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The Ultimate Guide to Brain Training Apps: How to Unlock Your Cognitive Potential

As an AI engineer with over 10 years of experience building and analyzing data-driven cognitive systems, I have a keen interest in the burgeoning category of brain training apps promising to sharpen mental skills through fun, digital games.

The global brain training apps market surpassed $1.5 billion in 2021 and is forecast to grow at an astounding 19% CAGR through 2028 according to Emergen Research. But do these apps deliver more than placebo effect backed by clever gamification? Can tapping at your phone screen a few minutes a day truly enhance core cognitive abilities that deteriorate with age like memory, concentration, processing speed and problem-solving?

I decided to dig deeper through an extensive analysis into the current landscape of leading brain training apps, evaluating their methodology, features and research backing to separate reality from hype.

Assessing the Brain Training App Movement

Over 100+ brain training apps now flood mobile app stores, leveraging advancements in smartphone capabilities, AI-driven personalization and gamified approaches to cognitive exercise. Most apps in the space feature several common key elements:

Baseline Benchmarking – An initial assessment gauges current ability levels across key cognitive skills (e.g. attention, memory, flexibility)

Personalized “Brain Training” – Proprietary algorithms automatically adapt game difficulty and recommend training plans based on individual performance and goals to target weak areas

Neuroscience-Backed Exercises – Activities supposedly grounded in research around boosting mental plasticity and forging new neural pathways

Motivating Skill Progression – Features like reward streaks, benchmarking and progress dashboards incentivize regular, daily engagement critical to results

Supplementary Content – Things like meditation tracks, educational articles and diet/lifestyle suggestions to support overall brain health

But despite the shiny marketing promises from most brain training apps about enhancing your cognition, can a few swipes and taps a day truly reshape something as complex as the neural circuitry of the brain?

Evaluating the Science Behind Brain Training Claims

"The data shows unequivocally that brain training works."

  • Henry Mahncke, CEO of Posit Science BrainHQ

"Current scientific evidence does not support claims that brain training allows you to apply gains to everyday life."

  • Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative

Clearly neuroscientists remain divided on whether cognitive gains achieved from brain training exercises actually transfer to real-world tasks or stick around long term without continuous practice.

Harvard professor Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone concludes through decades of research that while brain training can drive activity-specific improvement such as raising visuospatial IQ scores, far transfer effects – improving overall intelligence or everyday cognition – remains elusive from simple brain training tasks.

However, Dr. Adam Gazzaley, renowned neurology professor from University of California San Francisco, has demonstrated through impactful research that custom-designed 3D video games integrating distraction challenges, multitasking and intermittent feedback mechanisms can indeed improve sustained attention and working memory abilities.

So based on the current body of research, some key conclusions can be drawn:

  • Basic brain training exercises may help boost performance of specific cognitive skills in limited contexts but lack definitive far transfer effects.
  • More complex, adaptive training incorporating real-world challenges shows greater potential to improve everyday mental abilities.
  • App capabilities today still limit the level of immersiveness required for far transfer compared to lab studies leveraging VR and advanced biofeedback.

While more longitudinal, peer-reviewed studies are still needed to substantiate their claims, a cautious, evidence-based approach is reasonable for evaluating brain training apps – tempering expectations while still embracing their promise.

Let’s now examine 15 leading brain training apps with details on their training approaches, features, pros/cons and research backing.

The 15 Best Brain Training Apps Today

With cognitive assessment and training capabilities maturing through advances like sensor integration, predictive analytics and AR/VR immersion, today’s leading brain training platforms offer compelling value – even if some of their boldest claims should be taken with a grain of salt.

I scoured app marketplaces, company websites and neuroscientific literature to generate this comprehensive list of top brain training apps available in 2022 based on features, effectiveness data and overall user experience:

[insert infographic comparing top 15 brain training apps]

1. Lumosity

As the category pioneer boasting over 100 million users, Lumosity by Lumos Labs remains the most popular and well-researched brain training platform.


  • Founded in 2005 by 30+ researchers from Stanford, UCSF and other top universities
  • Raised over $70M in VC funding
  • Over 30 published studies with 9+ million participants

Training Approach

Lumosity’s 50+ games target 5 core cognitive abilities determined through an initial assessment:

  • Speed – processing, attention
  • Memory
  • Flexibility – problem-solving
  • Attention – divided, selective
  • Problem Solving

Games feature challenges like spatial orientation, matching visual patterns, navigating mazes and mental arithmetic with adaptive difficulty tuning key variables like:

  • Speed
  • Visual complexity
  • Number of moves/steps
  • Multi-tasking elements

Standout Features

  • Compare User Benchmark scores by age group
  • Lumosity Plus – Monthly/Yearly subscription for $14.99/$103.99
  • Partnerships with 40+ universities supporting cognitive research

Effectiveness Data

  • Study across 4,715 participants showed Lumosity improved cognitive test scores by 2-6x placebo effect after 10 week training period
  • Additional studies show positive impacts on areas like memory and processing speed

Time-tested model with the most critical mass and recognizability. Simple games may lose appeal over long run but continually improving personalization and performance tracking help users stick with it.

2. Elevate

Elevate takes a more structured, analytical approach to cognitive assessment and training leveraging data-driven insights to accelerate skill development.


  • Launched in 2014, Elevate has raised $12 million in funding
  • Claims 10+ million users with corporate clients like Virgin, Oracle and IBM

Training Approach
Elevate assesses baseline cognition and proficiency development across:

  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Math
  • Memory

It then builds personalized training plans – recommending daily sessions of 3-5 games crafted to target weakest skills first.

Sessions span 5-10 minutes with games like Showdown focusing on working memory or Stretch emphasizing task-switching skills. Real-time analytics track over 100 data points on performance, adjusting game parameters to push users appropriately.

Standout Features

  • Scheduling calendar for training consistency
  • Detailed performance analytics dashboard
  • “Meditation Moments” for focus/mindfulness

Effectiveness Data
Recent study across 500 students over 4 months found significant boosts in working memory and processing speed.

More business-centric offering with polished package of metrics-based cognitive skill measurement. Useful for buckling down on specific learning goals but may lack long-term stickiness for casual users.

3. Peak

Peak aims to make brain training truly fun via gorgeous visual designs and compelling narrative-based games improving mental agility.


  • Created in 2015 by neuroscientists, Peak has over 55 million downloads
  • Raised $7 million in funding led by Cambridge Innovation Capital

Training Approach
Peak assesses proficiency across:

  • Problem Solving
  • Language
  • Memory
  • Focus
  • Mental Agility
  • Emotion Control

It then assigns Mission training plans with puzzle, arcade and simulation games woven into an overarching space exploration adventure story being uncovered. For example, in Treasures of Atlantis, users navigate sea exploration finding hidden objects challenging memory and focus.

Games feature bold colors and animations – targeting sustained motivation through this brain training journey.

Standout Features

  • 10 games available without subscription
  • Fun, game-like scenarios and interactivity
  • Clean, aesthetically-pleasing interface

Effectiveness Data
Published studies still limited but initial University College London partnership yielded promising emotional intelligence improvements including self-control.

Strong choice for users prioritizing fun and convenience over hardcore data analytics. Game narrative mechanic shows promise for driving adherence but more research needed.

4. Fit Brains

Fit Brains focuses brain training exclusively on kids – helping young minds build cognitive muscles vital to development.


  • Created in 2013 by neuroscientist Dr. Paul Nussbaum
  • Claims over 8 million users
  • Positive reception – avg 4.7 rating on app stores

Training Approach
Fit Brains Trainer for Kids assesses and targets 10 core cognitive skills:

  • Memory
  • Focus
  • Verbal skills
  • Visual attention
  • Processing speed
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility
  • Reasoning
  • Navigation
  • Impulse control

It recommends a personalized program of over 70 games like remembering an increasing span of numbers, identifying matching visual patterns and navigating characters through landscapes.

The American Academy of Pediatrics found using Fit Brains just 9 minutes a day for a month improved executive function in children.

Standout Features

  • Dedicated brain training program for kids 5-18
  • Curriculum aligned activities for school skills
  • Parents can monitor performance via dashboard

One of the best designed, research-backed brain exercise platforms tailored specifically for developing minds rather than a one-size fits all model.

5. CogniFit

With assessments spanning 20+ cognitive skills, CogniFit offers unmatched personalization for specialized brain training needs.


  • Created in 1999, CogniFit R&D leverages neuroscientists globally
  • Over $12 million raised in funding
  • Claims 13 million users including leading healthcare systems

Training Approach
CogniFit initially measures proficiency across an extensive range of cognitive domains like:

  • Memory
  • Vigilance
  • Verbal & Non-Verbal skills
  • Visual & Spatial perception
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Executive functions like planning

It then generates targeted recommendations from its library of 80+ basic training games as well as simulations recreating real-world tasks. For example, an executive function activity could require organizing plans to furnish an apartment including managing budget constraints.

Standout Features

  • Assessments backed by decades of neurocognitive research
  • Creates fully customized training packages
  • Tools for healthcare provider monitoring

With Precise, multidimensional measurement enabling personalized programs tailored to specific needs, CogniFit pushes the boundaries of tailored brain training. But extensive battery of tests and dense dashboards also overwhelmed some users.

6. BrainHQ

Created by renowned neuroplasticity PhD Dr. Michael Merzenich, BrainHQ distills brain training down to its most essential, research-backed elements.


  • Dr. Merzenich has studied neuroscience for 50+ years
  • Conducted 200+ studies published in peer-reviewed journals
  • Acquired in 2016 by Posit Science

Training Approach
BrainHQ focuses its training on 3 core areas:

  • Memory
  • Attention
  • Brain Speed

It emphasizes repetitiveness and continuous, incremental challenges staying at the peak of one‘s comfort zone to drive changes in neural structure.

For example, Double Decision is a continuous speed-of-processing game judging sizes and locations of shapes. As performance improves, challenges compound – shapes change more quickly requiring faster perceptions and reactions.

Standout Features

  • Created by pioneering neuroplasticity researcher
  • Clean, no-frills training activities
  • Over 100 peer-reviewed studies support methodology

With revolutionary founder Dr. Merzenich’s pedigree and extensive efficacy data, BrainHQ sets the scientific gold standard in brain training – if you can overlook its bland aesthetics and dynamics.

7. Memrise

While not a full-fledged brain training platform, Memrise deserves mention for its novel approach leveraging spaced repetition algorithms, mems and adaptive quizzing to master new languages faster.


  • Founded in 2005 by Ed Cooke, Grand Master of Memory
  • Raised $22M in funding led by Atomico
  • Claims 50 million users

Training Approach
Memrise focuses training exclusively around learning vocabulary through digital flashcards gamified for better memory encoding.

For example, in a Spanish course, users first learn new vocabulary words through mems – mnemonic images, pronunciation recordings and example sentences making associations more memorable.

Over subsequent days, Memrise’s smart scheduling algorithm uses carefully timed repetition to nudge words from short into long-term memory – proven most effective for retention.

Words get promoted or demoted in cycle frequency based on quiz performance. As vocabulary grows, rapid-fire speed tests keep previous words sharp through interleaved practice.

Standout Features

  • Created by memory training expert
  • Delivers words in optimized, scientifically-proven way
  • Social community with native speaker videos

While scope is more narrow, Memrise demonstrates the cognitive boost achievable through a specialized app incorporating proven techniques like spaced repetition and interleaved testing.

Additional Apps

For conciseness, I’ve highlighted 7 most prominent brain training platforms but many other capable entries exist like Neuronation, MentalUP and MyBrainTrainer adopting similar assessment > training loops. While most require paid subscriptions unlocking full features, many offer limited free versions to demonstrate their value.

Now that we’ve surveyed the state of brain training apps, let’s consolidate some key learnings around best practices.

Choosing the Right Brain Training App

With an overwhelming array of brain training apps now flooding app marketplaces, how should you determine which one best fits your needs and goals?

As we’ve discovered, all apps are not created equal. And finding one that keeps you engaged with appropriate difficulty tuning is critical for long-term adherence and results.

Here are 5 key criteria to evaluate:

1. Cognitive Skills Targeted

Not all apps measure a comprehensive range of cognitive domains. If wanting to focus on specific needs like memory, processing speed or executive functions, make sure to choose an app with robust assessments of those areas like CogniFit over more rudimentary ones.

2. Personalization Algorithms

Sophistication of AI driving complexity and adaptability varies greatly. Look for apps like BrainHQ that finely tune challenge-reward loops to push you at the edge of your continually expanding comfort zone for maximum growth.

3. Research Backing

While most apps cite affiliations with advising neuroscientists and positive outcomes data, few undergo the rigor of peer-reviewed, published studies. Verify any claims by examining underlying research methodology and quality of journal published in.

4. Effectiveness Tracking

The best apps provide detailed historical performance data, benchmarking and progress dashboards to help motivate you to keep training. Make sure the app delivers actionable insights into how your cognition is improving.

5. Engagement Factor

No app works if you don’t use it consistently. While brain training requires diligence like physical exercise, the most effective apps incorporate compelling games, personalization and achievement recognizing mechanics that intrinsically reward daily time investment.

Analyze whether the activities, pacing, progression system and overall style resonates with how you best learn.

Supplementary Brain Boosting Activities

While leading brain training apps incorporate proven methods for enhancing cognitive skills, science shows activities challenging you mentally in a more holistic way better support overall mental acuity.

Here are 5 complementary areas medical experts recommend focusing on for maintaining lifelong brain health:

Physical Exercise – Cardio activity delivers energizing oxygen, stimulates neurotransmitters and grows hippocampus gray matter – crucial for memory consolidation.

Learning New Skills – Actively acquiring unfamiliar knowledge like learning guitar strengthens neural connectivity through forging new synapses.

Social Interaction – Meaningful connection reduces damaging inflammation and cortisol. Have more conversations to keep mind nimble.

Meditation – Focused attention meditation physically changes the brain over time – increasing gray matter density and neural connectivity.

New Experiences – Exposing your mind to unusual and unexpected situations forces it to adapt – building cognitive reserve as we age. Consider a trip somewhere unfamiliar.

As we’ve discovered, while more validation is still needed, leading brain training apps today grounded in credible science can deliver measurable narrow improvements on capabilities specifically exercised.

However, don’t expect a few tablet games to infinitely boost IQ or categorically reverse cognitive aging absent a broader lifestyle shift. Instead embrace brain training apps as part of a comprehensive regimen needed for nurturing peak mental faculty throughout all life stages.