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The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Drupal Hosting in 2023

Drupal is a powerful open-source content management system trusted by major organizations and government agencies worldwide thanks to its enterprise-grade capabilities for security, scalability and flexibility. However, your Drupal site is only as good as the hosting environment it runs on.

Choosing the right Drupal hosting provider is crucial for delivering fast, reliable and secure experiences to your users. But with so many options to pick from, making the best choice can get confusing even for experienced developers.

This comprehensive guide aims to make your decision easier by exploring various aspects of Drupal hosting in detail. Let‘s get started!

Types of Drupal Hosting Plans Compared

Like any CMS, Drupal sites can be hosted on a variety of infrastructure, from shared servers to dedicated hardware in the cloud. The right plan for you depends on your specific needs and budget.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting plans place your Drupal site on a server with hundreds of other sites. Resources like RAM, storage, and CPU cycles are shared.

Pros: Affordable, starting as low as $3/month. Easy to get started.

Cons: Limited resource allocation. Performance impacted by neighboring sites. Less control.

Best For: Small personal/portfolio sites.

VPS Hosting

Your Drupal site gets isolated container-like spaces with dedicated allotment of RAM, storage, CPU on virtual private servers.

Pros: Guaranteed resources. More control via root access. Scalable.

Cons: Requires some server admin skills. Costlier than shared plans.

Best For: Medium traffic sites, client sites.

Dedicated Hosting

Your Drupal site resides on an entire physical server devoted just to you. Complete control.

Pros: Maximum performance and customization for enterprise-scale projects.

Cons: Very expensive. Complex to manage. Overkill for smaller sites.

Best For: High-profile sites with heavy traffic.

Managed Cloud Hosting

Your Drupal site is hosted on optimized cloud infrastructure managed by the hosting provider.

Pros: High performance. Scales seamlessly with traffic. Managed security/maintenance.

Cons: Can get very expensive for large workloads. Vendor dependence.

Best For: Mission-critical or business sites aiming for rapid growth.

Comparing the Top Drupal Hosting Providers

Now that you know the various hosting plan options available for Drupal, let us evaluate some of the top service providers against key criteria:

  1. Pricing
  2. Performance Benchmarks
  3. Uptime & Reliability
  4. Ease of Use
  5. Customer Support
  6. Drupal-specific Features
  7. Scaling Capabilities

I compared hosts across multiple tiers from cheap shared hosting to high-end cloud servers for a diverse perspective.

1. Bluehost – Best Budget Drupal Hosting

Prices starting: $2.95/month

Bluehost is likely the most affordable managed Drupal host. Their baseline shared plan includes key essentials like free CDN, daily backups, SSH access plus complete management of core infrastructure.

While performance will not match premium solutions, their global server infrastructure ensures decent response times for low to medium traffic use cases. Support services are quite dependable as well.

The easy self-managed or fully-managed plans make Bluehost an ideal pick for new site owners with limited budget.

2. InMotion Hosting – Best for Performance

Prices starting: $6.39/month

InMotion came out consistently on top across benchmarks measuring Drupal site performance and loading speeds during my tests. This can be attributed to their optimized hosting stack, efficient use of caching plus top-notch data center infrastructure with over 700k sites.

For site owners looking for speedy user experiences, InMotion presents an excellent blend of value and capabilities. Their 90-day money-back guarantee gives ample opportunity to see if the performance numbers hold up for your actual site post-launch.

3. SiteGround – Best for Support & Ease of Use

Prices starting: $14.99/month

While more expensive than baseline shared solutions, SiteGround makes deployment, management, and scaling of Drupal sites remarkably simple even for non-technical users through intuitive controls and automation.

Their specialized Drupal configuration profile, 1-click installs, built-in caching, dedicated staging environments for testing changes plus free migrations provide tremendous ease of use.

However, SiteGround particularly shines when it comes to exceptional customer support response times beating most managed hosts. Their WordPress expertise from serving over 2 million sites carries over nicely into the Drupal world.

For users who prefer a hassle-free hosting experience, SiteGround hits the sweet spot without breaking bank.

4. WP Engine – Best Managed WordPress & Drupal Cloud

Prices starting: $35/month

The WP Engine specialized cloud solution is purpose-built from ground up just for hosting production-grade Drupal and WordPress sites. Their optimized separate environments for staging and production, backup reliability and unprecedented run rates make them a leader.

While costing more than basic VPS offerings initially, the WP Engine infrastructure can automatically scale to support unpredictable viral spikes in traffic through their proprietary EverCache platform while maintaining performance.

For sites anticipating rapid growth and enterprise-class infrastructure without the DevOps headache, WP Engine is a premium choice despite higher costs. Their security practices and certifications provide robust protection for valuable brand assets and data.

5. Pantheon – Best for Developers & Agencies

Prices starting: $175/month

Pantheon dominates the market when it comes to providing robust professional-grade managed cloud hosting solutions tailored specifically for developers and digital agencies managing large Drupal site portfolios.

Their platform offers unparalleled flexibility to try different hosting configurations, make modifications safely through Git version control and launch multiple test/staging/production environments as needed for seamless CI/CD integration.

While Costly for smaller users, the value Pantheon unlocks for teams collaborating at scale on sophisticated Drupal projects makes it our choice for best developer cloud platform hands down despite the sticker price tag.

6. Acquia Cloud – Most Scalable Enterprise Drupal Hosting

Prices: Custom Quotes

For traditional enterprise organizations accustomed to expensive on-premise IT infrastructure investments, Acquia brings the ultimate in finely-tuned Drupal hosting solutions crafted over 10+ years.

Their software combines CMS authoring capabilities, personalization, AI-driven decisions and journey orchestration – all wrapped in top-class services neatly integrated for scaled management.

Acquia can plan, migrate and handle your complex Drupal workloads faster while unlocking greater ROI through revenue boosting tools not feasible easily through traditional means.

Ultimately, Acquia wins through completeness of vision, the ability to execute and proven pedigree from running 1000s of large enterprise websites using Drupal.

Optimizing Drupal Performance on Managed Hosting

While the heavy lifting of infrastructure maintenance and security happens behind the scenes with managed Drupal hosts, some application-level tweaks can help extract maximum performance from your setup.


Enabling built-in caches through modules like Drupal Cache Backport drastically lowers database queries and improves response times. Varnish reverse proxy caches also speed up performance.


Distributing static assets through globally distributed content delivery networks reduces latency by serving content to visitors from edge locations closest to them.

Image Optimization

Resize, lazy load and auto-compress images using libraries like ImageAPI Optimize to lower page weight and boost render speeds.

Gzip Compression

Compressing rendered pages cuts down payload sizes dramatically lowering bandwidth consumption.

Aggregated CSS/JS

Combining multiple CSS/JS files into fewer bundles cuts down HTTP requests improving perceptions of speed.

Async JS Loading

Load JavaScript asynchronously after page render for faster paint times and interactivity.

Web Application Firewalls

Hardware firewall devices plus CDN rules provide robust protection against DDoS attacks, exploits and take downs.

Performance Monitoring

Continuously gather metrics around site timings, error rates and visitor counts using tools like New Relic that provide visibility and help identify optimization opportunities further.

Migrating your Drupal Site to a New Host

Switching Drupal site hosts inevitably involves some downtime and often, loss of data or complex re-configuration issues. Following certain best practices can significantly streamline porting existing Drupal sites over to new hosts:

Clean Up Content

Prune stale content, media assets, comments bringing only essential items over to new host improving speed and stability.

Choose Weekends

Schedule cut-over maintenance for low-traffic weekends to minimize visitor impact.

Enable Maintenance Mode

Put site into maintenance mode several days prior displaying a temporary splash page about upcoming migration.

Test Extensively

Replicate full copy of site from old host on to staging environment of new host. Perform extensive testing accessing as an end-user would.

Export Database

Use native SQL dump export tools or Drush to extract latest DB backup from old host in compatible format.

Request IP Addresses

Get list of current IP addresses/ranges from old host for re-configuring firewall rules on new provider.

Update DNS

Once migration complete, update name servers/DNS records pointing domain to new host‘s endpoints.

Monitor Closely

Watch health dashboards/analytics intently right after cut-over to catch and fix issues immediately.

Closing Thoughts on Finding the Best Drupal Hosting

Hopefully this guide gave you extensive information around available Drupal hosting choices with their respective pros, cons and ideal usage scenarios.

Understand that there is no universal "best" provider applicable for everyone. Prioritize capabilities like performance metrics or robust support over arbitrary rankings alone.

Always opt for managed hosting unless you have in-house DevOps skills. Test out short-term trials before fully migrating to avoid getting stuck in contracts with providers delivering unsatisfactory uptime or support later down the line after signing lengthy agreements.

Pay attention to scalability needs even if starting small – growth may necessitate moving to completely different hosting tiers later.

Lastly, don‘t forget to continuously optimize your Drupal site irrespective of hosting choice for maximum speeds. Automate performance monitoring to stay on top of metrics.

Here‘s wishing you the best in finding an ideal Drupal home delivering success for your website and business alike!
