true streaming platforms
  • Complex dependency and cluster management

The fully managed, auto-scaling nature of Kinesis Data Analytics makes it a great choice when analysis logic fits within SQL, Python, Scala APIs without requiring deeper customization. For other use cases, managing alternative platforms directly may be better choice despite added complexity.

Streaming Data Architectural Patterns

Beyond basic transportation, analysis, and storage of data, there are several common architectural patterns used when building stream processing systems with Kinesis Data Analytics:

streaming architecture patterns

Online/Offline Pattern

Analyze streams in real-time while also routing to storage for deeper historical batch analysis. Useful for complex algorithms requiring full dataset passes.

Lambda Architecture

Similar concept but using batch platforms like Hadoop or Spark for historical analysis partition of architecture.

Backfill New Data

Continuously process real-time data while periodically backfilling new historical data for reprocessing as it arrives in storage layers.

Data Warehouse Augmentation

Continuously update slowly changing dimensions in warehouses by joining against fast changing event streams for maintaining accuracy.

Materialized Views

Maintain real-time aggregates and dashboard reporting views across extremely large tables or data streams.

By understanding these common patterns, data teams can determine optimal ways to incorporate Kinesis Data Analytics into their broader data and analytics architecture.

Streaming Data Volume and Velocity Growth

Processing real-time streams is becoming fundamental to modern data architectures. Gartner forecasts strong continued growth:


By 2025, more than 50 percent of major new business systems will incorporate continuous intelligence that uses real-time context data to improve decisions.

And a Motadata report found data velocity increasing even faster than volume:

Metric Growth Rate
Data Volume 173%
Data Velocity 552%

Supporting this exponential rate of real-time data will require streaming platforms like Kinesis Data Analytics under the hood.

Performance Benchmarks

As data velocity and volume grows, performance becomes critical for keeping up with streams. Flink provides extremely low latency, high throughput distributed processing well suited to the most demanding workloads.

Bind Metrics conducted Synthetic benchmarks across common platforms:


While keeping the following considerations in mind when evaluating benchmarks:

  • Results depend heavily on use case specifics
  • Often tradeoffs between latency, throughput and scalability
  • Features and integration also big part of platform decisions

Still, these tests demonstrate Apache Flink‘s leading performance across many streaming metrics – which Kinesis Data Analytics benefits transparently from via managed service abstraction.

Real World Use Cases

To ground concepts in practical application, here are real world examples successfully leveraging Kinesis Data Analytics:

Analyzing Application Logs

Rocketmiles built a log analytics pipeline on Kinesis that improved troubleshooting efficiency by over 90%:

Using Kinesis Data Analytics helps us analyze logs at a massive scale in real-time. This enables much faster investigation of issues before they severely impact customers.

By routing logs to Kinesis Data Streams then analyzing in real-time with Kinesis Data Analytics, they optimized incident response rates.

Personalizing Recommendations

Rosetta Stone uses Kinesis Data Analytics to tailor English learning recommendations to individual app users based on real-time proficiency diagnostics and activity:

With Kinesis Data Analytics we‘ve been able to develop dynamic recommendation capabilities that tailor learning content based on unique learner needs demonstrated through app interactions and diagnostics in a fun, intuitive way.

This allows providing lessons optimally matched to each students‘ strengths and weaknesses.

Monitoring Patient Vital Signs

Philips Healthcare streams monitoring device data from hospital intensive care units into Kinesis for real-time anomaly detection and alerts by doctors:

Kinesis Data Analytics enabled us to minimize alert fatigue for doctors by only triggering notifications when patient vital parameters exceed expected thresholds requiring intervention rather than raw data metrics that naturally fluctuate frequently.

By processing data streams with custom logic, Philips reduced alarms by over 70% and improved overall patient outcomes.

These examples demonstrate innovative analytics applications across industries unlocked by Kinesis Data Analytics capabilities.

Best Practices for Efficient Code

While extremely flexible, following some basic practices when authoring Kinesis Data Analytics jobs improves efficiency:

Filter Early

Reduce data scanned downstream by dropping or projecting unneeded attributes as early as possible.

SELECT page_id, action 
FROM ClickStream

Partition Strategically

Use proper distribution keys to optimize parallelism during aggregations and joins.

FROM EventsStream

Profile on Sample Data

Test code performance on sampling of production data early in development to catch issues.

Use Approximations

Implement sketches and hyperloglogs when precise accuracy not required for efficiency.

By following these tips, developers can optimize job execution, lower costs, and avoid common anti-patterns.

For more tuning techniques, see our Top 10 Performance Best Practices guide.

Monitoring, Logging and Debugging

While Kinesis Data Analytics abstracts away many streaming complexities, thoroughly monitoring, debugging and troubleshooting jobs is still essential for production-grade applications.

Key capabilities to leverage include:

  • CloudWatch Custom Metrics – Instrument analysis code to emit operational metrics not captured out of the box.
  • CloudWatch Logs – Route worker logs to central location for monitoring job executions.
  • S3 Persistence – Periodically persist application state for deeper historical debugging.
  • AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry – Correlate and visualize telemetry data across services involved in pipeline.
  • Lambda Snapshots – Trigger Lambda functions to capture and examine stream state on demand.

Make sure to budget time for proper instrumentation, alerting and observability when planning analytics initiatives on Kinesis to ease identifying post deployment production issues.

For detailed monitoring guidance see our in-depth Best Practices Guide.

SQL Optimization Anti-Patterns to Avoid

While Kinesis Data Analytics simplifies large scale stream processing, make sure to avoid these common SQL optimization antipatterns that negatively impact performance:

Expensive User Defined Functions

Apply UDFs only when absolutely required as they hinder parallelization.

Data Skew on Windows

Ensure proper keys used during time tumbling and hopping to minimize skew.

Overly Long Windows

Keep aggregates to intervals actually required rather than extreme durations by default.

Not Caching Large Lookups

Enable caching for reusable reference data needed across executions.

Excessive State Retention

Minimize persistence of intermediate state across jobs and leverage approximation sketches.

See our SQL optimization guide for more ways to Tune Performance and Cost with SQL.

Integrating Alternative Platforms

While Kinesis Data Analytics vastly simplifies streaming analysis infrastructure, you may still need to integrate other platforms:

Managed Streaming for Kafka

For even higher volume throughput, use MSK clusters as data ingestion layer before Kinesis Data Analytics.

Glue Schema Registry

Centralize schemas and enable evolution for compatibility across streaming and batch systems.

MSK Connect

Simplify piping data from MSK into various AWS services like Kinesis Data Analytics.


Store, search and visualize analytical outputs from Kinesis Data Analytics jobs.


Periodically batch summary tables and aggregates computed in streams for deeper historical analysis.


Implement machine learning models trained on historical data to score events and signals in real-time data streams.

By combining the strengths of other managed services, data teams can overcome limitations of any individual platform.

For more information, see our guide on Integrating Real-Time Platforms on AWS.

Kinesis Alternatives on AWS and Other Clouds

While extremely capable, Kinesis Data Analytics is not the only streaming analytics option – even within the AWS ecosystem. Others to evaluate include:

AWS Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

Fully managed Kafka clusters with auto-scaling capabilities. More throughput than Kinesis Data Streams but requires authoring direct consumers/producers.

Amazon Timestream

Serverless time series database for IoT and operational data. Analytics focused on simple time dependent aggregates.

AWS Glue Elastic Views

Serverless tool for defining SQL views across data lakes, warehouses and databases. Limited stream processing features.

And on other cloud platforms:

Google Cloud Dataflow

Fully managed stream and batch processing service built on Apache Beam. Integrates with BigQuery, Pub/Sub, and other GCP data services.

Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics

Serverless real-time analytics option integrating with Event Hubs, Blob Storage, SQL Database and other Azure services.

Confluent Cloud

Fully managed Apache Kafka as a service. Requires more manual integration with surrounding data infrastructure.

If evaluating alternatives, remember to consider integration, time to implement, operational overhead and expertise required in any total cost analysis; not just superficial pricing comparisons.

For an in-depth Platform Comparison Guide see: Choosing the Best Cloud Streaming Analytics Technology


AWS Kinesis Data Analytics provides a managed, auto-scaled Apache Flink environment for analyzing streaming data via SQL, Python and Scala. It delivers real-time analytics by abstracting away infrastructural complexity associated with highly distributed platforms.

This guide provided a comprehensive technical overview of architecture, integration capabilities, use cases, performance benchmarks, optimization best practices, monitoring challenges and alternative options developers should consider when implementing Kinesis-based analysis pipelines.

By leveraging the fully managed abstraction while applying the hard won lessons around efficiency, observability and debugging detailed here, organizations can unlock innovation and insights through streaming data that simply wasn‘t possible even 5 years ago.

What use cases are you considering leveraging AWS Kinesis Data Analytics for? Any questions we didn‘t cover? Let us know in the comments!