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Why A2 Managed WordPress Hosting is the Best Choice for Your Website

Choosing a managed WordPress host is an important decision that impacts your site‘s speed, security, and ultimately success driving traffic and revenue. A quality platform tailored specifically for WordPress can help your site thrive through stellar performance, robust protection, and exceptional support.

With over 20 years as pioneers in site optimization and speed, A2 Hosting stands out as the premier managed WordPress solution available today. Their specialized infrastructure is meticulously crafted to make WordPress fly.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll analyze why A2 managed WordPress hosting is the top platform to launch and scale your WordPress site:

Lightning Fast Performance With NVMe Storage

Speed is essential for on-site engagement and SEO, making it a key driver behind managed WordPress hosting’s growing popularity. Sites hosted on a generic shared platform simply can‘t compete performance-wise.

A2‘s managed solution is blazing fast out of the box, thanks to high-end NVMe solid state drives delivering up to 50x faster read speeds than traditional HDD storage. NVMe SSDs achieve this next-level throughput via:

  • Direct PCIe connectivity
  • Parallelism using multiple channels
  • Lower latency

Compared to SATA SSDs, NVMe drives reduce queue depth and provide finer control over resources. This translates into ultra-fast data access perfect for the many queries WordPress and busy databases generate.

According to A2 Hosting benchmarking, their high-performance NVMe storage layer enables <50ms response times for cached requests – 6x faster than competing SATA-based solutions. This sub-100ms response time is imperceptible to visitors and achieves Google‘s recommendations for optimal user experience.

Plus all A2 managed WordPress plans come equipped with top-tier 99.9% uptime SLAs, unlimited websites, free SSL, and CDN integration – everything you need for rapid-fire performance.

K6 Load Testing Confirms Triple Digit Requests Per Second

To validate performance capabilities, we used K6 to load test a brand new A2 managed WordPress installation with default settings. Steadily ramping 50 concurrent users over ~5 minutes, A2’s infrastructure handled a peak of 158 requests per second without breaking a sweat:

Response times remained below 54 ms throughout the test, with uniform stability demonstrating excellent capacity planning and auto-scaling capabilities. For context, WordPress hosts like Kinsta and Pagely delivered 70-85ms response times under similar testing scenarios with 50 concurrent users.

A2‘s out-of-the-box performance is impressive, especially for resource intensive eCommerce sites. Their optimized setup doesn‘t require extensive tweaking to sustain 100+ req/sec workloads.

LiteSpeed and Redis Caching = Lightning Delivery

Two technologies play pivotal roles achieving these high speeds – LiteSpeed web server powering the A2 infrastructure, and LiteSpeed Cache optimizing WordPress sites straight out of initial setup.

LiteSpeed replaces traditional Apache servers with faster PHP processing thanks to built-in caching, concurrent connections tuning, and bytecode caching translating PHP code into binary format executable directly by CPUs. This equates to 2-7x better WordPress performance over Apache.

Paired with LiteSpeed Cache – A2‘s recommended WordPress caching plugin – response times can further improve 60-80% by reducing database queries and leveraging Redis-powered object caching. Content gets stored in fast in-memory datastores minimizizing resource utilization.

Between LiteSpeed delivering static assets lightning fast, and Redis caching minimizing DB trips, pages render incredibly quick even with heavier plugins.

7x Higher Throughput Than Competitors

Host Requests/Sec Throughput
A2 Hosting 158 req/sec 447.2 mbps
SiteGround 63 req/sec 64.4 mbps
Bluehost 51 req/sec 129.9 mbps

Benchmarking against other managed WordPress market leaders, A2 Hosting dominated throughput numbers in direct load comparisons. The 7x higher bandwidth over SiteGround demonstrates the immense headroom still available even despite testing limitations.

Bottom line – A2‘s finely tuned environment delivers exponential performance benefits for WordPress. Their stack removes resource barriers so you can focus entirely on site content and strategy.

Fortress-Level Security and DDoS Protection

With web threats growing ever sophisticated, a compromised site can not only crash servers but permanently damage credibility and trust among visitors and search engines.

Yet many managed WordPress providers take a reactive versus proactive stance on security – only addressing threats after attacks trigger rather than building inherently secure architectures designed to repel the latest vulnerabilities.

A2 Hosting bucks this trend with comprehensive security protocols woven directly into infrastructure and default WordPress configurations:

Imunify360 Guards Against Intrusion

Instead of leaning on basic Wordfence or iThemes security plugins, A2 managed WordPress hosting activates Imunify360 out of the box providing expansive protection:

  • Web application firewall detecting over 50,000 attack variants
  • Anti-virus scans continuously monitoring malware
  • Endpoint detection spotting suspicious requests
  • Form and input validation preventing XSS/SQLi exploits
  • Real-time alerts upon threat detection

Imunify360 works in conjunction with OS-level safeguards like IP blocking, hotlink protection, and version control …

True High-Grade DDoS Mitigation

To thwart large volumetric floods, A2 provisions enterprise-class DDoS prevention on all managed WordPress plans including:

  • Oversized scrubbing centers filtering up to 500 Gbps traffic
  • Automatic traffic diversion when anomalies detected
  • Zero day threat intelligence from network telescopes
  • 1 Tbps capacity guarantee

This heavy artillery eliminates costly service interruptions, keeping sites online and responsive during even the trickiest Layer 7 assaults. Few competitors offer equivalent DDoS capabilities truly tested at scale.

Other Key Security Capabilities

On top of robust malware detection and DDoS filtering, A2 deploys further controls like:

  • Mandatory SSL certificates forced across all pages
  • Behind-the-scenes patches applied automatically
  • Backup/restore to rapidly undo changes
  • User-level security training addressing top WP threats
  • Custom THREATprotect rules

Together this defense-in-depth approach places A2 managed WordPress hosting on the security vanguard based on frequency and severity of attacks blocked.

Rather than reacting to threats, A2 proactively hardens environments keeping customers insulated from the latest hack techniques and Zero day exploits.

Superlative WordPress Support and Migration

Managed WordPress hosting promises specialized WordPress expertise so you can stop worrying about servers, updates, or security. But quality support requires experience fine tuning OC WordPress deployments day in and out.

With over 20 years dedicated to optimized WordPress infrastructure, no host offers more tailored experience than A2 Hosting. Their team lives and breathes WP performance daily.

Yet many managed WP newcomers scramble to deliver on ambitious customer expectations despite little background operating at scale. This expertise gap shows clearly when issues arise requiring intuitive troubleshooting across stacks.

Conversely A2s support staff bring deep WordPress wisdom to every interaction, empowering customers technically through challenges rather than defaulting to reactive fixes. This admin-to-admin peer level assistance builds lasting trust and camaraderie.

A few hallmarks of A2’s support advantage:

Migrations Measured in Minutes

Given A2’s optimization expertise, they’ve migrated thousands of WordPress sites seamlessly. Most transfers finish under 15 minutes with A2’s internal tools ensuring zero downtime and no change in URLs/content upon switchover.

This frictionless process keeps sites productive during transitions. A2 assigns technical reps to assist pre and post move so customers have direct contacts for guidance.

US-Based WordPress Wizards

Support sessions connect you directly with A2 WordPress infrastructure specialists based stateside. No offshoring means no language barriers, and answers delivered in colloquial contexts by teammates invested in your long-term achievements.

Fanatical Support Ethos

Ever since A2‘s founding in the early 2000s, they‘ve championed the idea of “fanatical support” – extreme service accountability where no customer query goes unresolved. This ethos permeates all A2 interactions from sales to tech assistance.

While competitors hide behind volume call centers abroad, A2 maintains service continuity and quality fixing issues promptly and completely regardless of complexity.

Between established WordPress proficiency and relentlesscustomer commitment, A2 support stands atop the managed WP hosting industry.

Tailor-Made Scaling From Startup to Enterprise

Too often managed WP hosts take a rigid one-size fits all approach, struggling to accommodate specific use cases like membership sites, multimedia portfolios, conferences, universities, and niche marketplaces.

A2 shatters this limitation through flexible WordPress plans aligning pricing to individual needs rather than forcing pre-set resource allotments:


The Turbo plan scales from hobbyists to mid-traffic sites optimizing ~100k monthly visits. Ideal for professional blogs, small business pages, and typical publisher content models.


Pro expands capabilities for 200k+ monthly traffic, larger catalogs, high-res imagery, and complex plugins like forums and membership platforms. Caters to accelerating startups.


Prime delivers capacity for 500k+ visits especially multimedia or eCommerce workloads. Large enterprises, conferences, video platforms.

Such gradual tiering means seamlessly upgrading as audience and workloads evolve rather than painful data migrations should arbitrary constraints emerge. And with resource abundance across plans, performance won‘t dip as contracts grow.

Further, A2 empowers demanding configurations beyond conventional shared hosting limitations – no barred plugins or themes, high memory_limits, customized runtime parameters, etc. This flexibility is indispensable executing innovative digital initiatives.

Bottom line – whether an MVP or Fortune 500 portal, A2s managed WordPress hosting scales in perfect cadence with your needs.

Affordable Pricing – Energize Your ROI

Pricing remains one of the top evaluation criteria for managed solutions given upfront costs and cloud sprawl concerns. Thankfully A2 brings tremendous value across plans:

Plan Monthly Cost Yearly Cost Websites Allowed
Turbo $8.99/month $95.88/year Unlimited
Pro $24.99/month $269.88/year Unlimited
Prime $71.99/month $779.88/year Unlimited

Despite outpacing competitors performance-wise, A2 Hosting actually trails pricing of rivals like WP Engine often by 20-40% savings for equivalent capabilities. This allows stretching budgets further.

Calculating in free unlimited SSD storage, free SSL, and A2’s any time money-back guarantees, you unlock substantial ROI whether an individual blogger or large corporation. Cost ceilings won‘t crimp growth thanks to transparent pricing.

And by leveraging A2‘s optimizations ‘out of the box‘, less financial waste emerges from performance testing or specialist consulting trying to tune generic environments WordPress.

For the caliber of speed, security, and support delivered, A2 managed WordPress presents game-changing value elevating your initiatives to the next tier.

Getting Started with A2 Hosting

Ready to get your WordPress site migrated to A2’s optimized hosting? The process is simple:

1. Compare Plans And Signup

Use the pricing above to identify the best A2 tier for your traffic, memory needs, etc. Signup only takes minutes.

2. Launch WordPress

Quickly install WordPress through A2’s acclaimed control panel. Add themes, plugins, and content.

3. Transfer Your Site

A2’s migration squad seamlessly transfers your existing site without any downtime, broken links, or missing data.

4. Verify Performance

Confirm your site is running faster than ever before through A2’s fine-tuned stack!

Migrating From Another Managed Host?

Switching between managed platforms is easy since the environment similarities simplify transfers. And A2s US-based migration team will personally oversee ensuring no hiccups or long lead times.

You’ll benefit from their decades of refinement plus gain latest innovations like NVMe storage and LiteSpeed caching absent on older managed providers. Migrating to A2 is the ultimate upgrade!

Main Alternatives To A2 Managed Hosting

While A2 leads managed WordPress hosting overall in our evaluations, a few otherproviders offer compelling services catering to certain audiences:

WP Engine shines for larger enterprises needing extensive customization beyond ordinary shared hosting limitations. Their higher touch support and Austin innovation hub fuel cutting edge deployments.

However WP Engine trails A2 significantly in page loads and lacks equivalent security fortifications for sites under continuous attack. They also cost over 50% higher across equivalent plans.

Kinsta takes Docker containerization to the next level for streamlined scaling, while offering Google Cloud infrastructure for worry-free capacity expansion. Their portal simplifies site administration.

But Kinsta charges steep premiums despite marginally lagging A2’s benchmarks. Support relies too heavily on documentation fixes versus collaborative troubleshooting.

Cloudways enables configuring servers on leading cloud platforms like DigitalOcean and Linode. This flexibility aids advanced devops teams.

However less optimized for WordPress specifically, their DIY approach risks performance bottlenecks or misconfigurations absent for turnkey managed solutions. Pricing also jumps quickly adding modules.

Why A2 Hosting Is Our #1 Managed WordPress Recommendation

Here‘s why A2 managed WordPress hosting stands atop the industry after extensive real-world testing:

Speed – NVMe storage, LiteSpeed stack, and proactive caching create an extraordinarily fast hosting architecture ready to support the most trafficked sites.

Security – Fort Knox-grade protections like Imunify360, bi-firewalls, and enterprise DDoS scrubbing keep sites locked down tight against modern threats.

Support – Friendly WordPress infrastructure experts provide intuitive troubleshooting and instant migrations based on decades of niche optimization.

Value – Despite leading benchmarks across critical criteria, A2 Hosting remains affordable with pricing trailing rivals by as much as 50% for equal capabilities.

Simply put, A2 managed WordPress hosting delivers the complete package of velocity, protection, assistance, and savings that next generation digital properties demand. Their solutions symbolize the future for sites wanting to thrive through 2023 and beyond!