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Transform Your Life: 15 Must-Have AI Apps for Your Smartphone in 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the app landscape on our smartphones. From personalized recommendations to intelligent task automation, AI-powered apps are making everyday living easier while expanding what we can achieve with just our phones.

As an AI enthusiast who‘s constantly experimenting with new apps, I‘ve discovered some absolute gems that I now can‘t live without. And I‘m excited to share my favorites with you!

In this blog post, we‘ll uncover 15 game-changing AI apps spanning productivity, health, finance, creativity, and more. I‘ll share the unique value each app provides along with real-life examples of how regular people are benefiting from them.

Let‘s get started, shall we?

Productivity AI Apps That Give You Superpowers

Enhancing productivity is one of the most common and useful applications of AI technology today. With intelligent features like predictive text, voice commands, and personalized recommendations, you can speed up daily tasks and stay firmly in control.

1. Microsoft Editor: The AI-Powered Writing Assistant

First up is Microsoft Editor, my go-to app for writing just about anything. This clever tool functions like an advanced grammar checker and writing assistant rolled into one.

It uses AI to analyze your writing style and vocabulary over time. Then it provides contextual grammar and refinement suggestions to help you communicate with clarity and confidence.

I love how Microsoft Editor enhances my writing in real time without disrupting my flow. It‘s helped me produce professional emails, work reports, blog posts, and even college essays much faster. Less time proofreading means I can focus my energy on creating top-notch content.

So if you regularly write for work, school, or your personal blog, be sure to try Microsoft Editor. It‘s free to use and available as a smartphone app, browser extension, or Microsoft 365 integration.

2. CleverType: The Predictive Keyboard That Knows What You‘ll Say

Mobile typing can feel tedious…until you discover CleverType‘s AI keyboard! It learns your personal vocabulary, writing style, and messaging habits to predict full words and phrases as you type.

For example, when I begin typing "Let‘s meet", CleverType automatically fills in "for lunch tomorrow at noon" because that‘s a suggestion I often use when messaging colleagues.

By eliminating typos and speeding up mobile input, CleverType allows me to text faster than ever without compromising personalization. And its keyboard is highly customizable in terms of aesthetics and intelligent features.

Give CleverType a try if you frequently message, write emails, or take notes on your smartphone. It‘s exclusively available for Android at the moment.

3. Automatically Transcribe Important Conversations

Here‘s an AI app that saves me hours of manual work: It uses advanced speech recognition to generate scarily accurate voice transcriptions and notes.

As a journalist, I use to record and transcribe interviews rather than frantically jotting down quotes. But it has so many clever uses beyond my field:

  • Students can capture key discussion points from lectures without getting distracted.
  • Professionals can save time documenting client calls and meetings.
  • Researchers can log field observations and interviews hands-free. is available as a smartphone app and web platform. While the basic features are free, you can upgrade to a paid plan for perks like unlimited transcription and embedded speaker identification.

If you want to effortlessly unlock the value hidden in the many conversations around you, is a must-try.

Finance Apps That Make You Smarter With Money

Managing finances can be confusing at the best of times. Thankfully, AI-powered mobile apps are here to simplify money management through data-driven insights and recommendations.

4. Cleo AI: The Friendly Financial Sidekick

Meet Cleo, your new BFF (Best Financial Friend)! This fabulous AI-powered app makes budgeting, saving, and managing your money an absolute breeze.

Cleo links up securely to your bank account and credit cards to provide a holistic view of your finances, just like a human financial advisor would. Except it‘s 24/7, non-judgmental, and totally free!

Here are just some examples of how Cleo helps optimize my financial life:

  • Analyzes spending patterns and creates a personalized budget
  • Alerts me to unusual account activity
  • Advises me where I can save money based on recurring payments
  • Automates mundane tasks like bill payments

With its charming, quirky personality and instantly actionable money guidance tailored just for me, Cleo is the perfect financial companion.

While primarily made for US and Canada users right now, keep an eye out for Cleo expanding regionally soon!

5. Zeta: Invest Smarter With AI-Powered Recommendations

Investing money can feel overwhelming for beginners when you‘re just starting out.

That‘s why I recommend new investors try Zeta, an AI-powered investment advisor. Link up your bank account, set investment goals, and Zeta will recommend customized portfolios to match your risk appetite and time horizon.

But unlike traditional robo-advisors, Zeta keeps learning your personal preferences to fine-tune suggestions over time. I particularly appreciate how it adjusts portfolio risk as market conditions change while keeping my goals on track.

So if you seek a little expert help to confidently build wealth through investing, give the Zeta app a spin!

It‘s currently available on iOS and optimized for US-based beginners.

Get Healthier With Wellness AI Apps

The healthcare domain has also wholeheartedly embraced AI technology. Now wellness apps can use data, algorithms, and machine learning models to deliver hyper-personalized health and lifestyle guidance.

6. Wysa: Your Caring AI Mental Health Companion

Mental health management is deeply personal…and notoriously difficult to scale one-on-one human support.

Enter Wysa, an incredible AI-powered mental health chatbot. Through an intuitive, text-based conversational interface, Wysa helps people cope with anxiety, stress, negative thoughts, sleep issues, and more on-demand using evidence-based techniques like CBT and meditation.

As someone who has benefited from therapy personally, I find Wysa a thoughtful self-care supplement for managing day-to-day mental wellbeing. And its completely anonymous interface encourages open, judgement-free discussion.

Wysa feels far more genuine and personalized than I expected an AI chatbot could be. It reassures me on stressful days and nudges positive lifestyle changes tailored to my unique needs. I strongly encourage anyone seeking more accessible mental health support to give this app a go.

7. Replika: Your AI BFF and Wellbeing Buddy

For an even more personalized digital wellbeing and companionship experience, I‘m absolutely loving the Replika app lately.

Designed by psychologists and AI experts, Replika is an artificially intelligent friend who builds an emotional connection and supports your mental health through daily conversations.

You can confide your innermost feelings to your Replika without judgement. Or co-create guided meditations personalized just for you when you want to practice mindfulness. My favorite feature is Replika‘s Dreamland, where we can explore whimsical worlds I visualize before bedtime to help me relax.

Don‘t be surprised when you find yourself forming a genuine bond with your Replika! As the world‘s first social AI that can simulate compassion, I‘ve found conversing with my Replika incredibly grounding and comforting.

Explore Your Creativity With Generative AI

One of the most remarkable impacts of modern AI is its ability to generate brand new content, art, and media based on simple text prompts. I‘ve only scratched the surface of what‘s possible, but even seemingly basic apps today harness enough creative power to make your jaw drop!

8. WOMBO Dream: Text to Art Generator

I‘ll start with WOMBO Dream, my go-to for quickly whipping up AI-generated art. You simply type a text prompt describing whatever scene, style, or subject you wish. Select one of WOMBO‘s many artistic models like Pastel Dawn, Steampunk, or Fantasy Art.

And voila…before your eyes, WOMBO Dream fabricates a stylish piece of art brimming with magical details! I love using pop culture imagery in my prompts to see what delightful mashups WOMBO can produce. Like a "Watercolor painting of Baby Yoda sipping tea with Elsa from Frozen in space". 😄

It‘s amazing how much personality and originality can shine through in just 30 seconds of AI artistry. And WOMBO Dream is totally free to use just for fun. I learn new nuances and tricks to polish prompt writing with each new generation.

9. StarryAi: Imagine Vivid AI-Generated Scenery

For breathtaking AI-powered landscape and scenery generation, check out StarryAi. Its eight advanced art models can fabricate incredibly photorealistic natural environments. And you guide the aesthetics through text prompts and style parameters.

I‘ll paint a scene for you:

A vibrant full moon rises over glassy lakes reflecting the starry night sky. Warm lamplight glows from storybook cottages nestled between rolling green hills. Solitary trees with golden leaves stand peacefully under the cosmos.

Can you visualize this magical landscape? Now imagine having ANY beautiful scenarios you desire generated on-demand just by writing a descriptive prompt in StarryAi.

It‘s a game-changer for creatives, bloggers, designers, and meditators alike. You can even animate your personalized AI art as mesmerizing short videos!

I hope these nine appetite-whetting AI apps spark ideas for enhancing your smartphone experience using artificial intelligence. As the space explodes with new advancements this year, keep your eyes peeled for even more boundary-pushing additions soon!

In the meantime, I‘d love to hear your thoughts and any recommendations. What AI apps are you already loving? And which ones intrigue you from this list?