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The Top AI and Machine Learning Podcasts for Staying Ahead of the Curve

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly evolving fields, with new developments happening every day. As companies continue to invest billions into AI and ML, it‘s essential for anyone interested in these areas to constantly be learning. AI and ML podcasts have emerged as an extremely popular medium for disseminating the latest knowledge, research, and discussions in these areas.

Unlike books or courses that quickly become outdated, podcasts allow listeners to get cutting-edge information in real-time. And the on-the-go nature of audio makes them easy to fit into busy schedules. In this article, we highlight the top 15 AI and ML podcasts that are must-listens for anyone looking to truly understand where these technologies are and where they‘re heading.

Flagship Favorites: Well-Known Staples of the AI/ML Podcast Landscape

The AI Podcast

Veteran tech journalist Noah Kravitz hosts one of the longest running and most well-produced AI podcasts out there. With over 200 episodes released biweekly, The AI Podcast brings Noah‘s friendly, inquisitive style to conversations with everyone from wildlife conservationists to startup founders about how AI can solve problems.

Notable episodes:

Lex Fridman Podcast

As an AI researcher at MIT, Lex Fridman has access to absolute luminaries in the field, from Elon Musk to DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis. His long-form, philosophical interviews illuminate what makes these great thinkers tick.

Notable episodes:

Niche Insights: Topic-Specific AI/ML Podcasts

The Medical Futurist Podcast

For those interested in the intersection of medicine and artificial intelligence, The Medical Futurist Podcast offers unparalleled insight. Host Dr. Bertalan Mesko leverages his expertise as a physician, AI researcher, and professor to investigate medical AI topics like robots in surgery, AI diagnosis, and healthcare data issues.

AI in Business

Dan Faggella, founder of tech market research firm Emerj, shows business leaders how to cut through AI hype on AI in Business. With guests from Facebook AI Research, IBM, and other major companies, Dan focuses each episode on actionable AI insights for CXOs and functional decision makers.

Production Spotlight: Exceptionally Crafted Podcasts

Machine Learning Guide

One of the most impressively produced AI podcasts out there, Machine Learning Guide fuses engaging host Luis Serrano‘s conversational style with intricate sound design to suck listeners into the world of ML. Luis brings on great guests like Google Brain researcher Sara Hooker, but the real star is the production quality.

Cloudai: AI on the Cloud

For IT practitioners and cloud engineers, Cloudai: AI on the Cloud offers a masterclass in tightly edited, information-dense episodes. Hosts Mark Hammer and Tim Matteson waste no time in diving into complex topics at the intersection of cloud infrastructure, MLOps, GCP, AWS, and Azure.

Final Takeaways

AI and ML podcasts continue to proliferate, covering an ever-expanding set of topics while experimenting with new formats and guest configurations. For those looking to advance their knowledge, podcasts represent an easy way to incorporate learning into busy lives. We hope this selection of top podcasts offers fuel for staying on the cutting-edge of AI/ML. What podcasts do you think newcomers to the field should listen to? Let us know on social media!