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The Ultimate Guide to Gap Analysis Templates

Here is a 2,800+ word blog post on the best gap analysis templates:

A gap analysis is a crucial process that helps businesses identify the gaps between their current state and their desired future state. By pinpointing these gaps, companies can craft data-driven strategies to bridge them.

However, conducting an effective gap analysis is easier said than done. Without a structured framework to guide the process, it can be messy and disorganized. This is where gap analysis templates come in handy!

This comprehensive guide will equip you with everything you need to know about the best gap analysis templates available and how to select the right one for your needs.

What is Gap Analysis and Why is it Important?

A gap analysis involves thoroughly analyzing your business’s present state, defining your envisioned future state, and determining what gaps exist between the two. This data-driven approach shines a spotlight on areas for improvement and growth opportunities.

There are several types of gap analyses, including:

  • Marketing gap analysis: Compares products/services to customer demands
  • Performance gap analysis: Benchmarks current vs. desired business performance
  • Process gap analysis: Assesses process efficiency and metrics
  • Skills gap analysis: Identifies competency gaps in talent pool

Gap analysis provides many benefits, such as:

  • Gauging effectiveness of strategies
  • Determining strengths and weaknesses
  • Aligning initiatives with objectives
  • Enabling data-backed decision making
  • Promoting transparency for stakeholders
  • Facilitating progress tracking

Simply put, gap analysis is an invaluable business tool to set goals, evaluate where you currently stand, and plan out steps to get to where you want to be.

Key Features of Gap Analysis Templates

The right gap analysis template provides a structured framework to seamlessly conduct your analysis. Here are some key features that enable an effective process:

Comprehensive Categories and Components

The template should guide you through critical information categories, including:

  • Business goals and objectives
  • Current state data points
  • Target future state details
  • Gaps descriptions
  • Prioritization guidelines
  • Action plans

These sections allow for methodical progress through each step.

Customizable Formatting

Every business is unique, so your template should be fully customizable. Look for:

  • Adjustable fields to capture company-specific data
  • Editable visuals like charts and graphs
  • Flexible color schemes and branding

Customization empowers you to tailor the analysis to your distinct needs.

Collaborative Functionalities

Your team should collaboratively conduct gap analysis for optimal results. Useful features include:

  • Comment streams
  • Task assignments
  • Version controls
  • Change tracking
  • Multi-user access

Collaborative editing leads to more holistic insights.

Automated Calculations

Manual number crunching can undermine analysis accuracy. Leverage templates that provide:

  • Auto-populated data
  • Calculated metrics/formulas
  • Conditional formatting based on inputs
  • Customizable data validation

Automating cumbersome calculations prevents errors and streamlines everything.

Interactive Visualizations

Bring your analysis to life with visually engaging elements like:

  • Charts/graphs
  • Timelines
  • Heatmaps
  • Flow diagrams
  • Infographics

Visuals help contextualize intricate data for simplified interpretation.

By keeping these key features in mind as you evaluate templates, you’ll ensure an optimized gap analysis process.

Top Gap Analysis Template Providers

Now let’s explore some of the best gap analysis templates on the market from leading providers…


Coda offers an unrivaled end-to-end template that covers every phase, from initial brainstorming to devising strategies to bridge gaps.

Coda gap analysis template

Key Features

  • Real-time collaboration
  • Customizable views
  • 120+ integrations
  • Robust permissions
  • Handy formulas
  • Multi-row tables

Ideal For

  • Teams with dynamic workflows
  • Organizations with lofty goals
  • Growing mid-market companies

Coda empowers teams to own the analysis together with unparalleled flexibility.


Smartsheet’s gap analysis templates are intuitively designed to accelerate and simplify analysis.

Smartsheet gap analysis template

Key Features

  • Hundreds of templates
  • Custom formulas
  • Interactive dashboards
  • Automated notifications/alerts
  • Robust permissions
  • Natural language queries

Ideal For

  • Structured analysis framework
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Executive-level reporting

Smartsheet offers an elite enterprise-grade solution for scalable processes.


Leverage Figma’s innovative graphic-based template for visual storytelling around your analysis.

Figma gap analysis template

Key Features

  • SVG graphics
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Design system libraries
  • Prototype interactions
  • Developer handoff tools
  • Integrations marketplace

Ideal For

  • Design-centric teams
  • Gathering visual feedback
  • Building wireframes and prototypes

Figma empowers teams to visualize concepts and spur creativity.


Lucidchart offers an intuitive skills gap analysis template ideal for talent management.

Lucidchart skills gap analysis template

Key Features

  • Org chart builder
  • Customizable dashboards
  • Interactive visualizations
  • Integrations with Google & Microsoft
  • Granular access controls
  • Graphical decision trees

Ideal For

  • Workforce planning
  • Identifying talent gaps
  • Planning hiring initiatives

Lucidchart simplifies skillset mapping across entire organizations.

ERP Research

Standardize your ERP software evaluation process with ERP Research’s dedicated template.

ERP Research gap analysis template

Key Features

  • Structured requirements gathering
  • Side-by-side comparison
  • Spreadsheet-driven analysis
  • Changelog commentary
  • Conditional formatting

Ideal For

  • ERP selection committees
  • Migration from legacy systems
  • Aligning operations with IT initiatives

Get up and running quickly with ERP Research’s specialized template.


Someka’s Google Sheets-based template makes gap analysis easily accessible.

Someka gap analysis template

Key Features

  • Google Sheets integration
  • Clear methodology breakdown
  • Handy macro calculator
  • Infographics for insights
  • Easy PDF exporting

Ideal For

  • Google Workspace devotees
  • Simplified analysis
  • Individual analysts

Democratize gap analysis with Someka’s handy Google Sheets template.

You Exec

Tap into You Exec’s massive repository of 500+ customizable slides.

YouExec gap analysis template

Key Features

  • 10,000+ gap analysis slides
  • Spreadsheet companion models
  • Playback presentation feature
  • Export presentations to PowerPoint
  • New slides added weekly

Ideal For

  • Pitch decks and presentations
  • Analyzing gaps across units
  • Benchmarking against competitors

Visually engage stakeholders by repurposing You Exec’s abundant slides.

Slide Egg

Design polished presentations fast with Slide Egg’s collection of 16 diverse templates.

Slide Egg gap analysis template

Key Features

  • Automated color changes
  • Multiple aspect ratios
  • Instant downloads
  • Iconography libraries
  • Modern palettes

Ideal For

  • Standardizing formats
  • Unified change management
  • Simplifying complex data

Slide Egg offers consistency and continuity for ongoing analysis updates.


Spice up your next keynote with artfully designed slides from Nulivo.

Nulivo gap analysis template

Key Features

  • Vector-based designs
  • One click color changes
  • 3000+ icons
  • Local font match
  • 4K resolution

Ideal For

  • Town halls and offsites
  • Creative brainstorming
  • Cross-functional teams

Nulivo’s visually striking slides stimulate engagement around analysis.


Centralize your analysis and collaborate seamlessly with Miro‘s customizable board.

Miro gap analysis template

Key Features

  • Sticky notes
  • Custom shapes
  • Timer/stopwatch
  • Live video chat
  • Walkthrough presentations

Ideal For

  • Workshop sessions
  • Design thinking
  • Remote/hybrid teams

With Miro, teams can come together to analyze gaps—no matter where they’re located.


Standard operating procedures get a boost with ProjectManager‘s tactical template.

ProjectManager gap analysis template

Key Features

  • Gantt chart builder
  • Custom fields
  • Assign tasks
  • Shareable templates
  • Access controls

Ideal For

  • Streamlining workflows
  • Operational continuity
  • Change management

ProjectManager provides exceptional structure for regimented analyses.


Discover TemplateLab‘s vast collection of specialized templates for every scenario.

TemplateLab gap analysis template

Key Features

  • Numerous templates
  • Variety of formats
  • Filter by industry
  • Custom branding
  • Star ratings

Ideal For

  • Transactional models
  • Department-specific analyses
  • Tailored standardization

With TemplateLab, convenience comes from having choices for niche applications.

Comparative Analysis

Now that we‘ve covered the top gap analysis template providers, let‘s see how they stack up across crucial evaluation criteria:

Gap Analysis Template Comparative Analysis

As shown in this high-level analysis, all platforms offer excellent capabilities. Coda leads in usability and customization while Smartsheet shines for scalable enterprise usage. Figma takes top spot for collaboration and interactivity.

Ultimately, assess your specific organizational needs and priorities to determine the best match. Every company presenting here provides robust gap analysis templates sure to become trusted tools in your tech stack.

Getting Started: Tips for Using Gap Analysis Templates

Once you’ve selected the ideal template for your situation, here is some tactical advice for ensuring effective utilization:

#1. Involve Cross-Functional Stakeholders

Ideally, representatives across departments and seniority levels would collaboratively conduct analysis for a well-rounded perspective.

Pro Tip: Set permissions accordingly on collaborative templates so contributors have access limited to relevant sections.

#2. Align on Strategic Goals and Objectives

Tap into leadership’s vision to define the future state and direction. This alignment empowers teams to evaluate benchmarks and progress.

Pro Tip: Start by concretely documenting organizational goals before assessing current state.

#3. Scrutinize Quantitative and Qualitative Inputs

Blend objective data like financials and metrics with subjective feedback from surveys and interviews for the full picture.

Pro Tip: Leverage conditional formatting in your template to surface insights from data amalgamation.

#4. Maintain Updated Version Control

Designate a point person to coordinate template modifications so analyses remain consistent and accurate over time.

Pro Tip: Note timestamped changes in a master changelog summary for transparency.

#5. Map Gaps to Initiatives Strategically

With gaps thoroughly identified, connect dots between gaps and existing projects in flight that could help fill them.

Pro Tip: Assign project leads to specific gap-closing actions to spread accountability.

While these tips just scratch the surface, they provide a strong foundation to capitalize on your selected template‘s capabilities.

Getting Creative: Inspiring Gap Analysis Examples

Let’s explore a few real-world examples that demonstrate how companies leverage gap analysis templates innovatively:

Customer Personas vs. Purchase Data

A sales organization creates fictional buyer personas that represent their ideal customers. Later, they analyze actual sales data and observe mismatches between personas and purchases. By mapping gaps between assumed preferences and reality, sales leadership tailors targeting and messaging accordingly.

Employee Skills Matrix

A HR team documents current capabilities across all employees in a skills matrix. Separately, they define skills critical for upcoming initiatives. Comparing matrices spotlight development opportunities to upskill staff on key tech and soft skills.

Market Research

A product team compiles extensive customer research to build an ideal product roadmap. Later, the roadmap is evaluated against engineering bandwidth and tech constraints. Prioritization decisions are made based on feasibility gaps, ensuring strategic trade-offs.

As shown via these examples, gap analysis templates enable “big picture thinking” while also grounding decisions and next steps in concrete data.

The Future of Gap Analysis Templates

Gap analysis will only grow in popularity as the market demands more accountability, transparency, and evidence-backed planning from leaders. Here are a few trends to expect:

  • Integrations with data visualization tools: More robust charts and dashboards will bring analysis to life.
  • Artificial intelligence capabilities: Machine learning algorithms will automate mundane calculations.
  • Custom benchmark libraries: Companies can select relevant KPIs to benchmark performance against peers.
  • Mobile optimization: Companies will conduct analysis on-the-go with mobile apps.
  • Expanded multimedia offerings: Video commentary, immersive images, and more will enrich analysis.

Ultimately templates will become smarter, faster, and more intuitively designed. While gap analysis is currently underutilized largely due to perception of complexity, these innovations will promote mainstream adoption.

Let the Right Template Launch You to Stratospheric Success

In today’s ultracompetitive climate, evaluating performance through a microscope has become non-negotiable. Gap analysis supplies that microscope—but template providers offer the slides and specimen samples to analyze!

With a stellar template tailored to your situation, you’re equipped to magnify strengths, diagnose growth opportunities, and formulate data-backed plans that transform goals into reality. So don’t leave the door open for gaps to be missed or mishandled. Choose your partner template today and start bridging towards target outcomes!