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The Top 10 MOBA Games for Android and iOS

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games have exploded in popularity over the past decade, thanks in large part to hit PC titles like League of Legends and Dota 2. The unique combination of strategic gameplay, intense team competition, and colorful characters has captured the hearts of over 100 million gamers worldwide.

And this phenomenon is no longer confined to PCs – mobile platforms are now home to incredibly polished, deep MOBA experiences that live up to their desktop counterparts. As smartphone hardware continues to advance, mobile MOBAs only stand to become more complex and vivid.

The mobile MOBA market is still in its growth stage, but shows tremendous potential. According to market researcher Newzoo, mobile MOBAs generated over $15 billion in global revenue in 2021, a 13% increase from the previous year. As mobile eSports tournaments with million dollar prizes become commonplace, the top mobile MOBAs continue to attract droves of competitive gamers.

But the learning curve for newcomers can be intimidating. With so many mobile titles to choose from, which ones are worth your time? What exactly makes for a standout mobile MOBA experience? We’ve compiled our picks for the 10 best MOBAs across Android and iOS devices to suit all levels of experience.

An Introduction to MOBAs

For those new to the genre, let’s do a quick overview. MOBA games pit two teams of players against each other on a battlefield with distinct lanes and bases. Each player controls a unique character (“hero”, “champion”) with their own abilities and playstyles, and must cooperate with their team to achieve victory. This usually involves destroying key objectives on the map like enemy towers and bases.

Matches generally last 20-40 minutes and involve plenty of player vs player combat mixed with computer controlled minions/creeps. Proper team strategies, quick reflexes and smart utilization of your champion’s strengths are crucial to best the opposing side.

While early MOBA titles had a steep learning curve, many now offer extensive tutorials and practice modes to help get first-timers up to speed. Below we dive into the 10 mobile heavy hitters that excel at onboarding new players while maintaining enough strategic depth to stay engaging for veterans.

The Top 10 Mobile MOBAs

1. League of Legends: Wild Rift

  • Developer: Riot Games
  • Release Year: 2020
  • Platform Availability: Android, iOS

As the world’s most popular PC MOBA, League of Legends had massive shoes to fill with its mobile outing. But Riot Games has translated the core LoL experience to smartphones flawlessly with Wild Rift. Featuring a roster of over 80 champions, dual stick controls and mobile-optimized map/matches, it offers the same strategic depth that made LoL an international sensation.

New players will appreciate the lengthy tutorial covering basics like combat maneuvers, skill upgrades and item purchasing. Wild Rift now boasts over 85 million downloads worldwide, and its eSports scene is rapidly developing. This is as close as mobile gamers can get to the energy of LoL’s PC championships.

2. Arena of Valor

  • Developer: Tencent Games
  • Release Year: 2015
  • Platform Availability: Android, iOS

Arena of Valor was among the first mobile MOBAs to find international acclaim, thanks in large part to developer Tencent’s experience with desktop juggernauts like League of Legends. Often compared to LoL, AoV features similar 5v5, 3 lane maps along with familiar mechanics like Creeps (minions) and jungle buffs.

But its dazzling graphics and simplified gameplay make AoV stand out on mobile. Over 200 unique heroes give you tons of playstyle variety, and matches are snappy at just 18 minutes on average. FairFight anti cheat technology also keeps multiplayer competition balanced. Already boasting over 200 million registered users, Arena of Valor remains a top mobile esport, especially across Southeast Asia.

3. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

  • Developer: Moonton
  • Release Year: 2016
  • Platform Availability: Android, iOS

This smash hit MOBA bills itself as user friendly enough for total beginners while boasting enough strategic elements for veterans. We agree on both fronts. Streamlined matches, an intuitive UI and helpful tutorial all ease new players in nicely. Heroes flaunt signature abilities and styles you’d expect from the genre, and there’s considerable depth around skill upgrades, equipment purchasing and battle tactics.

Standout features that keep gameplay fresh include the Battle Spell system granting unique combat bonuses, and a Talent Tree to customize heroes. Throw in a wildly popular professional league across Southeast Asia, and it’s easy to see why Mobile Legends has amassed over 1 billion downloads to date.

4. Heroes Evolved

  • Developer: Reliance Big Entertainment
  • Release Year: 2016
  • Platform Availability: Android, iOS

Heroes Evolved leans into the lighter, arcade-like feel of classic mobile titles while incorporating core MOBA elements like hero classes, 5v5 matches and lane defense. It’s a potent combo, especially when coupled with HE’s dazzling effects and graphics.

Over 100 heroes are at your disposal, each with constantly evolving skins and upgrades. This customization keeps gameplay feeling fresh across hundreds of hours. Heroes Evolved also impresses with regular multiplayer tournaments boasting $100,000+ prize pools. Its fast-paced matches and pickup team battles make it easy to hop in for quick bouts during your commute or lunch break.

5. Extraordinary Ones

  • Developer: NetEase Games
  • Release Year: 2019
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android (China only)

Extraordinary Ones made serious waves upon launch with its gorgeously animated heroes and backgrounds that resemble classic Disney films. Don’t let the cute aesthetics fool you; this MOBA means business with sophisticated MOBA elements like hero roles, evolving abilities/gear and 5v5 multiplayer over three lane maps.

EO also introduces smart quality of life enhancements like heal spots and teleporters for rapid map traversal. We only wish its servers expanded outside of China – for now, worldwide fans rely on tricky workarounds to access games. Issues aside, Extraordinary Ones provides a remarkable competitive experience previously unseen on mobile. Its charming style should appeal to friend groups seeking a casual intro to MOBAs as well.

6. Marvel Super War

  • Developer: NetEase Games
  • Release Year: 2019
  • Platform Availability: Android, iOS

It was only a matter of time before the monumentally successful Marvel universe collided with mobile MOBAs. Fans on both fronts won’t be disappointed. Marvel Super War leverages an all star lineup of over 50 heroes and villains from The Avengers, X Men, Guardians of the Galaxy and more.

Team up as Iron Man, Loki, Spiderman and other iconic do-gooders (or baddies) in 5v5 multiplayer skirmishes with familiar MOBA trappings. MW’s crisp animations and fidelity to Marvel’s cherished roster make it a blast, even for casual fans just enjoying the ride. Competitive players can also join ranked play and specialty tournaments to test their superpowered squad strategies.

7. Call of Champions

  • Developer: Spacetime Studios
  • Release Year: 2015
  • Platform Availability: iOS only

This mobile exclusive MOBA bucks the fantasy trend by dropping players into 5 minute matches set in modern cityscapes. Call of Champions stands out through furious real-time battles centered around cover mechanics more common in first person shooters. Duels play out more like street brawls compared to traditional MOBA click fests.

Champions flaunt diverse fighting styles and supers, almost reminiscent of classics like Street Fighter or Marvel vs Capcom. Call of Champion’s bite sized rounds and pick up matches also make it perfect for killing a few minutes during work breaks or commutes. Veterans may find strategy lacking compared to heavier peers, but newcomers will dig the intuitive action.

8. Heroes Arena

  • Developer: RedFox Games
  • Release Year: 2017
  • Platform Availability: Android, iOS

Heroes Arena impresses out of the gate by fielding over 70 champions grouped across standard classes like Mage, Marksman and Assassin. Their abilities borrow heavily from contemporaries like League of Legends, but nuanced mechanics around mastery upgrades and gear progression offer enough strategic wrinkles to keep veterans invested across hundreds of hours.

HA also nails MOBA basics like automated matchmaking, helper bots for newbies and rotating free hero selections. The game most shines in its selection of battle modes, including classic 5v5, 2 lane 3v3, solo lane 1v1 and more. Strong hero balance and steady content updates further make Heroes Arena a premier mobile MOBA destination.

9. Heroes of Order & Chaos

  • Developer: Gameloft
  • Release Year: 2012
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android

Gameloft’s Heroes of Order & Chaos holds special significance for bringing hardcore online multiplayer to mobile in 2012, long before the platform was viewed as a legitimate gaming ecosystem. It forged fundamental MOBA building blocks like advanced hero roles, 5v5 team battles, towers/inhibitors and the jungle for intense PvP skirmishes.

Nearly a decade later, HOC retains all the strategic depth and compelling multiplayer that made it an early App Store essential. Over 70 champions and 500+ collectible skills still outclass many contemporaries. Matches also stay snappy at just 12-15 minutes, making HOC suitable for quick skirmishes or extended gaming marathons.

10. Vainglory

  • Developer: Super Evil Megacorp
  • Release Year: 2014
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android

No list of influential mobile MOBAs is complete without Vainglory, which bridged the gap between casual multiplayer and hardcore competitive gaming on phones and tablets. Its mechanical depth and strategic complexity rivaled early desktop contemporaries, with familiar ingredients like 5v5 team battles, jungle ambushes and lane defense supplemented by smart quality of life improvements.

Cross platform functionality even enabled players to battle PC competitors when using their mobile devices. Vainglory has since introduced 5v5 modes and additional enhancements bringing controls and gameplay comfort more in line with modern titles. But as one of the first mobile games taken seriously on the professional circuit, it paved the way for today’s thriving MOBA scene.

Evaluating Mobile MOBAs – Key Factors

When selecting your next mobile MOBA obsession, keep these factors in mind as they relate to your experience level and preferences:

Learning Curve – If new to the genre, prioritize games with the most robust tutorials and AI bots for practice runs. MOBA veterans can handle steeper learning curves.

Graphics & Performance – Mobile hardware varies wildly. Can your device run a game smoothly? Many titles now offer performance/resolution options to accommodate different specs.

Game Mode Variety – Look for a selection like 1v1, 5v5, co-op PVE and ARAM to keep things exciting.

Meta/Balance Changes – Frequent updates adjusting over/underpowered heroes or items show an active, caring developer.

Player Base & Queue Times – You want an active community for team matches & reasonable wait times. Some titles struggle here as populations drop.

Monetization Model – Know what you’re getting into. Some MOBAs limit hero/skin access with paywalls. Others offer full unlocks after a one time purchase.

Tips for Beginners

If trying your first MOBA, keep these tips in mind:

  • Stick to simpler heroes at first – mages like Annie from LoL or Valhein from AoV. Easy abilities/damage output let you focus on fundamentals.

  • Play co-op modes initially to learn mechanics against bots before tackling PvP. Experiment with items, upgrades and abilities that match your style.

  • Don’t neglect defenses – prioritize gear and upgrades that boost armor/magic resistance alongside damage output. Survivability is crucial.

  • Learn "last hitting" enemy minions/creeps to earn bonus gold for upgrades and gear. This farming process is vital for keeping pace.

  • Follow the map guides provided by laning recommendations once comfortable. Stick to assigned lanes to gain an XP advantage.

  • Keep at it! MOBAs represent a complex genre – expect to lose some matches as you learn. Review in game stats screens and replays to evaluate and improve.

The Future of Mobile MOBAs

Given the genre’s meteoric rise on mobile over just a few short years, where do MOBAs go from here? We foresee several trends playing out over the next 2-3 years:

  • Cross platform play becoming more prevalent as users embrace services like Google Play Games for gaming across devices

  • Advanced social features that empower players to more easily build communities and friend lists

  • Further refinement of control schemes & UI tailored to benefit wider ranges of devices like tablets and foldables

  • Streamlining of game length with faster paced matches catering to on-the-go users looking for quicker session

  • More legitimacy/visibility for mobile eSports via global tournaments boasting 7 figure+ prize pools and viewership

The notion of mobiles as secondary devices inferior to PCs and consoles for immersive, strategic gaming fades further out of relevance by the day. And the MOBA genre finds itself planted firmly at the front lines of this mobile revolution, attracting adoring fans and competitors alike across all experience levels into an ever expanding community.
