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What is Android System WebView and Why is it Important?

The Android System WebView (ASW) is a core component of the Android operating system that allows apps to display web content without needing to open a separate web browser. It is deeply integrated into Android and used by many apps to render web pages and run JavaScript code.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about Android System WebView, including:

  • What is Android System WebView and how does it work?
  • The history and evolution of WebView on Android
  • Why is WebView important for apps?
  • How to check your current WebView version
  • How to update WebView to the latest version
  • Installing multiple WebView release channels
  • How to disable or remove WebView if needed
  • Tips for keeping WebView secure and up-to-date

What Exactly is Android System WebView?

The Android System WebView is based on the Chromium open source project, which is also the foundation for the Chrome web browser. It allows Android apps to display web content without needing to open a separate browsing app.

Instead of switching between apps, WebView allows the app to show web pages and interact with website code directly within the app itself. This creates a seamless experience for users.

For example, when you click a link in the Facebook app, it will open the page inside Facebook using WebView. You don‘t need to leave the app and open an external web browser. This is all powered by Android System WebView.

WebView handles all the complex tasks behind the scenes required to access the web from inside apps. This includes:

  • Downloading and rendering web pages
  • Executing JavaScript code
  • Managing cookies, storage, caching and security
  • Bridging the native Android environment with web code

Without WebView, developers would need to build all this web functionality natively into each Android app, which is extremely complex. The Android System WebView provides a standard interface that makes supporting web content much simpler.

A Brief History of WebView on Android

The Android System WebView has evolved significantly over time:

Android 1.0 – 4.4: The earliest versions of Android tightly integrated WebView into the core system. That meant it could only be updated as part of major OS updates from the device manufacturer.

Android 5.0: Starting in Lollipop, Google began decoupling WebView so it could be updated independently via the Play Store. However, it was still based on the stock Android browser.

Android 7.0: With Nougat, WebView switched to be based on the Chromium engine that powers Chrome. This massively improved compatibility and security.

Android 10: In Android Q, WebView was further modularized so that it now exists as an updatable system component separate from Chrome. The latest Android versions allow installing multiple WebView versions in developer options.

This progression allowed WebView to become much more robust and secure over time. The latest versions now share a common codebase with Chrome, allowing rapid security updates directly from Google Play.

Why is Android System WebView Important?

The Android System WebView powers key functionality within many apps:

In-App Browsers: WebView allows apps to open links inside the app instead of switching to an external browser. This creates a seamless experience without disruptive context switching.

Web App Performance: For web-based apps like Twitter or Facebook, WebView optimizes rendering, JavaScript, storage and caching for faster performance.

Advertising: Many ads shown within apps rely on WebView to load web content dynamically into native app environments.

Web APIs: WebView enables apps to harness powerful web APIs for added functionality, like maps, payments, logins and more.

Developer Convenience: Building web browsing and rendering natively into Android apps would be extremely difficult. WebView makes supporting web content simple for developers.

As more apps become web-based and rely on browser-like features for ads, web APIs and dynamic content, the Android System WebView is increasingly critical for core app functionality.

How to Check Your Current Android System WebView Version

It‘s important to stay updated to the latest WebView version for key security fixes and functionality improvements. Here‘s how to check your currently installed Android System WebView version:

  1. Open your Android device Settings app
  2. Select Apps
  3. Choose "See all ### apps"
  4. Search for "Android System WebView"
  5. Select it and scroll down to the bottom
  6. Your current WebView version number will display near the bottom (e.g. "Version 105.0.5195.79")

Compare this version number to the latest stable WebView release on the Google Play store listing to see if you‘re fully up to date.

If your device is running Android 5.0+ and your WebView component is more than a few months outdated, you should update it for the newest security patches and features.

How to Update Android System WebView to the Latest Version

Updating the Android System WebView will ensure you have all the latest security, compatibility and performance improvements. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Play Store app
  2. Search for "Android System WebView"
  3. Select the top result for the official WebView app
  4. If an update is available, tap "Update"
  5. The update will automatically download and install

Once updated, your device will now utilize the latest WebView version inside all apps that leverage it to display web content.

For older Android versions below 5.0 Lollipop, updating WebView requires a full OS update from your device manufacturer. On the latest versions of Android, WebView can update directly like any other app.

Installing Multiple Android WebView Release Channels

Starting in Android 10, Google has provided more flexibility for managing WebView updates. There are now 4 release "channels" you can install:

Stable – Recommended default WebView with the latest production-ready updates on a regular release cycle. This comes pre-installed on most Android devices.

Beta – Early-access updates with newer features but less testing. May have more bugs.

Dev – Cutting-edge development builds updated weekly. Generally less stable but may resolve issues fixed in newer versions.

Canary – Ultra bleeding-edge daily development builds. Use with caution as these have the least testing.

You can switch between these via Developer options:

  1. Go to Settings > About Phone
  2. Tap "Build number" 7 times to enable Developer options
  3. Go back and select System > Advanced > Developer options at the bottom
  4. Scroll down and tap "WebView implementation"
  5. Choose which WebView release channel you want from the available options

The Stable channel is generally recommended, but this allows flexibility to try out newer dev builds or downgrade if needed.

When Should You Disable or Remove Android System WebView?

Ideally you should avoid fully disabling or deleting the Android System WebView if possible. Removing WebView can cause issues with various apps that depend on it to function properly.

However, some specific cases may call for disabling WebView as a troubleshooting step, including:

  • Experiencing crashes or instability in certain apps that appear related to WebView
  • After malware, spyware or a bad app has infected the device
  • Temporarily reducing resource usage on an older, underpowered device
  • To rule out WebView as the cause of a larger system issue

To disable WebView:

  1. Open the Play Store
  2. Search for "Android System WebView"
  3. Tap the top result
  4. Tap "Disable"

This will turn off WebView temporarily while keeping it installed for later re-enabling.

Fully uninstalling WebView is not recommended as it can cause side effects for apps dependent on web functionality. Re-installation may not always resolve them.

If you‘re experiencing web rendering or app stability issues, first try updating WebView before considering fully disabling as a temporary troubleshooting step.

Keeping Android System WebView Up-to-Date and Secure

Here are some top tips for maintaining optimal Android System WebView performance, compatibility and security:

  • Check for WebView updates monthly – New versions with bug fixes and security patches are regularly released via the Play Store. Keep tabs on the latest releases.

  • Reboot after major WebView updates – For stability, reboot your device after installing significant WebView version bumps before using apps that leverage web rendering heavily.

  • Enable Play Protect – Google‘s malware scanner in the Play Store helps flag suspicious apps misusing WebView vulnerabilities. Keep it enabled.

  • Use secure browsers – When clicking links that do open external browsers, stick to secure mainstream apps like Samsung Internet or Google Chrome for best web protection.

  • Watch for web-based instability after updates – If apps start crashing specifically around web content after OS or WebView updates, try a reboot then temporary WebView disable/re-enable to resolve.

Prioritizing Android System WebView version currency is a key aspect of keeping your overall OS security posture up to date. Check monthly for the latest releases.


The Android System WebView powers web functionality within apps through an integrated Chromium browser. It eliminates disruptive switching between apps for a smoother experience.

Keeping your device‘s WebView component regularly updated is important for getting the latest security fixes, web compatibility enhancements and performance improvements as they are released.

Following this guide will help ensure you know how to manage this critical underlying Android component to maximize functionality and stability across the apps relying on it. Check WebView updates monthly as you would for any security-critical software.