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How to Sell on TEMU? A Step By Step Guide [2024]

How to Sell on TEMU? TEMU is a fast-growing e-commerce marketplace launched in 2022 that connects buyers and sellers. It aims to provide quality goods at ultra-low prices to consumers.

With its easy-to-use platform, affordable seller fees, and huge customer base, TEMU presents an excellent opportunity for sellers looking to scale their business. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to start selling successfully on TEMU in 2024.

Key Benefits of Selling on TEMU

Here are some of the major benefits of selling on TEMU:

  • Low selling fees – TEMU charges only $1 per item sold as their referral fee. This is way less than the 10-15% fees on platforms like Amazon or eBay.
  • Buyer trust – Backed by Nasdaq-listed PDD Group, TEMU already has over 600 million registered users. This existing user base translates into instant sales potential for sellers.
  • Minimal risks – You don’t need to commit to any monthly fees or subscriptions. The pay-as-you-go model allows you to test TEMU without much financial risk.
  • High visibility – TEMU’s search algorithm and category rankings make it easy for interested buyers to discover your listings.
  • Top-rated support: TEMU provides 24/7 chat, email and phone support to sellers in multiple languages.

Step-By-Step Selling Guide on TEMU

Follow this step-by-step process to start selling successfully on TEMU:

1. Sign Up for a TEMU Seller Account

The first step is to sign up for a free TEMU seller account. You can register as an individual or business seller on TEMU’s website.

Provide accurate personal and business information during signup. This is required for identity verification and tax purposes later on.

2. Choose the Right TEMU Seller Account Type

TEMU offers 3 account types for sellers:

  • Individual Seller Account: Best for small-scale sellers who sell less than 50 orders per month.
  • Professional Seller Account: Ideal for large sellers fulfilling over 50 orders per month. Gives higher sales volume limits.
  • Shop Account: Used to create an online storefront on TEMU. Most suitable for established sellers with 50+ products.

Select the account type that best meets your selling requirements. You can always upgrade your account later.

3. Complete Seller Profile and ID Verification

Filling out all details in your seller profile signals to buyers that you are credible and professional merchant.

Critical elements in your seller profile are:

  • Profile picture
  • Detailed seller description
  • Comprehensive return and refund policies
  • Shipping and processing timelines
  • Complete business information

You also need to go through TEMU’s ID verification process. Submit government-issued ID proof like driving license as per the instructions.

ID verification builds trust and gives your profile a “Verified Seller” tag. This helps boost sales.

4. List Your Products

Research Profitable Products

Conduct product research to shortlist items likely to sell well on TEMU.

Refer to TEMU’s top product rankings in different categories to find bestsellers. Check competitors and pricing for these goods.

Target less competitive segments with higher profit margins.

Create Quality Listings

Creating professional product listings is vital for conversion. Include:

  • Descriptive titles
  • Detailed descriptions covering features, specifications, uses etc.
  • High-quality images showing the product from different angles
  • Competitive pricing in line with market rates
  • Inventory count reflecting current stock levels

Provide complete and transparent information in listings. This minimises return requests from dissatisfied buyers.

Category and Option Selection

Categorise your products appropriately so interested buyers can locate them easily on TEMU.

Make use of item options like color, size etc. to list product variants.

Following TEMU’s standards in product listings is important to get your products live quickly.

5. Manage Orders and Fulfilment

As sales start picking up, you need to stay on top of order and inventory management.

Processing Orders

  • New orders need prompt processing to prevent cancellations. Check order details carefully while processing.
  • Communicate order status updates, shipping timelines etc. proactively to buyers.

Inventory Updates

  • Closely track inventory to avoid overselling out-of-stock items. Update listings whenever stock levels change.
  • Replenish inventory well in time to meet customer demand. This avoids losses from unfulfilled orders.

Timely Despatch and Shipping

  • Despatch products as early as possible once payment is received from TEMU.
  • Keep buyers informed if any order delivery may be delayed due to low stock or logistics issues.

6. Manage Returns and Refunds

  • Despite best efforts, some customers inevitably return purchases or ask for refunds.
  • TEMU’s return policies protect buyer interests, so sellers must comply with them.
  • Accept returns gracefully and process refunds promptly after receiving returned orders.
  • Replying politely to customer concerns also helps.

7. Market Your Store and Products

Creating amazing product listings is only the first step. You also need to market your TEMU store effectively to drive traffic and sales.

Store Decor

Make your TEMU store visually appealing andreflect your brand image using:

  • Eye-catching banners
  • Well-designed layout
  • Consistent branding elements
  • Promotional signage

Off-Site Marketing

Employ marketing strategies like SEO, email marketing, social media engagement and influencer campaigns to promote your store and products outside TEMU.

Offer periodic coupons, deals and content upgrades to incentivise new customer signups.

8. Manage Customer Reviews

  • Product reviews and seller ratings visibly signal your reputation to prospective shoppers.
  • Deliver 5-star service right from listing accuracy to after-sales support to get glowing reviews.
  • Respond professionally to any negative reviews. Feedback helps improve product quality and business practices.
  • With higher average ratings, TEMU starts prominently featuring your listings to drive organic traffic.

9. Analyse Key Metrics

Leverage TEMU’s Seller Center reports to track key performance metrics.

Crucial metrics to monitor regularly are:

  • Sales volumes
  • Revenue
  • Traffic sources
  • Bestselling items
  • Customer reviews
  • Return rates

Analytics-driven insights help optimise conversions, maximise profits and scale overall business growth.

TEMU Seller Policy Compliance

As a marketplace facilitator, TEMU enforces certain seller policies for quality control and risk management.

Strictly abide by TEMU’s guidelines across areas like:

  • Payment collection
  • Prohibited items
  • Counterfeit goods
  • Price manipulation
  • IP rights violations
  • Fictitious transactions
  • Unethical sales practices

Any non-compliance complaints can lead to penalties or even permanent account suspension in severe cases.

Maintain high selling standards outlined in TEMU’s policies to operate safely as a seller.

Offering Excellent Customer Service

Providing exceptional before- and after-sales customer serviceshould be every TEMU seller’s priority.

This increases repeast purchase likelihood and also earns you reputation boosting reviews.

Essential aspects of good customer service are:

Quick Response Time

Address buyer queries promptly via messages, emails or calls showing you value their business.

Meeting promised shipping timelines also demonstrates responsiveness.

Problem Resolution

Handle returns or complaints amicably by listening to customer concerns patiently.

Offer replacements or refunds per your policies to turn dissatisfied buyers into loyal advocates.

Regular Communication

Update customers proactively on order processing statuses rather than waiting for them to ask.

Seeking feedback, conveying policy changes etc. further reinforce communication.

Delighting customers with small gestures like thank you notes or free gifts helps cement lasting positive impressions.

By mastering the art of selling with effective customer support, you can build a lucrative business on TEMU.


I hope this comprehensive guide covered everything you need to start selling successfully on TEMU marketplace.

The key highlights are:

  • Choosing the right seller account type
  • Setting up your seller profile completely
  • Listing quality products after thorough research
  • Managing orders, shipping and inventory efficiently
  • Handling returns and reviews effectively
  • Marketing your store by various methods
  • Analyzing sales reports for business growth
  • Ensuring strict policy compliance
  • Offering exceptional customer service

Selling on TEMU provides a lucrative model to reach millions of buyers. By implementing these step-by-step best practices, you can streamline your operations for sales, profits and sustainable ecommerce success!

FAQs about selling on TEMU:

Here are some commonly asked FAQs about selling on TEMU:

What are the fees for selling on TEMU?

TEMU charges a referral fee of only $1 per item sold. There are no monthly subscriptions or hidden fees.

What can I sell on TEMU?

You can sell most products on TEMU except banned categories like weapons, illegal drugs etc. TEMU has over 25 major home, fashion and electronics categories to choose from.

Do I need a business license to sell on TEMU?

You don’t require a business license if you register as an individual seller. But having an LLC or trade license helps in identity verification.

How do I get paid for my TEMU sales?

TEMU directly credits earnings to your registered bank account every week if the balance exceeds $10.

Can I integrate my Shopify/WooCommerce store with TEMU?

Yes, TEMU allows listing your online store products on its marketplace via channel integration in just a few clicks.

How much inventory should I stock before listing on TEMU?

Aim for at least 50-100 units of a product before listing it on TEMU for good sales velocity. Maintain 8 weeks of cover at all times.

What image formats does TEMU support?

You can upload product images in common formats like JPG, PNG and GIF. The recommended image size is 1000×1000 pixels.

What is TEMU return policy?

Buyers can return most new unused products within 7 days of receiving their order. As a seller, you must accept valid returns.