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The Ultimate Guide to Assetto Corsa Dedicated Server Hosting

Assetto Corsa has quickly become one of the most popular simulator racing games thanks to its true-to-life physics, stellar graphics, and huge selection of laser-scanned tracks and vehicles.

While the single player campaign offers hours of fun, Assetto Corsa really shines when you take the competition online against other racers. This is where having your own dedicated Assetto Corsa server comes in handy.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about hosting your own Assetto Corsa multiplayer server so you can enjoy smooth, lag-free races with friends.

Benefits of a Dedicated Assetto Corsa Server

Here are some of the key advantages of hosting your own Assetto Corsa server rather than relying on the often unpredictable quality of public servers:

Performance and Control

With a dedicated server, you have complete control over every aspect of the gameplay environment. You can guarantee players a smooth experience free of lag spikes by leveraging powerful hardware optimized specifically for Assetto Corsa.


Want to race under lightning at night in the rain? Or add modded tracks and cars? With your own server, you make the rules. Customize track conditions, enable mods, and create the exact multiplayer racing experience you want.

Community Building

Attract like-minded members by creating leagues, tournaments and championships for the community you build on your Assetto Corsa server. Set standings, keep records and foster friendships with other gearheads.


Forget downtime interrupting your races. With the right dedicated hosting provider managing your server, you can expect round-the-clock uptime and rapid support response times.

Clearly, for hardcore Assetto Corsa fans who race online regularly, running your own server is a must. Now let’s examine exactly what it takes.

System Requirements for Assetto Corsa Servers

While Assetto Corsa itself runs decently even on medium range gaming PCs, hosting a smooth multiplayer server requires some seriously beefy hardware. Here are the minimum and recommended specs:

Minimum Server Requirements

  • 4-core Intel i5 CPU
  • 32GB DDR4 RAM
  • 500GB SSD storage
  • 100mbps network port speed
  • Windows Server OS
  • Game server management and monitoring software

Recommended Server Specs

  • 8-core Intel i7 CPU or better
  • 64GB DDR4 RAM
  • 1TB NVMe SSD
  • 1Gbps network port
  • Linux OS (for best performance)
  • Automated server restart scripts
  • Custom dashboards for monitoring gameplay

As you can see, don’t expect to be able to host more than a handful of players on minimum specs. Ideally you need a robust multicore processor, lots of fast memory and storage, and a fat networking pipe to maintain 60+ FPS for up to 30 concurrent racers.

Now let’s see how the top Assetto Corsa hosting providers stack up when it comes to delivering flexibility and high performance servers tailor made for simulator racing fans.

Top Assetto Corsa Dedicated Server Hosting Providers


For over 15 years, Nitrado has offered bespoke game servers recognized globally for their stability, high FPS performance, and lag-free experiences. Their Assetto Corsa offerings are no exception.


  • Global server locations with low latency connectivity
  • Easy setup via their control panel or app
  • Full FTP access provided
  • Automated daily server restarts
  • DDOS protection
  • 24/7 technical support
  • Customizable web hosting

Plans and Pricing

Their Assetto Corsa plans start at approximately $14 a month for a 10 slot server and scale up to a 40 player capacity for $60 monthly. All servers can be upgraded with more storage and bandwidth as needed.

For the level of quality and reliability Nitrado delivers, we feel their pricing represents excellent value.


Nitrado rightfully earns their reputation for excellence with their superb Assetto Corsa server offerings. Their global infrastructure can reliably handle demanding simulator racing, so they should definitely be on your shortlist.


Based in the United States, Shockbyte has provided blazing fast game servers since their launch in 2012. Their specialized Assetto Corsa packages have made them a popular choice in the racing community.


  • World class network with ultra low pings
  • Easy to use control panel
  • Daily off-site server backups
  • 1Gbps network uplinks
  • Full root administrator access
  • Unlimited slots
  • Instant setup

Plans and Pricing

Shockbyte has pre-configured Assetto Corsa server plans starting at $15 monthly for a 25 slot private server, all the way up to $40 for 80 slots. Custom plans with more resources can be created as needed.

Their competitive pricing certainly makes them attractive, but it’s their stellar network connectivity that really stands out for Assetto Corsa multiplayer.


For North American simulator racing fans, Shockbyte needs to be high on your list, thanks to their combination of great pricing and extreme low latency connectivity for silky smooth multiplayer experiences.

Streamline Servers

As their name suggests, Streamline prides themselves on lightning quick setup times coupled with powerful infrastructure to minimize in-game lag. Their Assetto Corsa configurations deliver exactly that.


  • Rapid 10-minute instant setup
  • High FPS performance
  • 1Gbps uplinks with unlimited bandwidth
  • Choice of locations in NA and EU
  • Discord and Teamspeak support
  • Full Root administrator access
  • Automated mod installation
  • Scheduled restarts

Plans and Pricing

Streamline has pre-made Assetto Corsa packages starting at approximately $15 monthly for 20 slots, scaling up in increments of 10 to 60 maximum slots for around $35 per month. Custom plans can also be created on request.

While not the cheapest provider, their excellent network connectivity and configuration options make Streamline Servers a great contender for Assetto Corsa.


With Streamline’s excellent infrastructure and rapid setup times, you can launch a new Assetto Corsa server tailored precisely to your budget in under 15 minutes flat. If fast deployment is a priority, put them high on your list.

Survival Servers

Survival Servers has been operating high performance game servers of all types since 2010. Their years of expertise keeping up with the demands of popular titles like Rust and Ark Survival translates well into delivering superb Assetto Corsa server experiences.


  • Top tier network connectivity
  • Worldwide datacenter locations
  • Instant automated setup
  • Full configuration control panel access
  • Scheduled restarts
  • Mod installation services
  • 24 hour support response time

Plans and Pricing

Survival Servers has preconfigured Assetto Corsa packages starting at $18 monthly for 20 slots, up to 60 player slots for $50 per month. Custom plans with more resources can be created on request.

Considering their excellent performance and reliability, we consider Survival Servers to offer very competitive Assetto Corsa pricing.


Survival Servers brings a solid combination of globally based high performance game servers combined with rapid setup and mod installation services, making them an excellent choice for Assetto Corsa.


As a game server host that caters predominantly to European clients, PingPerfect has developed a reputation for ultra low latency connectivity for titles like Assetto Corsa that demand split second multiplayer responsiveness.


  • Guaranteed sub 20ms pings
  • Automated mod deployment
  • 24 hour dedicated support
  • Powerful DDoS protection
  • Instant server deployment
  • Full server customization
  • Multiple European and US locations

Plans and Pricing

PingPerfect has Assetto Corsa configuration starting at $15 monthly for a 10 slot private server, ranging up in increments of 10 to 40 maximum slots for roughly $35. Extra resources can be added as required.

Given their premium network connectivity, PingPerfect’s prices offer nice value on Assetto Corsa hosting.


PingPerfect earns their name with incredible European latency connectivity figures perfect for lag-free Assetto Corsa races. Their experience focused specifically on keeping ping times down make them one of our top recommendations.

Assetto Corsa Server Hosting – Honorable Mentions

While we can’t cover every provider that offers Assetto Corsa servers, a few other notable hosts worth your consideration are:

  • GTX Gaming – A UK based game server specialist with excellent Assetto Corsa configurations powered by high spec Intel i9 CPUs. Prices start around $15 monthly.
  • Server Blend – This host offers nice Assetto Corsa packages combined with seamless mod installations and automated server restarts. Plans begin around $20 per month.
  • bisecthosting – Known for affordable pricing backed by quality hardware, Bisect starts Assetto Corsa plans at $12 for 20 slots.
  • Host Havoc – Another very affordable option for Assetto Corsa multiplayer servers beginning at $8 monthly for 12 slots.

Getting Started: How to Setup Your Assetto Corsa Server

Once you’ve selected a hosting provider, they will provision and configure your Assetto Corsa server box with your requested specs. At this point they should provide you with login credentials to access your control panel.

From here you can take steps like:

  • Upload any custom mods or tracks
  • Toggle gameplay settings like weather or number of AI drivers
  • Install chat and voice tools like Discord
  • Setup automatic restarts and crashes monitoring
  • Change passwords and control player access

Reputable providers like those reviewed above will have documentation and tutorials walking you through the process to customize your server precisely to your needs.

Most will also handle tasks like mod installations so you don’t have to dig through game files yourself to upgrade tracks or cars.

Now let’s move on to some tips for getting the most out of your Assetto Corsa dedicated game server by building a thriving racing community.

Creating an Assetto Corsa Racing Community

A popular server isn’t just about maxing out your hardware resources. You need passionate racers who will keep coming back. Here’s how to build that community:

Promote Your Server

Let your target audience know your server exists through Assetto Corsa forums, Discord, Twitter, Twitch, and any other channels you know they frequent. Run contests, create Hashtags and don’t be afraid to generously dish out VIP slots to well known racers in your community to get them hooked.

Foster Friendly Competition

Create various championships and use tools like SimRacingStats to maintain standings and records. Building bonds and friendly rivalries amongst regulars keeps them engaged.

Keep Things Fresh

Continually install new tracks and vehicles, run special events, tweak rules, and surprise members with new content. An active admin investing time into the community pays dividends with a sticky player base.

Listen to Feedback

Make sure to probe your community members for their server and gameplay thoughts. Frequently implement suggestions to improve their experience. After all, keeping YOUR players happy is what matters most.

Follow tips like these, and you’ll have packed grids of smiling regulars relishing the owned Assetto Corsa community they’ve joined.

Now let’s address a few common hurdles when running your own game server.

Troubleshooting Assetto Corsa Server Issues

While issues are rare on a managed server backed by an experienced host, hiccups can occasionally still strike. Here are some typical problems and their solutions:

Lag or Rubberbanding

This is usually due to maxing out your server CPU cores, RAM or outbound network capacity. Compare activity during lag spikes to your server benchmarks to identify and upgrade any constrained resources.

Server Not Showing in Browser

Double check your server executable and config files are actually running. If so, verify your firewall, ports and steam authentication settings are allowing connectivity as expected.

Can’t Connect to Server

Assuming the server status looks healthy, connectivity problems typically point to local firewall or ID issues on user PCs, rather than server faults. Have users double check their inbound access.

Mods or Custom Cars Not Working

If users can connect but custom content like skins or tracks doesn’t load properly, make sure the mod folders are correctly structured on your server files relative to the Assetto Corsa content root. Follow the mod creation guidelines exactly.

Players Stuck in Endless Loading

This points to custom content compatibility issues or missing files relative to vanilla Assetto Corsa. Disable all mods and custom content and restart clean. Then selectively reintroduce custom elements gradually while testing to identify any problem uploads.

As you can see, most common Assetto Corsa server issues can be easily identified and resolved fairly quickly. Leaning on your chosen hosting provider’s support services usually helps smooth out any bumps in the road as well.

Get the Most Out of Your Assetto Corsa Server

Hopefully this extensive guide has armed you with everything you need to launch your own smooth, reliable and fun Assetto Corsa multiplayer server. Here’s a quick checklist of key takeaways as you start your exciting journey of virtual races with friends:

✓ Choose a reputable hosting provider meeting recommended server spec requirements

✓ Leverage their control panel and mod tools to fully customize and optimize your server

✓ Promote your server and foster a thriving community of regular players

✓ Keep your players happy by adding new content and listening to feedback

✓ Monitor server performance continuously and upgrade resources when needed

✓ Learn basic troubleshooting to quickly resolve any hiccups

Now that you’re a dedicated server expert ready to deploy an amazing space for you and fellow racing enthusiasts to enjoy Assetto Corsa together, all that’s left is to decide which car and track to race first!

So what are you waiting for? Join the competitive fun on a server fully under your control today!